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The reason behind the 24hr Cooling Off Period


Lemme give you a clue bro..... don't take nicks for what they are. You of all should know the intrigue - or intrigues - behind each one. Esp after all the LTB wars. Few known chaps were barking up wrongly the whole time and they of all like you should know.

It's more important to avoid handling the nicks and just focus on the issue. That's how to stay sane.


Dear Scroo

Perspective is human. he worries incessantly about the opposition screwing up after a BIG WIN, he worries that the right "pre conditions" are not in place to prevent the opposition from screwing up after a big win.

BTW he has entirely avoided answering what he thinks the pre conditions should be :_)). I believe however one should be worried about GETTING a victory in any form and then worry abt the next four years the day after


It's about being forward-looking, isn't it. When some chap thinks of his as third party which plays a role in a two party culture when Singapore is not even two party now agrees with your "immediate goal" theory, you gotta wonder why. Or gets worried about some people reviving UPP when believing in multiparty. If Scro believes such a inconsistent, wavering chap is "sincere", you'll believe anything.


Ok, got you.

Lemme give you a clue bro..... don't take nicks for what they are. You of all should know the intrigue - or intrigues - behind each one. Esp after all the LTB wars. Few known chaps were barking up wrongly the whole time and they of all like you should know.

It's more important to avoid handling the nicks and just focus on the issue. That's how to stay sane.


There is a great difference between inconsistent and wavering. When did I say "wavering". Now you know why I said that you attribute things to someone when they have not said it. Thats why people get mad.

You have never wavered. In fact I note a strong character in you. Just inconsistent and tend to draw the wrong conclusions. I also note that you try to avoid explaining things when asked to do so. So that gives the impression that your reasoning does not have foundation.

Ever talk to a religious/christian fundamentalist or a fervent follower of communism. You can't have a decent discussion, because they repeat what their cell leader tells them ad verbatim but they themselves cannot substantiate what they think or how they came to that conclusion. These are strong characters, who never waver but tend to repeat things from their leaders like mantra but have no basis on how their points have come about. They also avoid answering questions. And like you they are sincere.

One good living example is Yaw Shing Leong. How did he end up voting PAP for his ward when he was asking residents not to vote PAP in other wards. Everyone knows that he considers Low as God. Low must have assumed that his followers can think for themselves and assumed that they knew that PAP was the main target. He therefore did not put it down as Mantra in black and white. So Yaw came to the wrong conclusion. Yaw could not understand why Singaporeans were shocked.

When Yaw first responded to comments from Singaporeans, fervent WP supporters assumed that he apologised when he did no such thing. That what I call a dumb, sincere and totally inconsistent chap. But one that has never wavered. Strong character as well.

One WP supporter even went to the extent to write in this forum that Yaw has the right to vote for who he wants. Now isn't that a dumb conclusion.

Get the picture.

If Scro believes such a inconsistent, wavering chap is "sincere", you'll believe anything.


1) The same thing happened Last Election, all talk in forums this time got chance,big crowd in hougang , at the end PAP win 66%.

2) The problem is not PAP , the problem is singaporeans ;All talk . When it really matters they would rather have someone else do it.The people deserve the government they get.

Reckon it is due to the fear factor especially apply to voters who depend on the government for their pay checks. Yes, the ballot is secret but people who work in government departments/companies ; businessmen, contractors and suppliers who depend on government jobs will think twice before voting for any opposition candidates. And what is the voter share of this group? Easily 35%

Nothing will change for now. It will be like Taiwan who experienced change only after the Chiangs, which ruled the island with an iron fist for almost four decades, left the scene....

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
It's about being forward-looking, isn't it. When some chap thinks of his as third party which plays a role in a two party culture when Singapore is not even two party now agrees with your "immediate goal" theory, you gotta wonder why. Or gets worried about some people reviving UPP when believing in multiparty. If Scro believes such a inconsistent, wavering chap is "sincere", you'll believe anything.

