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All the Hoo Ha On Smoking - Where Will Smokers Light Up


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro, they can never stamped out those illegal ciggies.. Big vessels coming to Spore would usually have countless cartons of ciggarettes.. Custom and Immigration officers present onboard this vessel would not bother to fully check the whole huge vessel unless there's a tip off from someone.. I don't think the Govt will ban cigarettes.. Its has been generating alot of income for them over the years and There would be an outcry from all the smokers here.. I foresee a further increase in ciggarette prices in the coming future..:( Btw the late PAP MP Harun Ghani was also smoker.. He used to go out for lunch with my former GM who was his old buddy... Once accompanied my GM and him to a Nasi Padang stall behind Sultan Mosque.. Barely minutes afte finishing his meal, he straight away lit up a Sampoerna Menthol ciggarette.. That was in 2003 after he retired from politics..

Harun Ghani was a very nice man. He had the respects for the populace that he served and all others. I met him too at a cultural function. He was truly a fine gentlemen. An exception...


Alfrescian (Inf)
There's no such thing as accidentally throwing a cigarette butt to a judge. You should be more careful. Look around before you throw it. No sarcasm meant here. I'm a smoker too since police days. Just advice from experience, as former police and now civilian. Many smokers have the habit of the action of dumping or flicking the butt when no ashtray is nearby. If caught, there's no defence. I've already changed the habit to dropping the butt inconspicuously. If caught I'll just pick it up in a natural motion and say sorry, I dropped it. It'll look natural and credible. Just like, if I drop a piece of paper, are you going to summon me for littering? I'll win the court case even without a lawyer. Your career is stake if you pursue. Not only that, it's also too inconspicious to be easily spotted.
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...even thinking of banning smoking at the HDB common corridors.. That means I can't even have a smoke outside my house...

Smoking at common corridor and staircase do cause disturbance to neighbours. From my family members and personal experience, there are smokers who smoke as far away from their own house as possible and near to neighbours' house at common corridor and staircase.

The smoke gets into others' units and this is not a one-off but daily occurrences and can be as frequent as once every one or two hours for chain smokers. The neighbours have no choice but to shut their windows and bear the stuffiness or on air con for long hours and pay for it.

My suggestion is to smoke within own house but buy an air purifier to clear away the smoke. I know someone who is a heavy smoker who did that.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There's no such thing as accidentally throwing a cigarette butt to a judge. You should be more careful. Look around before you throw it. No sarcasm meant here. I'm a smoker too since police days. Just advice from experience, as former police and now civilian. Many smokers have the habit of the action of dumping or flicking the butt when no ashtray is nearby. If caught, there's no defence. I've already changed the habit to dropping the butt inconspicuously. If caught I'll just pick it up in a natural motion and say sorry, I dropped it. It'll look natural and credible. Just like, if I drop a piece of paper, are you going to summon me for littering? I'll win the court case even without a lawyer. Your career is stake is you pursue. Not only that, it's also too inconspicious to be easily spotted.

Learnt my lesson from that day onwards.. Now whenever I'm at a public area, I would smoke near a rubbish bin for ''safety's sake''..:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Harun Ghani was a very nice man. He had the respects for the populace that he served and all others. I met him too at a cultural function. He was truly a fine gentlemen. An exception...

My ex GM was a Grassroot leader and used to helped out Harun Ghani at his Hong Kah constituency.. During that day he asked me how old am I and told me never ever to meddle with drugs.. Yes agree with you.. He was a friendly man.. That was my first and only personal meeting with him.. If I'm not mistaken he passed away few years later..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why don't u guys get a pocket ashtray :wink: I always carry one . I just don't like the idea that smoker can only smoke outside a building .. If raining then smoke where ? Under the rain ? Stupid PAP !!


If I were the government I would impose a TOTAL BAN on cigarettes just like what the Arabians have done.

Interesting idea. They should also "impose a TOTAL BAN" on casino gambling upon the locals like Monaco has done, but you know Chinese people. Other than smoking and drinking lots like those Japanese midgets most of them just can't live without thinking of money and trying to realize it through such a get-rich-quick fantasy which like a cigarette smoke puff that disappears into the air is no more than just pure stupidity.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Harry Lee and Gang were smokers once upon a time.

