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Serious Lee Wei Ling & Lee Hsien Yang condemns Lee Hsien Loong


He was not an invalid. It was not terminal. He continued to work shortly after his treatment and during her recovery. Most people at that level do despite their condition to keep themselves occupied.

You obviously did not get why the younger was pulled into the establishment orbit. Work that out and the link to the elder bother handling Singtel.

Stop twisting and turning like a fucking snake. I ask you very simply to explain your misinformation. U said LHL handled the privatization and IPO of Singtel right from the start. I ask you how this was possible since he was under treatment for cancer and recovering from it after significant weight loss. He was so unable to perform his duties he gave up his MTI portfolio, why would he concern himself with a little IPO which Temasek probbaly got Goldman Sachs to do. Then I asked you whether you meant LHY. But then again, I shot you down because LHY did not join SIngtel until after the IPO, so unlikely he was involved in it. You come back to me with "a lot is not known", "Rajiv Gandhi" and 2nd Issue. what is 2nd Issue, I never even mention F & N? So, just answer my question. How is it possible that either LHL or LHY had any leadership role in the IPO of Singtel?


Lhy main motive stir big shit of 38OR is to cut links w lhl.

Singapore has a weak leader PM and expect more troubles coming from him domestic and international.

Lhy want nothing to do w him run road early.

Smart ass.


Yours sincerely, LHY.

Statement by LHY:

Since the episode involving my parents’ house became publicised, my sister, Wei Ling and I have taken to social media to reach the people of Singapore. We have no other access.

Please let me step back and introduce myself, so that Singaporeans know where I am coming from.I am the youngest child of Lee Kuan Yew. I have an elder brother Hsien Loong, and an elder sister Wei Ling.I am a private individual who has always avoided public attention. I am not a politician, and I have never desired to be a one.
When I reach out to Singaporeans, please bear in mind that I am a novice. I have neither brigades of staff nor teams to back me up. Indeed, until this episode occurred, I had never posted on Facebook. As such, I ask for your patience - I am only a man working to honour his father’s wishes.

Why Many have asked me why Wei Ling and I have felt compelled to bring these issues before the people of Singapore. They ask why I have made public a huge national controversy. The answer is that we were pushed by Hsien Loong’s secret cabinet committee.

Growing up in Lee Kuan Yew’s family was a unique experience. My father, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, was a powerful and influential man. My mother too, though she avoided the public eye, was herself a very principled woman. For all these privileges afforded by my parents, they always taught us to act with integrity and to always do the right thing. This was an inviolable value of theirs.

When my father died, the issue of carrying out both my parent’s wishes for their house came up. Our father firmly believed that demolition of his house was the right thing for Singapore. He believed Singapore needed to focus on her future and not on monuments.

My father named my sister and I his executors, and with it came his expectation and trust that we ensure his wishes are honoured. Unfortunately, our brother, Hsien Loong, and his wife Ho Ching, have in private vehemently opposed demolition.

As we sought to remind the people of Singapore of our father’s last wish, we encountered opposition every step of the way. It became clear that we faced a vast and coordinated effort by Hsien Loong against us. He did not want our father’s wishes remembered or carried out; he wished to rewrite history to claim that Lee Kuan Yew “accepted” t he preservation of his house.

Hsien Loong was ready to use his power and influence to thwart our father’s wishes, to meet Hsien Loong’s and Ho Ching’s personal political agenda.At that point, I could have said to myself, “This is too big for me. This political world is not my world. I could just let events take their course.This is not worth it.”

It would have been easy to keep my head down -- why risk public outcry, suffer campaigns of character assassination, or even exile? But doing the right thing is rarely easy.I am not a perfect human being. But I do my best to act with the honour and integrity expected of me by my parents. Their view on demolition of their house was unwavering. I know what they wanted, and as executors of our father’s will, my sister and I have a legal duty to carry out his wishes, instead of allowing them to be perverted by sophistry and machinations.

It was a difficult decision, but we were pushed into a corner. We have to stand up and fight for our parents even if it means bringing things into the public sphere as a last resort.My GoalSince these events became public, many reached out to me. Some have scolded me for disrupting the status quo. Others have offered words of encouragement and support. But both groups often ponder what I hope to achieve through all this.I am just a son trying to honour my father's final wish: to demolish my father's house immediately when my sister, Wei Ling, no longer lives there.

