Happy Birthday JJcc88
TQ bro theblackhole
- tho' my actual birthday is during the final week of June
Today Sat I was down at MBS [NOT at the casino tho'] - meet-up with my non-gambling/travelling companion girlfriend for some sort of advanced joint-birthday High Tea at TWG (Gardens) since her birthday is next week and for her to do some recce-ing on Branded Bags for our next Europe trip in autumn (unfortunately this Europe tour while it does pass through Monaco will NOT allow me time to step into the Monte Carlo casino there ... sighs :o unlike last year's trip to Spain & Portugal when I did manage to step foot into Lisboa Casino in Portugal Lisbon

Furla Bags having sale right now - but I stayed very good and resisted buying another Furla even tho' my girlfriend finally bought a bag from Furla at Raffles City after we had first checked out Furla at MBS {as her birthday treat to herself}
As for me, I'd ALREADY spent a bomb yesterday Fri on yet 2 new face/body packages at Orchard Hotel - about maxed out my credit cards here with the 'hard-to-resist GSS Offers & extra freebies' ... sighzzz .... I'm an easy target and a real-sucker here
It was a time for us to catch-up (after say 3 weeks ?) and for me to rant and complain on latest situation and certain aspects of my career eg no increment and bonus for me altho' most of my peers got such - might have been due to the MCs/hospitalisation leave in Feb/Mar but then again very clearly Double Standards applied here as usual sighzzzzz :(

This time it's really a PATHETIC bonus too - a sick joke for crying out loud ??
Guys - do your companies ever need to split a really-miserable "bonus" of ONLY half-month into FOUR instalments to be paid out over 4 months ie. 12.5% salary per month here ?????
My 'buddy' was saying - such 'strategy/treatment' WON'T allow the company to retain staff for as long as possible as the staff won't feel any 'loss' over such 'lost bonus' should they resign for much greener pastures before all 4 bonus instalments have been paid out
But then again, somehow we're always at the bottom of the 'pyramid' as certain personnel (favourites ?) are priced above the rest
Nvm .... must make myself 'see open' here somehow :o

No point making myself miserable over this sort of thing at work
Must rationalise abit ... not having serious health problems for example is already a huge blessing and I should also count my other blessings

Other than chilling out with my many many spa face/body packages or treatments, I also 'have a life outside work' eg planning my Birthday Slot Bash at RWS Wed Double-GP Point till possibly Thurs and collecting my complimentary MBS Birthday Cake - to the Sat 7/7/12 1N Cruise-to-Nowhere etc etc etc
An important blessing to count is :
I WOKE UP before I lost ALL my monies and DECIDED NOT to renew my annual levies at the casinos as that One Year Honeymoon was more than sufficient for my intensive slot play especially after losing a HUGE Amount there
Can say : Have been there Done that & now on to OTHER Areas/Priorities etc
So now it's ONLY Occasional Forays to the casinos for me when I FEEL that I could spare the funds for such [even if the reality might be otherwise :o ] or when I'm in some 'luckier mood' etc
This coming June RWS B-day Casino Trip would be my first in 6-7 months since the RWS Levy expired last Nov !
I've really been good - looking back at this time last year I was busy redeeming my RWS Points over kilos of Bak Changs (literally kilos !!!) to share at the office
Now I'll save my RWS GPs since they're valid for 3 years and use them on things like cruises and such instead
Oooops .... sorry folks - side-tracked too much (off topic)

Just more 'getting things off my chest' and more ranting/self-consolation of sorts here :o