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- Oct 5, 2009
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Strange, Temasek Holdings only wrote to Joseph Ong, who kept insisting that he no longer has anything to do with TR. But TR now voluntarily accede to Temasek Holding's request without being asked to do so!
We refer to the numerous reports in the local main stream media regarding Temasek Holdings “request” for our ”The Temasek Review” to change its name.
We wish to state the following for the record:
1. The ”request for name change” was delivered to one Dr. Joseph Ong who is not a member of our editorial team past or present. He is not in a position to receive any notices or communication on our behalf. Our webform is the only acceptable means of communication with us.
2. We did not receive the said “request” directly from Temasek Holdings. We were only forwarded copies of the said “request” by various journalists from the MSM requesting a follow up. Hence technically speaking, we were not formally informed of the said request.
3. The name “The Temasek Review” is already in use since July 2009 while Temasek Holdings only registered for trademark rights November 9, 2009 in Singapore.
4. Temasek Holdings also registered trademark for the following names at the United States Patent and Trademark Office:
“TEMASEK” and “THE TEMASEK REPORT” respectively in October 3, 2006 and May 11, 2010. The name “THE TEMASEK REVIEW” is NOT registered.
Although we have received information from our confidential sources to the contrary, “conspiracy theories” aside, we are willing to believe that the “concern” expressed by SMD Goh Yong Siang of Temasek Holdings is “geniune”.
5. We note that Temasek Holdings said it had no qualms about the website’s mission.
After delibrating on the matter, our editorial team are agreeable “in principle” to a name change if we can confirm and verify the following from Temasek Holdings ONLY:
1. That Temasek Holdings is genuinely wanting to request for a name change from us for reason(s) stated in the MSM and not just a ploy to discredit and smear Dr. Joseph Ong further, by contacting us DIRECTLY via our webform or through our official email address with a formal “request”.
2. Clarify if Temasek Holdings is claiming exclusive rights to the word “Temasek” around the world and any other name we decide to change to should not have the word “Temasek” in it. Example: Temasek Gossip Corner, Temasek CoffeeShop, Temasek Lounge, Temasek Sweat Shop, etc. We are not asking for “opinion”, we are asking for “confirmation” on their claims to rights. This will help us in choosing a suitable name for our new revamped site.
3. Clarify if Temasek Holdings is taking issue only with our site name or both our site name and domain name and if so is Temasek Holdings intending to acquire it since it is related to their “annual review” or are they merely intending to use underhand means to “rob” it from us.
4. That this is the ONLY issue (name of the site) Temasek Holdings have with us and upon the name change, the issue is resolved with no further emcumbrances whatsoever. If there further issues to list and state them for the record.
Once we have received a formal “request” from Temasek Holdings and satisfactory reply to the above point 2,3 and 4 raised, we will proceed with the name change soonest possible.
Lastly, we wish to clarify our decision with our readers:
1. Our editorial team decided to “acede” to the request of Temasek Holdings not because of “no balls and guts”. It is pointless to venture on this insinuations because we all know better why the sudden interest of the local MSM and TH on our site.
2. We are not interested getting into a legal tussle with Temasek Holdings on our site name and waste precious time and money (ours and Singapore tax payers) which should be put to better use. Additionally, to contest the case even in a fair court in the USA will expose the identity of our editorial team which we are not prepared to do so for the time being.
We believe that whatever name we change our site to, it will not lessen our site’s impact and/or our commitment to our readers. We trust that our readers will continue to support us.
This is the position of our editorial team and our official reply to Temasek Holdings.
We will keep our readers updated on any latest developement.
Thank you.
Amanda Tan
for Temasek Review

We refer to the numerous reports in the local main stream media regarding Temasek Holdings “request” for our ”The Temasek Review” to change its name.
We wish to state the following for the record:
1. The ”request for name change” was delivered to one Dr. Joseph Ong who is not a member of our editorial team past or present. He is not in a position to receive any notices or communication on our behalf. Our webform is the only acceptable means of communication with us.
2. We did not receive the said “request” directly from Temasek Holdings. We were only forwarded copies of the said “request” by various journalists from the MSM requesting a follow up. Hence technically speaking, we were not formally informed of the said request.
3. The name “The Temasek Review” is already in use since July 2009 while Temasek Holdings only registered for trademark rights November 9, 2009 in Singapore.
4. Temasek Holdings also registered trademark for the following names at the United States Patent and Trademark Office:
“TEMASEK” and “THE TEMASEK REPORT” respectively in October 3, 2006 and May 11, 2010. The name “THE TEMASEK REVIEW” is NOT registered.
Although we have received information from our confidential sources to the contrary, “conspiracy theories” aside, we are willing to believe that the “concern” expressed by SMD Goh Yong Siang of Temasek Holdings is “geniune”.
5. We note that Temasek Holdings said it had no qualms about the website’s mission.
After delibrating on the matter, our editorial team are agreeable “in principle” to a name change if we can confirm and verify the following from Temasek Holdings ONLY:
1. That Temasek Holdings is genuinely wanting to request for a name change from us for reason(s) stated in the MSM and not just a ploy to discredit and smear Dr. Joseph Ong further, by contacting us DIRECTLY via our webform or through our official email address with a formal “request”.
2. Clarify if Temasek Holdings is claiming exclusive rights to the word “Temasek” around the world and any other name we decide to change to should not have the word “Temasek” in it. Example: Temasek Gossip Corner, Temasek CoffeeShop, Temasek Lounge, Temasek Sweat Shop, etc. We are not asking for “opinion”, we are asking for “confirmation” on their claims to rights. This will help us in choosing a suitable name for our new revamped site.
3. Clarify if Temasek Holdings is taking issue only with our site name or both our site name and domain name and if so is Temasek Holdings intending to acquire it since it is related to their “annual review” or are they merely intending to use underhand means to “rob” it from us.
4. That this is the ONLY issue (name of the site) Temasek Holdings have with us and upon the name change, the issue is resolved with no further emcumbrances whatsoever. If there further issues to list and state them for the record.
Once we have received a formal “request” from Temasek Holdings and satisfactory reply to the above point 2,3 and 4 raised, we will proceed with the name change soonest possible.
Lastly, we wish to clarify our decision with our readers:
1. Our editorial team decided to “acede” to the request of Temasek Holdings not because of “no balls and guts”. It is pointless to venture on this insinuations because we all know better why the sudden interest of the local MSM and TH on our site.
2. We are not interested getting into a legal tussle with Temasek Holdings on our site name and waste precious time and money (ours and Singapore tax payers) which should be put to better use. Additionally, to contest the case even in a fair court in the USA will expose the identity of our editorial team which we are not prepared to do so for the time being.
We believe that whatever name we change our site to, it will not lessen our site’s impact and/or our commitment to our readers. We trust that our readers will continue to support us.
This is the position of our editorial team and our official reply to Temasek Holdings.
We will keep our readers updated on any latest developement.
Thank you.
Amanda Tan
for Temasek Review