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Ordinary Singaporean vs Inderjit / Seng HT Saga


Alfrescian (Inf)
My understanding from Indian friends is that Sikhs are no different to any other Indian except that they have different religion. In fact they are not even a race. Since we are familiar with South Indians, we think they are different only that they a not southerners but North Indians. If we treat them as a separate race, they would not even make the GRC cut as their numbers are small and pretty much like Eurasians. Anyway. If they entered via GRC and obtained the minority cert, the expectation is to represent all minorities and I expect there is a sense of accountability towards people of their geographic origin.

Are the other Indian MP's too busy or is the likes of Sam the Sham up to his old tricks again, chasing an Indian skirt this time.:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Inderjit said he was 2 weeks away. Fuck la I as a small time businessman check whats happening to my own company and things in the world la. What the fuck is he talking about? Even on holiday also cannot switch off from anything la. Fucking keling receive his MP salary and skive is it?


Here's something about Seng Han Thong which is not so well known. For more than 20 years, he was part of the Chinese "nation building" press.

http://www.parliament.gov.sg/mp/seng-han-thong?viewcv=Seng Han Thong

1974 Reporter, Nanyang Siang Pau

1982 Chief Reporter, Nanyang Siang Pau

1983 Chief Reporter, Lianhe Zaobao

1986 Executive Editor, Lianhe Zaobao

1988 Assistant Chief Editor, Lianhe Zaobao

1990 Acting Chief Editor, Shin Min Daily News

1992 Deputy Chief Editor, Lianhe Zaobao

1996 General Manager, Chinese Newspaper Division, Singapore Press Holdings

Also of interest are his educational qualifications. It explains quite clearly why the way he speaks the way he does. For someone who could not make it to University and who only has an external Masters degree to his name, he should not be looking down on lowly educated people who cannot speak English properly, whatever their race might be.

1956- 1967 GCE ‘A’ Level (Tuan Mong High School)

1983-1984 Diploma in Management Studies (Singapore Institute of Management)

1990-1993 Master of Business Administration (Brunel University, England)

If you are wondering just what the hell is Brunel University, it was ranked a staggering 351 in the latest QS World University Rankings. Our own NUS was ranked 28.


A very informative post, Aurvandil. Thanks. It provides forummers here knowledge that SHT is actually a good-for-nothing totally without any qualifications to talk about. What he did was to act on LKY's instructions on what to cover in the Chinese press and what not to cover. Also what news angle to adopt for each of the story LKY likes to spin. In short, he is a chief prostitute in SPH along with Han Fook Kwang etc. After serving many years as a running dog for LKY in the chinese media, the Old Fart rewarded him by making him a MP. But because he has absolutely no skills or any proficiency, LKY put him in charge of Comfort taxis. There, he behaved as if he's LKY, barking at taxi drivers who seek assistance. He didn't get burnt for nothing. Channel News Asia will now get into trouble for picking him as one of the panelists on its programme for they should have known better that he doesn't the calibre to do such a programme live. He can't handle anything without LKY prompting. True enough, he fumbled and spoke the unspeakable. The Govt has been making political capital of on netizens for making racist remarks and now one of their own is guilty.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are the other Indian MP's too busy or is the likes of Sam the Sham up to his old tricks again, chasing an Indian skirt this time.:rolleyes:

Knowing Shan, he chases Chinese skirts. Not necessarily made in China skirts as long as it's a Chinese wearing it.


Inderjit is a very vicious familee dog.
He looks after the familee interest only.
His silence in the saga is not surprising as it is of no interest to him.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Are the other Indian MP's too busy

Why is there a need to label MPs according to their skin colour in the first place????? Can't they all simply be Singaporeans. An Indian MP is an MP in a country called India.


Why is there a need to label MPs according to their skin colour in the first place????? Can't they all simply be Singaporeans. An Indian MP is an MP in a country called India.

Why don't u ask the PAP instead? They are the ones or more accurately, LKY is the one who conceived of this GRC thingy based on minority MPs. To justify this GRC concept of his, it was LKY who talks about Malay MPs, Indian MPs and Euraisian MPs first.


