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sum f r pls ...
FR makan and places only acceptable? Cannot cheong la, have company la.
sum f r pls ...
I was talking to a immigration officer & she was telling me that the Chinese PRC were a problem because it was difficult to tell if these people had links to organised crime![]()
Hi scroobal, to be honest, I am not totally experienced as the bros here. I typed out a long post as I just said what I feel about this hot topic of taking the plunge or not. But if you ask me, I would place it as according:
1. OZ - The relatively near distance to SG itself is one of the main factor. The significant amount of Singaporeans that have settled there is another one.
2. USA - Environment there is one of the most tolerant of migrants, since the US is founded by migrants themselves. Some Singaporeans are thrilled by the fact that they get to possess firearms, which is novel to them excluding the period of NS. Not to mention, US has most of the traits that people will find attractive.
3. NZ - This is really dependant on the demographics of the migrants-to-be. The older generation will want to slow down and take up slower activities like living in a farm or driving around the countryside, hence NZ will be considered a suitable place. For the younger ones, they may not like it too much as things there go on a much slower pace and youth has always been about being brash and being fast.
4. UK - Generally not considered attractive in the past, due to its strong sterling pound. As a country itself, it does not have much to offer and it does not help that the perceived stereotype of British people being snobs and placing contempt on Asians. As the pound falls, it has become more attractive as a tourist destination but not as a place of immigration. Most of the time, those who have studied in UK before will know its charms and its beauty will be tempted to migrate over there.
5 Korea- Singaporeans are a spoon-fed lot. If they cannot even master their mother tongue like Mandarin, they are going to face much more difficulties learning the Korean language. Majority of Singaporeans have issues grappling the fluency of English and Mandarin/Malay/Tamil. Learning to be fluent in Korean is considered too tough for them, since they have to toil three years just to reach the fluency of an average Korean. But then again, some might be attracted to the fact that there are much lesser migrants compared to the Anglo nations, so if they have the set of skills + language, they might excel there. But it is one of the tougher routes, and the long working hours is not going to attract much, since all these migrants-to-be seek to slow down and take it easy.
I am ready to stand corrected. I am no expert in migration.
Hi scroobal, to be honest, I am not totally experienced as the bros here. I typed out a long post as I just said what I feel about this hot topic of taking the plunge or not. But if you ask me, I would place it as according:
1. OZ - xxxx.
2. USA - Environment there is one of the most tolerant of migrants....
3. NZ - For the younger ones, they may not like it too much as things there go on a much slower pace and youth has always been about being brash and being fast.
4. UK - Generally not considered attractive in the past, due to its strong sterling pound. As a country itself, it does not have much to offer and it does not help that the perceived stereotype of British people being snobs and placing contempt on Asians.
5 Korea- Singaporeans are a spoon-fed lot. If they cannot even master their mother tongue like Mandarin,
I am ready to stand corrected. I am no expert in migration.
I heard that the very unforgiving papaya regime makes it a point to ensure that you put back all the CPF monies you have taken out PLUS INTEREST should you decide to balek kumpng if you have not hit the withdrawal age yet. Is this true?
Where do you guys hear this rubbish. Another one I constantly hear is that ex Singapore cannot work again in Singapore. All not true.
There is no requirement to put anything back in CPF. The only requirement is that exSingaporeans have to fill an extensive form including family history if you want to work in Singapore. That is more to see if you completed NS requirements or if a family has not absconded etc.
Wah Nayr69sg u got big balls man, i respect u for being so brave, most people do research & fly over to prospective country & check it out, dun say kia si kia su singaporeans, even angmos do the same it's just wanting to make sure it's the right decision. Tell me did you do research or ask friends & kakis who had settled there first or did you just throw a dart on a map & it landed on Edmonton, Canada? what is the draw for singaporeans in Edmonton? i knew of a family who sold up lock stock & barrel to move there back in the 80s but after 2 yrs they came back saying it was very COLD, buay tahan ah.. first time see frozen icicles![]()
u going taiwan? ...
Dear esteemed Scroobal,
Just confirmed with CPF website: http://mycpf.cpf.gov.sg/CPF/my-cpf/Overseas/LivO9.htm (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
"Refund of CPF
If you are an ex-Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) and wish to return as a PR again, you would need to refund the full CPF amount you had previously withdrawn. A Letter of Clearance would then be issued to you for your submission to the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) for completion of the PR formalities.
If you wish to know more about the procedures to apply for PR status, click here to access the ICA website."
Needless to say, interest have to pay back too, just like your housing loan or education loan withdrawal.
Hi all,
My maiden post. With regards to immigration to the US, I've checked online and that there is one type of visa H1B1 that is a work visa specially for Singaporeans? However, I understand that it is a non-immigration visa i.e I will be unable to convert to a green card (permanent residence) down the road is that correct?
