Regulars at RWS told me they fed up with the china syndicate who come and chope seat, wait for correct timing and hit max when it's nearer JP release time; my question is do they really get JP this way (playing max?) and when is the correct timing to start pumping the machine. Apparently the regulars complain to the mgt about this syndicate and they can't do anything?
Well we have discussed about this topic a few times, is it true that max bet will get the JP? As far as I know, it is quite true that higher bet have higher chance to hit the JP. But I have seen and experienced that an average bet player with longer play time do have a higher chance to hit the JP too.
Take GR JP2 for example, when is the best time to "enter the battle field", $4.3k? $4.5k or $4.7k ?
Estimate time taken for the prize grows $100 per hour from 4.3 ~ $4.7 and $100 in half hour from 4.7k ~ 5k, therefore:
1) if you enter at $4.3k, you are able to choose your favorite machine/game and get prepare to stick to the same machine for 5-6 hours, BR needed $2-3k, play average bet.
2) if you enter at $4.5k, not much chance to get your favorite machine/game, so pick a corner machine if possible, play average bet.
3) if you enter at $4.7k, probably not many seats left and prepare $3-4k BR to play max bet, this is time when the "chinese bandits" enter the battle field, they do nothing much but chop seats or start with 1cr bet, whenever the prize gets closer to $4.8k, they will start hitting max bet button for 1-2mins continuously, if the JP does not release after $4.8k, they will go back to 1cr bet or halt. They repeat the same action when the JP is reaching $4.9k. Frankly speaking, not many of us can afford to challenge with these bandits, their BR are stronge, they have 5-10 machines running / playing in the same habit, althought most of us think that JP is random but still, it picks a machine that is played by a "potential player", that is, higher bet or constant bet player.
If I intend to chase after the JP2 on that day, I pick 1) and so far I have made twice.

When you have 3-4k BR, why "itchy backside" go and compete with those bandits for the 4k+ JP2?? Why not save your energy (BR) and enjoy your game at other slot areas, what for making ownself so unhappy.
I am sick of those PRCs however, listen to the grumbling and complainting of locals are even more sickening! There were so many times that I cannot tarhan the grumbling and gaveup my seat at 4.7k, why these "charbo" and aunties so "law saw"? really tar bolei tarhan their mouths, they can grumble/complaint with their playing partners all the way till the JP drops! for a few hours and they don't seems to get thirty???
Most Jackpot related articles refer JP is random and make slot players to believe it does NOT mean that Min bet players have no chance to win the JP. However, they did not mention which type of JP. For mystery progressive JP like GR, Island, Hollywood or Indian Dreaming, Min bet player to win the JP is a very rare case. For Min bet players who wish to hit JP better choose hyperlink machines like CashExpress or FaFaFa.