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PAP internally concedes Hougang and Aljunied


East Coast under Jayakumar and his team in GE 2006 was considered weak but they performed well to the surprise of many. Margin is just to wide to close. They are also facing the same team from WP as in the past. I am not too sure if they can erode the margin much. Mountbatten will be good to watch as the PAP candidate is a dud. The lady lawyer from NSP might just spring a surprise. I understand that her personal resource base is substantial and she is a go getter. Joo Chiat WP candidate is boy from that home town and known quite well. PAP had issues with Joo Chiat and the past drunk PAP MP and that is why they dropped Charles Chong into JC whose connections with his grassroot is well known. Not sure how he will connect with Joo Chiat grassroots.

Hi Scroobal,

Would you care to comment on GRCs like East Coast (apparently noted as another 'hot seat' in the papers, although I didn't manage to catch the report), Choa Chu Kang & Bishan-Toa Payoh? Or perhaps SMCs like Mountbatten & Joo Chiat, where candidates from both sides seem quite evenly matched?


One day we have to sit down with GMS and ask him how he did the planning. Tony Tan and Hazel seem to have been forgotten.
The quality in NSP's slate is simply too spread out. They should have done with WP did: focus the 1st class people in Tampines and Marine Parade. Tampines is like a average rate slate now. Even VW had a dig at GMS last night.



What you say is so true. With the exception of Aljunied, they have paid the deposits for the celebration dinners. In the event that George and Co survive, there are contingency plans for extra tables at the Marine Parade celebration.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
One day we have to sit down with GMS and ask him how he did the planning. Tony Tan and Hazel seem to have been forgotten.

GMS will have a lot of answering to do once the GE is over, however that is in another time and another space. Nicole Seah so far has been a PR coup for them, a boom and bane at the same time.


This time is slightly different, the locals (regardless of race) are getting very peeved off.

When was the last time did you see PAP boards being vandalized?
When was the last time did you see a market openly displaying that they want PAP to fuck off?
When was the last time did you see people cursing PAP so openly?


There are many closely contested constituents this time with quality candidates from different parties and heightened interest among the public.

For Tampines, Baey Yam Keng was redeployed last minute by the PAP top hierarchy. Also,the Arrowhead is well recognised in the West just like the Hammer in the East.

PAP has never have to fight in 82 constituencies. There are battles at many fronts this time and we are only at half time. Aljunied is not the only hotspot. There are quite a few around. No one can claim to know the percentages more then anyone else.

In politics the first rule of thumb is the winning margin from the previous elections. Capable opposition is secondary. That is the reason why Low and his dream team did not take on old man. TP is bolted to the ground. There is also the possible scenario in form of a hired hand to split votes. It was no surprise that Seow Khee Leng and DP party surfaced prior to nomination to scare off potential candidates from TP and MP.

Tampines PAP winning margin is too wide to close. I am sure GMS is doing a good job, but it is giant killing act.

BT / Holland is the home of the rich and the influential. As much as they hate PAP to the core, they need influential MPs to approve their developments plans, their business licences etc. An opposition slate will not deliver the goods for them. Who do you think is providing the packed lunch and chartered buses for PAP supporters. It will be really hard to knock away 10% points from the previous winning margins.


Baey was transferred to Tampines because the most impressive of PAP's standby candidate is a President Scholar, a surgeon and he was doing grassroots work in Tanjong Pagar. Baey was the most dispensible member of the TP team. He was not sent there to bolster the Tampines Team. His work in the civil service was not up to mark he had to move to the private sector. He however spends alot of time on grassroots work. The tampines margin is just too wide. Believe me that Baey was upset that he had to move and he knew it was not to rescue to Tampines.

There are many closely contested constituents this time with quality candidates from different parties and heightened interest among the public.

For Tampines, Baey Yam Keng was redeployed last minute by the PAP top hierarchy. Also,the Arrowhead is well recognised in the West just like the Hammer in the East.

PAP has never have to fight in 82 constituencies. There are battles at many fronts this time and we are only at half time. Aljunied is not the only hotspot. There are quite a few around. No one can claim to know the percentages more then anyone else.


There are battles at many fronts this time and we are only at half time. Aljunied is not the only hotspot. There are quite a few around. No one can claim to know the percentages more then anyone else.

It would be quite sad if the PAP is "caught off gaurd" and lost unexpectedly.
They would lose the deposits they have put down for their victory celebrations.


Alfrescian (Inf)
GMS will have a lot of answering to do once the GE is over, however that is in another time and another space. Nicole Seah so far has been a PR coup for them, a boom and bane at the same time.

Can you please clarify how she is "a boon and a bane at the same time?"


Alfrescian (Inf)
It would be quite sad if the PAP is "caught off gaurd" and lost unexpectedly.
They would lose the deposits they have put down for their victory celebrations.

How can it be sad if all Singaporeans are celebrating the win? Are you sad?

Porfirio Rubirosa

just going by the ST stats article on swing vote %...think Hougang, Aljunied n even Potong Pasir got chance...slim possibilities NSP Jeanette Chong Aruldoss , NSP Steve Chia...pretty gd chance for NCMP spots NSP in Tampines n Marine Parade; SPP in Bishan Toa Payoh; SDP in Holland Bukit Timah...

