You'll always find fanatics world wide but wasn't LKY directing his opinions to the local muslims
If he's talking about pakistani, middle eastern,... fanatics, why is he so free to dabble in world affairs![]()
If he's got nothing better else to do he should be putting the spurs on the lazy, non-performing PAP MPs like his son![]()
Just becos he not happy with PAP and US, he want to blow up people? Didn't his religion taught him to be peaceful? Oh, I forgot, Islam is a religion of pieces.
Also, why was he angry with USA? You sure there is nothing to do with his Muslim brothers outside of Singapore? THINK!
But all past and present Malay MPs don't appear affected at all. Their resilence must be applauded!
Not picking on Islam, just stating fact and what is obvious.You will find violence inspired in other religions: Christians, Jews, ...... Just google the crusades, middle east wars, Irish-British sectarian violence.
So why only pick on only Islam![]()
For many years the Malays in Spore have long been criticsed for being lazy, laid back, taking it easy, etc They however take their religion seriously, so LKY should have known better than to shoot off his mouth![]()
Why pretend to care about national social integration when this old man imports FT en mass??
Islam is a very troublesome religion. Lots of blood were shed because of islamic practices.
If I was one of the Malay MPs, past or present, it would sure feel like a big slap on the face and then MM spitting at me. But all past and present Malay MPs don't appear affected at all. Their resilence must be applauded!
If you look at what George Bush did in the middle east, even americans are angry with Bush Jr for invading Iraq for their oil.
You will find violence inspired in other religions: Christians, Jews, ...... Just google the crusades, middle east wars, Irish-British sectarian violence.
So why only pick on only Islam
For many years the Malays in Spore have long been criticsed for being lazy, laid back, taking it easy, etc They however take their religion seriously, so LKY should have known better than to shoot off his mouth![]()