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“I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”


You should top up on daily prayers and do extra fasting lah, always parroting behind bang loofy.

For the cause of allah in palestine, are you willing to send your grand daughters and grand nieces (> 9 year old and already reached puberty) to palestine to support the freedom fighters as SEX maids?? At least, you should take in some palestinians to your HDB.

True. You and Johntan always parroting each other.

You shld go to gaza and support the zionist. But wait. You christian also consider idol worshipper in the eyes of Jews. Your ass will be blown to pieces. Lol!


True. You and Johntan always parroting each other.

You shld go to gaza and support the zionist. But wait. You christian also consider idol worshipper in the eyes of Jews. Your ass will be blown to pieces. Lol!

You are ah peh but talking like a small anak.

The israel is strong enough, they don't need any external help, they could have already wipe out Gaza after being attacked by hamas.

Muslims see idol worshipping as worst than eating pork, muslims are known as extremists. What harm have idol worshippers done to the world?


Audio recording sounds like the son very proud of his murderous achievements, seeking approved from the dad. All the dad can say is the politically correct "Allah Akbar", because there is nothing more to say.


he sent to his dad.

There is possibility as you raised, but cctv cameras, body cameras and vehicle dashboard cameras were shown to the foreign journalists in Tel Aviv. You think journalists are not trained to be investigative, think critically and evidence based?
Still I haven't seen any.
Reporters are human too.
There's this thing called fatigue. They don't trust the Zionist narrative anymore after being continuously lied to.
RICH is a SIN....Poor is a sinner
Jews get rich by going against what is clearly forbidden in the commandments.
Their traits never change. Usurious. Greedy. Opportunistically preying on the poor.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You're really gullible aren't you?

Let poke holes into this hasbara propaganda production.

1. Gaza may be poor but everyone has a handphone, including this freedom fighter.

2. He had to use his victim's phone! Of all the horrors, he knows how to unlock his victim's phone!!! He is a genius!

3. He called his dad to gloat! But in his ecstasy, he did not take any pics of his dead victims to make his dad even prouder. Nor did he took videos for street cred?

4. Not even IDF have pics.

5. Now where else have IDF used phone conversations for their production?
Ah....the AlAhli hospital bombing where Palestinian freedom fighters were taped in horror they bombed the hospital.

Tell hasbara, try harder.

So your main point is that the 7 Oct 2023 atrocities committed by hamas don't exist? All movies and fiction and stuff like that?

That's strange. On 7 Oct 2023, I'm quite certain I saw enough videos of moslems all over the world celebrating those same massacres and atrocities. Now, those moslems and their supporters are denying the same videos.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Still I haven't seen any.
Reporters are human too.
There's this thing called fatigue. They don't trust the Zionist narrative anymore after being continuously lied to.

You didn't see any doesn't mean it didn't happen. You're not the arbiter of right and wrong.

You have the mistaken impression that you need to be convinced before an event can be true.


So your main point is that the 7 Oct 2023 atrocities committed by hamas don't exist? All movies and fiction and stuff like that?

That's strange. On 7 Oct 2023, I'm quite certain I saw enough videos of moslems all over the world celebrating those same massacres and atrocities. Now, those moslems and their supporters are denying the same videos.
Comprehension problem again.

We're discussing this one specific incident. You love conflating like christians don't you.


You didn't see any doesn't mean it didn't happen. You're not the arbiter of right and wrong.

You have the mistaken impression that you need to be convinced before an event can be true.
Of course!!

Unlike you who believes Jesus is god without evidence.


Waiting for your "3 Gods" verses in the Bible.
John 5:7–8
KJV: "7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, ..."

Your bible.
1924 cairo edition quran is not the evidence. No original manuscripts of the first quran exists.
And till today you can't tell us where we can see it, read it, touch it. Only pictures in internet?

Want to show me how many versions of the bible there is and all of them are different?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
John 5:7–8
KJV: "7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, ..."

Your bible.

No "3 Gods". And even your quote said the three are one.

Your quote.

And till today you can't tell us where we can see it, read it, touch it. Only pictures in internet?

You're in denial. We went through this debate before.


Waiting for your "3 Gods" verses in the Bible.

1924 cairo edition quran is not the evidence. No original manuscripts of the first quran exists.
Tiagong, it ish written by Angels so no original version de woh


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tiagong, it ish written by Angels so no original version de woh

Tiagong the first compiler of the quran burnt all the original manuscripts. Today moslems say he burnt the manuscripts for moslems' own good.