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Malaysian Influencer MsPuiYi To Pursue Master’s Degree In The UK


1 thing is that during the old era it was more difficult to pass gce o level English, compared to a decade+ later, after my batch. I took mine in mid 80s. I know many people who was also brought down by English subject. The exam markers were extremely strict. That's the reason I didn't quite believe @ginfreely can get a A1 in English and literature, as I believe she Sat for gce o level just a little later than me. And I personally does not know much people scoring A1 in english during my time. Not even the doctor benedict tan, the sg sailor.
10 years + later, when my ex gf took her gce o level, she could get a b3 when I found my English proficiency was definitely better than hers, without a single doubt. Becos she always needed to consult me about English subject matters. From then I started to think maybe Cambridge exam markers has been asked to be less stringent.


1 thing is that during the old era it was more difficult to pass gce o level English, compared to a decade+ later, after my batch. I took mine in mid 80s. I know many people who was also brought down by English subject. The exam markers were extremely strict. That's the reason I didn't quite believe @ginfreely can get a A1 in English and literature, as I believe she Sat for gce o level just a little later than me. And I personally does not know much people scoring A1 in english during my time. Not even the doctor benedict tan, the sg sailor.
10 years + later, when my ex gf took her gce o level, she could get a b3 when I found my English proficiency was definitely better than hers, without a single doubt. Becos she always needed to consult me about English subject matters. From then I started to think maybe Cambridge exam markers has been asked to be less stringent.
she cheated in her exams like she always lie that people harass her but it is she who harass people?