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美日航母编队联合演习 遭中国侦察船强力围观(图)
美日航母编队联合演习 遭中国侦察船强力围观(图)
6月16日,菲律宾海,航母“里根”完成CORE I阶段训练,主要评估舰员在损管和操船方面的熟练程度,包括火灾、进水、毒气、核化生、指挥重建、群死群伤处置等,以及培训团队的效率。西太平洋海上训练人员负责考核。这是“里根”三次主要训练评估的第一阶段。后面是CORE II和单位级训练评估。
6月15日,圣迭戈,“埃塞克斯”两栖戒备群完成COMPTUEX综合训练演习,第15航母打击群司令部负责组织。两栖戒备群搭载陆战队第15远征队,兵力有两栖攻击舰LHD 2,船坞登陆舰LSD 47,船坞运输舰LPD 23。内容包括人道注意行动,撤侨,海上拦截,反海盗,近距离空中支援,空袭,侦察,两栖登陆。预计今年晚些时候搭载F-35B到中东执勤。
6月13日,康州GROTON,潜艇SSN 719的电气三级军士JohnChristenson,正在把废旧文件切丝销毁。
6月15日,医院船T-AH 19离开横须贺,继续“太平洋伙伴2018”人道主义演习。远处可以看到LCC 19蓝岭、一艘伯克、一艘提康在港,远处船坞里应该是被撞的另一艘伯克在修理。
6月14日,华盛顿州Bangor,海军西北部军乐团,一级乐器文艺军士Chris Hodges执行退役国旗焚烧仪式。这是美军处理破旧国旗的惯例。
6月7日,冲绳,陆战队第31远征队5团2营C连,在Hansen基地进行丛林实弹射击训练。白光瞄,多功能枪灯和指示器是标配啊,弹夹也换了合成材料的。(作者署名: 默虹美海军学习小站 )
U.S.-Japan aircraft carrier formation joint exercise was strongly watched by Chinese reconnaissance ships (Figure)
U.S.-Japan aircraft carrier formation joint exercise was strongly watched by Chinese reconnaissance ships (Figure)
On the 15th of June, the Philippine Sea participated in a photo-taking exercise by the US-Japan-Malabar 2018 warships. It was surrounded by the 855 electronic reconnaissance ship of the People's Liberation Army and was surrounded with the US-Japan aircraft carrier formation.
On June 16th, in the Philippines, the aircraft carrier Reagan completed the CORE I phase training, mainly assessing the crew's proficiency in damage control and handling, including fire, water intake, poisonous gas, nuclear warfare, command reconstruction, and group death. Injury disposal, etc., and the efficiency of the training team. West Pacific maritime trainers are responsible for assessment. This is the first stage of the three major training evaluations of Reagan. Followed by CORE II and unit level training assessment.
On June 15th, San Diego, the "Essex" amphibious alert group completed the COMPTUEX comprehensive training exercise, and the 15th Aircraft Carrier Combat Headquarters Command organized the organization. The amphibious alert group carried the 15th Marines expeditionary force with amphibious assault ship LHD 2, shipyard landing ship LSD 47, and dock transport ship LPD 23. The content includes humanitarian attention, evacuation, maritime interception, anti-piracy, close air support, air raids, reconnaissance, and amphibious landing. It is expected that the F-35B will be on duty in the Middle East later this year.
On June 13th, John Gristonson of the submarine SSN 719 of GROTON, Connecticut, was destroying scrapped documents.
On June 15, the hospital ship T-AH 19 left Yokosuka and continued the "Pacific Partner 2018" humanitarian exercise. In the distance, you can see the LCC 19 Blue Ridge, a Burke, and a Tikkon in Hong Kong. In the far dock, Burke is in the middle of another repair.
June 16, the Gulf of Thailand, the United States and Thailand CARAT2018 exercise. This is an annual bilateral exercise conducted by the United States and Southeast Asian countries to show their strength, draw them up, and exert influence. You see how comfortable Thai soldiers are on the US P-8A.
On June 14th, in Bangor, Washington, the North West Army Orchestra of the Navy, Chris Hodges, a literary literary arts officer, performed the retired flag burning ceremony. This is the practice used by the U.S. military to deal with worn-out national flags.
On June 7, Okinawa, the Marine Corps 31st Expedition 5 regiments and 2 battalion C companies, conducted jungle live fire training at the Hansen base. The white light sighting, multi-purpose gun light and indicator are standard, and the clips are also replaced with synthetic materials. (Author's signature: Mei Hongmei Naval Learning Station)
美日航母编队联合演习 遭中国侦察船强力围观(图)
美日航母编队联合演习 遭中国侦察船强力围观(图)


