We badly needed you in the first years of this forum. We were fighting religious nutcases on a daily basis. Sam spent his time cleaning these crazies more than anything else until he created a religious folder and even then the problem continued.
HedgeTrader said:应该是忙着办理他老爸身后事吧。
Those are quitters. It's not that they resent the Sinkie way of life and the Sinkie milieu. It's just that they are not strong enough to survive in the country with the highest density of millionaires in the world.
Actually you are right in a certain sense. Anyone with guts and a minimal level of street-savviness can make a living in Singapore. But I would much rather spend my money and retire in JB than in Singapore where quality is low and the price is sky high.
Hey qxd i vaguely recall your nick but always got you mixed up with qxp.
By all means relocate to a country with a lower cost of living. What gets to me are those quitters who whine about how materialistic Sinkieland is and yet the core reason for their emigration is to make/accumulate more $![]()
By all means relocate to a country with a lower cost of living. What gets to me are those quitters who whine about how materialistic Sinkieland is and yet the core reason for their emigration is to make/accumulate more $![]()
qxd is quixote durian while qxp is quixote pisang (bananas). is qxp still in imh?
There is a guy who is graduated in the 70s from Uni of Singapore and very celebral. He moved to Tasmania, grows his own stuff and does his own thing. He and his classmates caught up in a city for a long awaited reunion about 2 years ago. One of the guys who attended and classmate said that he was the hit during the reunion as everyone thought he was in Nirvana.
I also shared the story of a former Head of HR for one of SATS who gave it all up to work in pillow factory so that he could go diving, travelling and keep his VW van etc.
They all have children who went on to graduate and do well.
Its the intangibles that matter. I've many friends from back in school who have emigrated because they found it so much easier to socialise, make friends, set up business, in another country. Even if they had to struggle financially for the first few years. It paid off. Their kids are so much more exposed, well-spoken, without necessarily adopting an ang mo accent. They speak much better and have more initiative than other SG kids 5 years their senior. And they don't necessarily criticize our govt too. They just feel there's more room for personal growth abroad.
I suggest the forum should be made available only by being an SBF member. The viewership of 1000 - 3000 I suspect are lurkers benefiting from the sticky. In this way, the membership of SBF will increase. My 2 cts.
I suggest the forum should be made available only by being an SBF member. The viewership of 1000 - 3000 I suspect are lurkers benefiting from the sticky. In this way, the membership of SBF will increase. My 2 cts.
What's wrong with being a lurker?
Nothing wrong with that. My suggestion is to make these lurkers become members as we want this forum to grow.
This forum has grown because it is very open.
Maybe but lacking contributors.
Why am I not surprised? When favourite passtime here is infighting and insulting LOL
Maybe but lacking contributors. You sure those are not clones?