In the meantime, to ensure her the unfettered right to live in the only home she knows as long as she should wish. Ling, being unmarried and without children of her own, stayed there with Papa and helped look after him in his final years. It was our father's wish that she should be permitted to stay in the original house for as long as she wanted.

It has been insinuated that I seek to redevelop the Oxley road house into a condominium for financial profit after buying it at 150% market price. Beyond zero certainty on timing and the ability to demolish, this requires both rezoning by the URA and cooperation with the neighbors. I have no inclination to seek either of these.
Preservation of the house would be trampling on Lee Kuan Yew’s values, and it would be an affront to these same values to develop a luxury "LKY" condominium. The price I paid for the house was simply a price I paid to help ensure my father's wishes are honoured.Wei Ling may live in Oxley Road for decades to come.

I simply hope to ensure our father's wishes are honoured when the day comes. Since I cannot predict the timing or whether the government will even permit us to demolish the house, it is impossible to plan beyond that point. We suggested options such as demolishing the house and planting a memorial garden, but Hsien Loong has staunchly refused.

Our father, and we too, recognise that the Government has the power to gazette the house -- no man stands above the law after all. We are simply very sad that it is in fact Hsien Loong using powers and instruments of the state to achieve preservation of the house for his personal agenda, whilst pretending to be an honourable son.


Lawyer Lim Tean FB video - can provide link on Youtube ?


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Re: Yours sincerely, LHY.

What the fuss w the hse? Not as if the facade of the hse has traditional appealing worth consider a heritage.

Just ordinary drug trafficker British Empire colonial bangaloo for the middle income class to own a landed property.

Ordinary Angmoh hse for low rank british Empire officers fitting officers in charge of opium dens throughout Singapore.

Besides this road has this evil spirit feeling when u walk pass it.

Commoner Singaporeans like us were warn not to use this road becos a big Singapore gangster live there.

There is a unfriendly hse with security guard (black ugly looking guard) will stare at you as u pass by. Then give u the look 'kuah see mi' aka 'what u looking at...' attitude.

Then we were told cameras are installed to take down car numbers plate that passed by. Even want to know who and why u pass there for. Like as if commoners are marked using the road.

Knn cursed at that bastard gangster who kived there. Annoying deprived us of using it as short cut. Who is that fucking gangster chief we always wonder?

To commoners like us that road is a danger zone where shoot out or bombing can happen anytime. Stay away from evil spirit zone.
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Re: Yours sincerely, LHY.

i have an elderly fren who lived at the walk up apartment

along river valley road and OR junction

everyday he curse and swear at 38 OR cos

they cant enbloc becos of this old fart house


ball carrier obviously knew the knee jerking to IndraLee Rojak trying to stir shit and try to put his credential as an insider.

but fark, b a man okie. if you claim you r friend to LWL and knows LHY, come out and sappork them, call for no confidence and offer your job to save your integrity.

no balls rite? diam diam lah

You are right. Like many others who have claimed to be friends of LWL, the claims are NOT to be acted upon but employed as a means to lend themselves credence that their "testimonies" are fair even though they appear to be supporting their "friend's" enemy in the battle.

Just look at the number of times that bugger repeated the phrase "put Singapore's interests before personal interests". This is the template for tomorrow's wayang @ Parliament. And suddenly, like Shan, the bugger speaks as if the siblings are crippling the entire Cabinet and Civil Service with the revelations on Facebook.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Lawyer Lim Tean FB video - can provide link on Youtube ?

Singapore has never followed the rule of law. It has been the rule of LEE since the early 60s.

It is ironical that the very people who have been complaining bitterly about using the use of lawsuits to stifle all opposition are now advocating that LHL sue his own siblings. :rolleyes:


You are missing the point. GCT made it clear that any cabinet minister who does not sue when defamed or slandered must leave the cabinet. The allegations made by the siblings are not innuendos or insinuations, they are direct and serious allegations. Tang, Chee as recently pointed out by Ptader did not even amount to an innuendo or insinuation.

Any Singaporean who genuinely thinks that this country operates by the rule of law is delusional.

Singapore has never followed the rule of law. It has been the rule of LEE since the early 60s.

It is ironical that the very people who have been complaining bitterly about using the use of lawsuits to stifle all opposition are now advocating that LHL sue his own siblings. :rolleyes:


Thank you, Fern also say I am very fast. hehehehehe

I don't see why you are so enamoured of her…she looks like the type who would set you a quota of how many strokes you are permitted to facilitate ejaculation…..step over and you will be removed from the vagina.