6月16日,菲律宾海,航母“里根”完成CORE I阶段训练,主要评估舰员在损管和操船方面的熟练程度,包括火灾、进水、毒气、核化生、指挥重建、群死群伤处置等,以及培训团队的效率。西太平洋海上训练人员负责考核。这是“里根”三次主要训练评估的第一阶段。后面是CORE II和单位级训练评估。

6月15日,圣迭戈,“埃塞克斯”两栖戒备群完成COMPTUEX综合训练演习,第15航母打击群司令部负责组织。两栖戒备群搭载陆战队第15远征队,兵力有两栖攻击舰LHD 2,船坞登陆舰LSD 47,船坞运输舰LPD 23。内容包括人道注意行动,撤侨,海上拦截,反海盗,近距离空中支援,空袭,侦察,两栖登陆。预计今年晚些时候搭载F-35B到中东执勤。

6月13日,康州GROTON,潜艇SSN 719的电气三级军士JohnChristenson,正在把废旧文件切丝销毁。

6月15日,医院船T-AH 19离开横须贺,继续“太平洋伙伴2018”人道主义演习。远处可以看到LCC 19蓝岭、一艘伯克、一艘提康在港,远处船坞里应该是被撞的另一艘伯克在修理。


6月14日,华盛顿州Bangor,海军西北部军乐团,一级乐器文艺军士Chris Hodges执行退役国旗焚烧仪式。这是美军处理破旧国旗的惯例。

6月7日,冲绳,陆战队第31远征队5团2营C连,在Hansen基地进行丛林实弹射击训练。白光瞄,多功能枪灯和指示器是标配啊,弹夹也换了合成材料的。(作者署名: 默虹美海军学习小站 )
U.S.-Japan aircraft carrier formation joint exercise was strongly watched by Chinese reconnaissance ships (Figure)
U.S.-Japan aircraft carrier formation joint exercise was strongly watched by Chinese reconnaissance ships (Figure)
On the 15th of June, the Philippine Sea participated in a photo-taking exercise by the US-Japan-Malabar 2018 warships. It was surrounded by the 855 electronic reconnaissance ship of the People's Liberation Army and was surrounded with the US-Japan aircraft carrier formation.
On June 16th, in the Philippines, the aircraft carrier Reagan completed the CORE I phase training, mainly assessing the crew's proficiency in damage control and handling, including fire, water intake, poisonous gas, nuclear warfare, command reconstruction, and group death. Injury disposal, etc., and the efficiency of the training team. West Pacific maritime trainers are responsible for assessment. This is the first stage of the three major training evaluations of Reagan. Followed by CORE II and unit level training assessment.
On June 15th, San Diego, the "Essex" amphibious alert group completed the COMPTUEX comprehensive training exercise, and the 15th Aircraft Carrier Combat Headquarters Command organized the organization. The amphibious alert group carried the 15th Marines expeditionary force with amphibious assault ship LHD 2, shipyard landing ship LSD 47, and dock transport ship LPD 23. The content includes humanitarian attention, evacuation, maritime interception, anti-piracy, close air support, air raids, reconnaissance, and amphibious landing. It is expected that the F-35B will be on duty in the Middle East later this year.
On June 13th, John Gristonson of the submarine SSN 719 of GROTON, Connecticut, was destroying scrapped documents.
On June 15, the hospital ship T-AH 19 left Yokosuka and continued the "Pacific Partner 2018" humanitarian exercise. In the distance, you can see the LCC 19 Blue Ridge, a Burke, and a Tikkon in Hong Kong. In the far dock, Burke is in the middle of another repair.
June 16, the Gulf of Thailand, the United States and Thailand CARAT2018 exercise. This is an annual bilateral exercise conducted by the United States and Southeast Asian countries to show their strength, draw them up, and exert influence. You see how comfortable Thai soldiers are on the US P-8A.
On June 14th, in Bangor, Washington, the North West Army Orchestra of the Navy, Chris Hodges, a literary literary arts officer, performed the retired flag burning ceremony. This is the practice used by the U.S. military to deal with worn-out national flags.
On June 7, Okinawa, the Marine Corps 31st Expedition 5 regiments and 2 battalion C companies, conducted jungle live fire training at the Hansen base. The white light sighting, multi-purpose gun light and indicator are standard, and the clips are also replaced with synthetic materials. (Author's signature: Mei Hongmei Naval Learning Station)