Have to agree with you. The old man have never assimilated the races in his mind and its a giveaway. When he throws out his pearls of wisdom to foreign correspondents, dignitaries, observers including radio talk shows, the races will also be segmented, their attributes explained. I am sure his infamous explanation of the pain threshold of the various races is now the stuff of legends. The British divided and conquered but old man built deep silos when he segregated the races. Even when the Malays won political autonomy in 1991 after the revolt of the Malay professionals, they ended up deeper into the silos and now they are struggling to get out. How does one get out when the leaders have accepted sinecures and community leadership positions. Autonomy does not stop at picking your MPs but much more. I am sure none of the leaders of the revolt ever imagined that one of them will eventually lead MUIS.

Why don't u ask the PAP instead? They are the ones or more accurately, LKY is the one who conceived of this GRC thingy based on minority MPs. To justify this GRC concept of his, it was LKY who talks about Malay MPs, Indian MPs and Euraisian MPs first.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Have to agree with you. The old man have never assimilated the races in his mind and its a giveaway.

The old man can think whatever he wants but that doesn't mean that ordinary Singaporeans have to march to his drumbeat.

What difference does it makes who speaks up against racism? Does each skin colour have to issue a statement every time an issue crops up?


Why is there a need to label MPs according to their skin colour in the first place????? Can't they all simply be Singaporeans. An Indian MP is an MP in a country called India.

The old man can think whatever he wants but that doesn't mean that ordinary Singaporeans have to march to his drumbeat.

What difference does it makes who speaks up against racism? Does each skin colour have to issue a statement every time an issue crops up?

exactly.... I have said the exact same things previously....

why should Indian MPs make noise..... all decent people should make noise ....

if Indian MPs make noise because they feel offended as indian.... then they are not representing their consitituents....
Shanmugam was elected by CHong Pang .... not by Indian.... he represent CHong Pang and his party... PAP....not indians

who should speak up for indian?? the President.... he is suppose to represent all SIngaporeans.... but he is on leave now,...

if AH Bock Is Presiden now I am sure he will make noise.... by now... so for indians and malays..... who vote for the heart and not the tree./////.... :oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo::oIo:

its 1 thing to hate PAP, its another thing to let 1 judgement be clouded by hatred ????

why should be confined by LKY paradgim rather than viewing things the right way???

the quality of posting really dropped alot with TT ...


A person's Freudian slip is a very important vital sign. His subconscious is showing, and has a basis in the real conscious of thinking one way but denying that it is so to others.

Ditto Old Man; ditto Seng Han tong, his devout follower.
Except Old Man gets away with it, his minions will not.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
A very informative post, Aurvandil. Thanks. It provides forummers here knowledge that SHT is actually a good-for-nothing totally without any qualifications to talk about. What he did was to act on LKY's instructions on what to cover in the Chinese press and what not to cover. Also what news angle to adopt for each of the story LKY likes to spin. In short, he is a chief prostitute in SPH along with Han Fook Kwang etc. After serving many years as a running dog for LKY in the chinese media, the Old Fart rewarded him by making him a MP. But because he has absolutely no skills or any proficiency, LKY put him in charge of Comfort taxis. There, he behaved as if he's LKY, barking at taxi drivers who seek assistance. He didn't get burnt for nothing. Channel News Asia will now get into trouble for picking him as one of the panelists on its programme for they should have known better that he doesn't the calibre to do such a programme live. He can't handle anything without LKY prompting. True enough, he fumbled and spoke the unspeakable. The Govt has been making political capital of on netizens for making racist remarks and now one of their own is guilty.

Typo error? cheap

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
perhaps we may get an official statement from LHL soon...believe that all MPs (regardless of race) is now under gag-order not to speak further regarding this, in order not to make black blacker.

today is wednesday = cabinet meeting...lets see if we will hear something.


Right. I thot so too. Why he never think of himself, then he will not say the Malays and Indians cannot speak properly. He has to add himself, a fucking Chink!

seng han tong say people english no good :biggrin:

i listen to his short interview and i can't help but notice his 'air mengency preparedness' :biggrin:

wtf is that.


Not so simple: Don't ask an Indian if a Sikh in Indian race.Instead ask a Sikh if he in an Indian see what happens!.

They want their own homeland right?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not so simple: Don't ask an Indian if a Sikh in Indian race.Instead ask a Sikh if he in an Indian see what happens!.

They want their own homeland right?

They practise different religions too and have different lifestyles and culture.