Any avenues to get your foot into US without prior employer sponsorship or job offer?
Bro, they should give you the Star of Temasek for being a true blue Singaporean. Our generation grew up on the letter of the law that we struggle to move on things that are not written in black and white.
That is meant for new Singaporeans and PRs. If you are born and raised in Singapore and you want to come back, just fill up the form( remember the ling and tedious form that has be filled up).
we have the same issues with migrating families that are asked to pay the bond for males kids. Nearly 100% of the time, the mindef contact centre will state that a bond is required in black and white when it is. not the case. Those who can afford it paybthe bond while those who can't have their kids declared as defaulters never to step into this country.
BTW, since you brought the topic of NS, allow me to add on to what you have always shared with readers in the forum at the Emigration Matters folder i.e. for the son to avoid NS, besides the various things one need to do such as getting son out of Sinkieland before 12, don't get that pinkie ic, etc you forgot to mention - NEVER EVER travel on that sinkie passport after 12. Needless to say, never renew that sinkie passport for son as well.
This is from my personal experience. I hope you will update your input on this in whatever thread you have in the that Emigration Matters folder.
Your suggestion about not paying up the bond and be branded as defaulters is not a good way of handling the situation. One never know how this will affect the future of the son one day. I know of a chap, who son fell in love with a sinkie woman viz online chat and he can't get to meet her in SG. So she flew to Oz a number of times. Sad? All because of the bloody unforgiving regime.
And yes, THANK YOU for all your sharing.
12 years ago, I remember being very enthusiastic about helping Singaporeans to emigrate. However, I am now older and wiser and have come to the conclusion that it is better to leave them to slow cook in their own juices in that shit hole Island..
This part I agree, Singapore has 60% daft sinkies not worth our time.
I heard that the very unforgiving papaya regime makes it a point to ensure that you put back all the CPF monies you have taken out PLUS INTEREST should you decide to balek kumpng if you have not hit the withdrawal age yet. Is this true?
Where do you guys hear this rubbish.
There is no requirement to put anything back in CPF. The only requirement is that exSingaporeans have to fill an extensive form including family history if you want to work in Singapore.
Just confirmed with CPF website: http://mycpf.cpf.gov.sg/CPF/my-cpf/Overseas/LivO9.htm (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
"Refund of CPF
If you are an ex-Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) and wish to return as a PR again, you would need to refund the full CPF amount you had previously withdrawn. A Letter of Clearance would then be issued to you for your submission to the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) for completion of the PR formalities."
Needless to say, interest have to pay back too, just like your housing loan or education loan withdrawal.
Bro, they should give you the Star of Temasek for being a true blue Singaporean. Our generation grew up on the letter of the law that we struggle to move on things that are not written in black and white.
That is meant for new Singaporeans and PRs. If you are born and raised in Singapore and you want to come back, just fill up the form( remember the ling and tedious form that has be filled up). People will guide you. The only exception is those who have financial issues and migrated to get hold of the CPF. Its a long story.
we have the same issues with migrating families that are asked to pay the bond for males kids. Nearly 100% of the time, the mindef contact centre will state that a bond is required in black and white when it is. not the case. Those who can afford it paybthe bond while those who can't have their kids declared as defaulters never to step into this country.
BTW, since you brought the topic of NS, allow me to add on to what you have always shared with readers in the forum at the Emigration Matters folder i.e. for the son to avoid NS, besides the various things one need to do such as getting son out of Sinkieland before 12, don't get that pinkie ic, etc you forgot to mention - NEVER EVER travel on that sinkie passport after 12. Needless to say, never renew that sinkie passport for son as well.
This is from my personal experience. I hope you will update your input on this in whatever thread you have in the that Emigration Matters folder.
Your suggestion about not paying up the bond and be branded as defaulters is not a good way of handling the situation. One never know how this will affect the future of the son one day. I know of a chap, who son fell in love with a sinkie woman viz online chat and he can't get to meet her in SG. So she flew to Oz a number of times. Sad? All because of the bloody unforgiving regime.
And yes, THANK YOU for all your sharing.
Bro, you need help with comprehension.
In the 12 years in this forum and addressing these issues I have been consistent with 2 things.
1. Not to renew the passport when it expires for a male child
2. No need to pay bond for the exit permit when you are not required to pay bond in the first place which is the case for all migrating families. Use the $75k or more and invest in a house or an appropriate investment.
Nowhere did I suggest to default or break the law.
Please read carefully.
Specially dedicated to Scroobal:
"btw, they call it "reinstatement" of cpf (and interest) if you're ex sinkie and apply for spr, and if you give up spr and re-apply for spr again."
I let the rest of the reader decide. I rest my case.
Bro, there is no need to be so aggressive. No need to tell me that I needed help in comprehension either.
To assist fellow Sinkies from all kinds of entrapment, lets share whatever we could.