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<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="msghead"><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="msghead" valign="top"><td class="msgF" width="1%" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
</td><td class="msgFname" width="68%" nowrap="nowrap">Spearmint000 (Spearmint888) <nobr></nobr> </td><td class="msgDate" width="30%" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">10:13 pm </td></tr> <tr class="msghead"><td class="msgT" width="1%" align="right" height="20" nowrap="nowrap">To: </td><td class="msgTname" width="68%" nowrap="nowrap">ALL <nobr></nobr></td> <td class="msgNum" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"> (1 of 7) </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" class="msgleft" width="1%"> </td><td class="wintiny" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">30459.1 </td></tr><tr><td height="8">
</td></tr> <tr><td class="msgtxt">How the hell he got his PR? Anyone knows the company, let find out and blast it all over the internet. Typical of them to twist and turn his words.
Alao why its always them? Sentosa grope ladyboys ... hee hee hee ... also them, murder Pinoy gals ...all them.
<table width="560" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3">Boss asks jobseeker to be his special 'designer' girlfriend <!-- TITLE : end--></td> <td><table><tbody><tr> <td colspan="3" height="15">
</td></tr></tbody></table></td><td><!-- Story With Image End -->
</td> <td><table><tbody><tr> <td class="bodytext_10pt" colspan="3"><!-- CONTENT : start --> By Liew Hanqing
HE E-MAILED a prospective employee, asking her to be his 'special designer girlfriend'.
In another e-mail to a group of his employees, he offered himself for 'sex relief'.
Mr Shankar Venkataraman, 45, who owns a publishing firm, sees nothing wrong in sending such e-mails to staff and job applicants.
But the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices disagrees. It has denounced his indecent proposals as 'inappropriate and unacceptable'.
One woman who applied for a job with his company was so outraged by his brazen come-on and subsequent lack of remorse she contacted The New Paper on Sunday.
Mary (not her real name) had applied for a graphic designer position at eShan Publishing in January.................................................................................................
Mr Venkataraman's company employs three women and four men, The New Paper on Sunday understands.
Mary said: 'I spoke to one of his employees, who put me in touch with a female colleague who said she had also received e-mails containing sexual propositions.'
The woman declined to be interviewed as she is still working in the company, but gave The New Paper on Sunday permission to use excerpts of her e-mail correspondence with Mr Venkataraman......................................
We also asked Mr Venkataraman, an Indian national with permanent residency here, if he felt Singaporean women were too conservative.
He did not reply directly to the questions. Instead, he challenged us to publish his e-mails.
He said: 'It's good to note that some seeds I have sown are showing results... How about you publish those e-mails and this e-mail of yours, and I reply through my publication''
When probed further, he said: 'Your questions... show that you have closed your mind in many ways, and your picture is complete.'
...... here is the full story ..........
</td></tr></tbody></table><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
</td><td class="msgFname" width="68%" nowrap="nowrap">Spearmint000 (Spearmint888) <nobr></nobr> </td><td class="msgDate" width="30%" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">10:13 pm </td></tr> <tr class="msghead"><td class="msgT" width="1%" align="right" height="20" nowrap="nowrap">To: </td><td class="msgTname" width="68%" nowrap="nowrap">ALL <nobr></nobr></td> <td class="msgNum" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"> (1 of 7) </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" class="msgleft" width="1%"> </td><td class="wintiny" align="right" nowrap="nowrap">30459.1 </td></tr><tr><td height="8">
</td></tr> <tr><td class="msgtxt">How the hell he got his PR? Anyone knows the company, let find out and blast it all over the internet. Typical of them to twist and turn his words.
Alao why its always them? Sentosa grope ladyboys ... hee hee hee ... also them, murder Pinoy gals ...all them.
<table width="560" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3">Boss asks jobseeker to be his special 'designer' girlfriend <!-- TITLE : end--></td> <td><table><tbody><tr> <td colspan="3" height="15">

</td> <td><table><tbody><tr> <td class="bodytext_10pt" colspan="3"><!-- CONTENT : start --> By Liew Hanqing
HE E-MAILED a prospective employee, asking her to be his 'special designer girlfriend'.
In another e-mail to a group of his employees, he offered himself for 'sex relief'.
Mr Shankar Venkataraman, 45, who owns a publishing firm, sees nothing wrong in sending such e-mails to staff and job applicants.
But the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices disagrees. It has denounced his indecent proposals as 'inappropriate and unacceptable'.
One woman who applied for a job with his company was so outraged by his brazen come-on and subsequent lack of remorse she contacted The New Paper on Sunday.
Mary (not her real name) had applied for a graphic designer position at eShan Publishing in January.................................................................................................
Mr Venkataraman's company employs three women and four men, The New Paper on Sunday understands.
Mary said: 'I spoke to one of his employees, who put me in touch with a female colleague who said she had also received e-mails containing sexual propositions.'
The woman declined to be interviewed as she is still working in the company, but gave The New Paper on Sunday permission to use excerpts of her e-mail correspondence with Mr Venkataraman......................................
We also asked Mr Venkataraman, an Indian national with permanent residency here, if he felt Singaporean women were too conservative.
He did not reply directly to the questions. Instead, he challenged us to publish his e-mails.
He said: 'It's good to note that some seeds I have sown are showing results... How about you publish those e-mails and this e-mail of yours, and I reply through my publication''
When probed further, he said: 'Your questions... show that you have closed your mind in many ways, and your picture is complete.'
...... here is the full story ..........
</td></tr></tbody></table><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">