You are pretty contradicting indeed. If one is "forward-looking", then what is wrong about visualizing the system developing into "two party culture" right now? In fact, I think someone like you have already behave like it is going to be "two party system" and yes, you would advocate it as your belief.

Some chap like me who do not believe in "two party culture" would work hard for a multi-party system. But this belief does not necessary contradict the "immediate goal" of breaking PAP's monopoly power. Whether if you believe in two party system or multi-party system, you will have to break PAP's monopoly power first and this is the immediate goal!

But it seems that you are doubting people that are against two party system? I really wonder why! In fact, objectively, we should be more doubtful about people who insist on having two party system while trying to cast doubts on others who do not believe in it but nevertheless fought against the present monopoly power PAP. There is no basis of doubting people who don't believe in two party system but every reason to doubt people who only wants two party system.

Having said that, at present there are already so many ACTIVE political parties in the market. SDA as an alliance, Reform Party, SDP, Workers Party, NSP and PAP. Reviving UPP? Well I for one will be interested to know who are those people who try to revive an old party like UPP. Not really "against it, but intriguing to understand their logic. JBJ didn't choose to revive UPP but started a new one. UPP is long forgotten by the people and may be only you and me will know its past. UPP isn't going to be appealing to the young voters at all. There is no "branding" advantage at all. This maybe why JBJ did not choose to revive old parties like UPP. Aren't you curious about why? I do and of course, with specific information I have at that time, it really tickle my mind.

Having said that, even if UPP is really being revive or someone started another political party, we will have to live with it. The only concern, which is not inconsistent but rather, very consistent to our "immediate goal", is whether such new political party would work against our traditional negotiation process of avoiding three corner fight. Well, maybe big party like Workers' Party is very confident and never concern about three corner fight, but small party like NSP would indeed be very concerned. Three corner fight definitely work against the immediate goal of tearing down PAP's monopoly of power, isn't it? So pray tell, how could such concerns be inconsistent and contrary to a belief of multi-party system? Well, I would not be very concerned about multi-corners fight if and only if there is proportional representation system in place. In fact, I would encourage proportional representation and multi-corner contest within one GRC. But please bear in mind, at this moment, it is not the case.

Goh Meng Seng


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ever talk to a religious/christian fundamentalist or a fervent follower of communism. You can't have a decent discussion, because they repeat what their cell leader tells them ad verbatim but they themselves cannot substantiate what they think or how they came to that conclusion. These are strong characters, who never waver but tend to repeat things from their leaders like mantra but have no basis on how their points have come about. They also avoid answering questions. And like you they are sincere.

=> Sounds like the PAPee dogs, except that they are hypocritic at the same time.


There is a great difference between inconsistent and wavering. When did I say "wavering".

Bro, I didn't say you said "wavering". Read carefully.

I don't respond to long essays that do not ring to my posts, although you chaps are free to carry on because it adds new angles to discussions. BTW I already hinted of "intrigues" so you'll expect some inconsistency. Anyway this isn't a real name or identified with a known person.


Dear Perspective

That "chap" might be indulging in a little self political masturbation helped along with a healthy does of political porn. His fantasies might be just that a personal fantasy but heck if it is the same chap we are talking about, I believe he has the attitude of winning against the PAP at any costs and that is what I admire.

Secondly his fantasies do not in any way hinder his political will to win. Your worries or whines about what will happen if the opposition wins and the right pre conditions do not exists will. WIn first worry abt the next four years the day after



If Scro believes such a inconsistent, wavering chap is "sincere", you'll believe anything.

Look above what you wrote. This is what I mean.

Bro, I didn't say you said "wavering". Read carefully.

I don't respond to long essays that do not ring to my posts, although you chaps are free to carry on because it adds new angles to discussions. BTW I already hinted of "intrigues" so you'll expect some inconsistency. Anyway this isn't a real name or identified with a known person.