PAP's strategy n tactics thus far seem to hv turned out pretty flat...time n again PAP has tried to take the initiative n go on the offensive...only to be pushed back to a defensive position...harry n GCT hv not helped wif their gaffes n arrogance; WKS n Shanmugam wif their arrogance; Vivian well double edged sword salvo; steve tan episode; tin pei ling episode; MG Chan n his antics...the list just goes on n on....pretty pathetic for such a supposed well oiled dynamic disciplined election machine...also if GY is such a core member of LHL's team why wasn't he up there wif LHL,WKS,TCH n NEH at the press conferences?...PAP really needs to pull out a big rabbit fm its hat in the next 21/2 days if it wants to swing the tide...alternatively the Oppos need to implode which does not look likely based on the past week...

i was in a cab today n coming to the end of my ride, i commented on the ridiculous way in which constituencies hv been drawn up...cabby turned to me n said who shall i be voting for, i said i had not made up my as yet but was inclined to the oppo...he sheepishly gave me a PAP leaflet n told me to pls pls vote PAP lah...probably NTUC cabs...i told him we shall see...must be polite mah!!

Hougang with a comfortable margin of 12.7 % in 2006 to remain in WP hands. Aljunied scraped thru in 2006 with 6.1% is expected to fall to WP which now has a star studded cast. This means that house will now have 6 opposition against 81 PAP MPs.

Looks like Tampines is apparently not an issue for two reason - 18.5% margin from 2006 and guess what - highest number of new citizens in the constituency. If GMS and team reduce the margin by 10%, they would have done a tremendous job. GMS is also stifled by the fact that he does not have quality by his side.

Opposition major issue is the unexpected good quality of candidates and the inability to allow focus.

Here is why Marine Parade is a major issue for the PAP. It had not been tested except for a 1992 (nearly 20 years ago) by elections when their main competition fail to complete forms on nomination day. In 1991 when it was last contested in a GE, PAP did very well with a margin of 27.2% but against a group of total unknowns. Their intelligence had indicated that it would not be contested. They therefore decided to give a few MPs and ended with Ms Tin thinking it was safe bet.



I am now sure you are a PAPie trying to lure VOTERS into complacency.

Singaporeans RICH and POOR do not give a fuck anymore. The more PAPPIES kicked out the better


Down to the wire now, with less than 100 hours to voting. Unless something dirty happens between now and Polling Day, I would say WP has a higher chance of winning Aljunied than PAP. Even the grassroots in Aljunied are panicking. Got a call yesterday from a very casual acquaintance (don't think we even spoken for the past 6-7 years). Asked me if I still live in Serangoon Garden and told me that the GY and the PAP is counting on me and my family's support. I think things are really bad if they have to resort to the personal contacts of RC dogs to secure votes. I told him that our family are staunch supporters of PAP (when in fact there are 6 votes in the house going to WP). No point stressing him out.

Porfirio Rubirosa

tend to agree wif u bro...

in particular i really like Jeanette...appears to hv the passion commitment n brains...hopefully can give lim biow chuan a gd run for his money...tough fight becoz biow chuan appears to be a gd grassroots kinda chap n quite humble as well...

You forgot Steve Chia of NSP in Pioneer SMC. He has some chance of winning.

Agree about Jeanette in Mountbatten, hope she wins. She is campaigning with her heart & soul. Seems to be making breakthroughs into private condos too.

Marine Parade & Tampines will remain in PAP hands unfortunately.

Guess those in Tampines new citizens must be Ah Nehs ITs folks.

Porfirio Rubirosa

how does benjamin come across bro?...i hv yet to attend a SPP rally...

Ben Pwee was brought in to win the hearts of Bishan voters since he is a Bishan boy.

I went to the SPP rally last night and was amazed that the Indians and Malays, though the minority in the rally, were cheering for Chiam and I vividly remembered one Indian who keep cheering "Yes!". :biggrin:


Tony and Hazel are doing well in the West, they are not forgotten by local residents here despite numerous attempts to concentrate on Aljunied at national level. Both of them performed well in the rallies in the west.

There was no problem with GMS's planning, indeed it was very good last minute diplomacy skills behind the scene.

NSP original plan was to contest in Moulmein-Kallang where they intended to pull their logistical resources closer together with Marine Parade and Tampines. Later, they unilaterally decided to pull out while still waiting for WP's reply on a potential 3-corner clash. They wanted to settle quickly and start the preparation fast and it was also an opportunity to involve the experienced Sebastian in a 5-man team. Choa Chu Kang was swapped with SDP's Yuhua and the goodwill was maintained across all 3 parties.

One day we have to sit down with GMS and ask him how he did the planning. Tony Tan and Hazel seem to have been forgotten.


We cannot tell lies, should have told him that you will vote wisely. You tell lies how are people gonna trust what you say:confused:

I told him that our family are staunch supporters of PAP (when in fact there are 6 votes in the house going to WP). No point stressing him out.


We cannot tell lies, should have told him that you will vote wisely. You tell lies how are people gonna trust what you say:confused:

I don't see anything wrong in telling a white lie. It will please his mind more knowing that he's gotten someone to vote for PAP.

Porfirio Rubirosa

inclined to agree wif u on this one...a shame n pity becoz i think tony stood out the best of all the party speakers in the 1st tv broadcast on day 1...better than all the rest including LHL...displayed passion, commitment, humilty n brains in a singapore style...
One day we have to sit down with GMS and ask him how he did the planning. Tony Tan and Hazel seem to have been forgotten.