During those times i think everyone was a smoker. Sg in those times was just like neighbouring countries.

I do pity the smokers even though i'm not one BUT i do find their 2nd hand smoke really annoying.


Use an e-cigs, healthier and you can smoke anywhere you want. I even smoke in my hospital bed. We are in the 21st century, burning tobacco is no longer acceptable and is a 15th century invention. Saved me a bunch of $$ as well since I switch more then a year ago.





Alfrescian (Inf)
Use an e-cigs, healthier and you can smoke anywhere you want. I even smoke in my hospital bed. We are in the 21st century, burning tobacco is no longer acceptable and is a 15th century invention. Saved me a bunch of $$ as well since I switch more then a year ago.


sex is definitely not allowed in a hospital bed.


Interesting idea. They should also "impose a TOTAL BAN" on casino gambling upon the locals like Monaco has done, but you know Chinese people. Other than smoking and drinking lots like those Japanese midgets most of them just can't live without thinking of money and trying to realize it through such a get-rich-quick fantasy which like a cigarette smoke puff that disappears into the air is no more than just pure stupidity.

I agree on the suggestion of total ban. When inflight, I've caught passengers smoking in toilets before. They came out of toilets smelling like smoking and the whole toilet smelling smokey. I warned them. Some of them act blur, some of them even scolded me and threatened to complain against me.

It's not only smelly, it's dangerous to smoke in the toilet because of the large amount of tissue papers and toilet rolls inside.


Smokers may not realise it or like it or care, but others are affected by cigarette smoke.
Some get really adverse physical reactions, others may merely dislike it.

If smokers all get considerate and only smoke in places or at times where others are not affected by cigarette smoke, there won't need to be any bans or fines. Unfortunately, this will never happen.
My view is that it's none of anyone elses' concern how much people want to smoke per day, as long as the cigarette smoke does not irritate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Windsor, something has gone terribly wrong. It is ultra-vires (against) their powers to check homes for cigarettes.

Who the hell is he to go to your friends house.? Under what authority. Even police officers and Narco guys has no such powers.

Someone in authority MUST accompany them. This is under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Please make a report against him for Criminal Trespass. There is nothing to worry.

This has truly going over-board. Clear case of abuse of authority.

What happens if one day such a check is conducted on a female and the so-called "cigarette detective" ask her to go to a dark spot and conducts a physical check on her?

Case of Outraging of modesty.........Molestation............

Very frightening indeed..... I hope Yaakob Ibrahim is going through my contribution to this page. He better do..........., otherwise I will ask my favourite writer from
Starits Times, Zuraidah Ibrahim to make it into an issue of public interest.

O...the story was 6 years ago. The guy did not realised that without a search warrant, he can refuse to allow the officer to enter the home.


I do not smoke tobacco now. Quit over ten years ago. However, I am not against it. I am pro-choice. You wanna smoke, its up to you.

However, second-hand smoke irritates others, and to some it is even hazardous to their well-being. All I can say is that those who wish to light-up, you have to be considerate to others and find a suitable place to smoke. Non-smokers have rights too.



Alfrescian (InfP) + C
i quit a long time back.

those days i smoked they had

1. Rough Rider
2. Double Ace
3. Matterhorn
4. Navy Cut
6.Du Maurier
7.Lucky Strike
8. Camels
9. Capstan
10.Gold leaf .....Go On Lie Down Lets Enjoy Another Fuck...:p
11. Peter Stuyvesant
12...........please add la old timers.


You can chose when not to get irritated...........just don't inhale:(:mad:

Smokers may not realise it or like it or care, but others are affected by cigarette smoke.
Some get really adverse physical reactions, others may merely dislike it.

If smokers all get considerate and only smoke in places or at times where others are not affected by cigarette smoke, there won't need to be any bans or fines. Unfortunately, this will never happen.
My view is that it's none of anyone elses' concern how much people want to smoke per day, as long as the cigarette smoke does not irritate.