Aiyah, don't think too hard. Don't over analysis and a bird in hand is always worth 2 in a bush.

I don't respond to long essays that do not ring to my posts, although you chaps are free to carry on because it adds new angles to discussions. BTW I already hinted of "intrigues" so you'll expect some inconsistency. Anyway this isn't a real name or identified with a known person.


The trouble is not how people who read the sentence take it. It is juxtaposed with inconsistent and sincere and is attributed to me by my nick.

Do becareful how you attribute things.

Bro I expected you to be smarter than that. The word "wavering" comes from ME. You did used the word "sincere". I thought the inverted commas was clear but you needed me to clarify.


The trouble is not how people who read the sentence take it. It is juxtaposed with inconsistent and sincere and is attributed to me by my nick.

Do becareful how you attribute things.

And earlier you were saying not to think too hard. And now I have to think about how a simple statement could be juxtaposed. Wonder who complained or misunderstood.

Tell you what, if I think exactly the same way about you as you think about me (not reading carefully, jumping to conclusions), we'll just meddle our own jackpots and be fine.


Basically it is not wrong to think 2-3 steps ahead (forward looking), chess masters do it all the time. Until I read the last post after all points are presented then I realized that we had deviated from the title of the thread.

"The reason behind the 24 hour cooling off period".


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
All PAP MPs have to contribute % of their salary/allowance to PAP. Ministers and political appt hoilders have a higher %. The People Association which is a statutory board is defacto PAP arm organising grassroots leaders who are in the main PAP and YPAP members. The expesnes come from tax payers. Why you thionk that minister salaries are higher.

Where you think NSP going to get money from? Collecting $13K plus is already a heartache.

I don't what this relevance is to my post. But the technology I mentioned is free. U don't have to pay anything to post a video of your candidates and their platform on Youtube. Same for Twitter, Facebook, etc.


There is effort, time and therefore cost involved. If I donate a van to an opposition party to spread the massage, they still need people to drive and do the work.

PAP has a full time secretariat, plus tax payer funded People's Association.

I don't what this relevance is to my post. But the technology I mentioned is free. U don't have to pay anything to post a video of your candidates and their platform on Youtube. Same for Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
I don't what this relevance is to my post. But the technology I mentioned is free. U don't have to pay anything to post a video of your candidates and their platform on Youtube. Same for Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Good idea and I have been thinking about this too....but I also wonder how come some other political parties are not using this free technology like Youtube? So far, I didn't see WP post any video of their candidates, not SDA. NSP, SDP and even Reform Party did use the Youtube one way or another.

Well, I guess you would agree that political parties should get their candidates some exposures early, don't you?

Goh Meng Seng


Good idea and I have been thinking about this too....but I also wonder how come some other political parties are not using this free technology like Youtube? So far, I didn't see WP post any video of their candidates, not SDA. NSP, SDP and even Reform Party did use the Youtube one way or another.

Well, I guess you would agree that political parties should get their candidates some exposures early, don't you?

Goh Meng Seng

the most posted items come from SDP. they abuse internet info to the disadvantages of other opp parties.

though many items posted by others are still credible, those fr SDP spells only bias and prejudices. it even sometimes boast themselves as "leeder of opps" which means they are trying to tell netizens that whatever they posted represent opps collectively.

that in the end, ruin or discredit other opps indiscriminately as a whole. many have been trying to expose the real motive about SDP after chiam. whatever they are hiding from peasants, their intention does not linger well with them.

just ask any common folks, the impression is so obvious. does SDP really care? of course, not. if they do not even respect the LAW, do u think their fuck care anyone's critical opinions about them? they choose to deviate fr the actual ill image they are projecting and continue to brag about their "increase in supports" and deluded orgasm.

they prefer to think that their infamous notoriety as famous popularity.

we shall ve to wait for the next GE result to ascertain whether my words prove their mislead.