Coolie Gene Sinkies easy to dupeThis amount of money enough to dupe the naive Sinkies before General Erection?

Coolie Gene Sinkies easy to dupeThis amount of money enough to dupe the naive Sinkies before General Erection?
With $6.4b surplus, will all ministers receive extra fat bonuses?lol song bo ??
“Overall, I expect to end FY2024 with a surplus of $6.4 billion, or 0.9 per cent of GDP. For FY2025, I expect a similar fiscal position, with a surplus of $6.8 billion, or 0.9 per cent of GDP,” said Mr Wong, who is also Singapore’s Finance Minister.
gibe peanuts to peasants gas how much bonus dey get ??
Yes the same item that is sold online by sg is much more expensive than when is sold in tiong land. They stock up by buying from tiong land and resell to ter nao sinkies.Want to buy non-urgent stuff online always buy from USA or China, never buy from Shitgapore unless is essential items like soap food water vegetables cooking oil fruits
Too bad there are good YouTube example like Loo fellaKnn.
They don't want you to spend money in Malaysia and Johor.
With $6.4b surplus, will all ministers receive extra fat bonuses?
Let's hope so, starting with two GRCs headed by the Ridout snake dwellersKNN
Be grateful that low IQ people like you still get some handouts when in fact you deserve nothing , so dont keep on complaining. Go get a decent job and support yourself.
This is because the lion's share of the pie must be set aside for ministerial pay. They benchmark their wages against the private sector because our politicians believe that their salary framework must be linked to the median income of the top 1,000 earners in S'pore, which includes the highest paid professionals in medicine, finance, law and business. Talk about pure greed!
this $6billion figure for two years tied to another thread, look like his KPI song bo ??
“Overall, I expect to end FY2024 with a surplus of $6.4 billion, or 0.9 per cent of GDP. For FY2025, I expect a similar fiscal position, with a surplus of $6.8 billion, or 0.9 per cent of GDP,” said Mr Wong, who is also Singapore’s Finance Minister.
gibe peanuts to peasants gas how much bonus dey get ??