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Is Ming yi a Guy?


some already begin with bad intention. it's just a matter of time before their real intention is being exposed.

sometime it is very puzzling. even when exposed, many still cannot accept the facts and still prefer to adore their idol, e.g, chee soon juan.

No wonder you deserves to be FUCK by forummers here. :cool:
OFF-TOPIC idiot.


in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛


in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛

If we follow this logic, then we should abandon the judical system and remove all judges. Forgive all murderers, rapists and embezzelers. Trust all insurance agents, used car salesmen. Believe politicians.

What is true is that all have done evil deeds or thoughts. Thoughts are not deeds. It does not carry the same impact as deeds. An adulterous thought will not carry the same devastating impact as an adulterous deed. To be so angry as to contemplate murder is not the same as the act itself. Thus the treatment is different.

Even though the monk can be a person who is high in ranking in the Buddhist spiritual world, it does not mean he is immune from judgment if he does wrong. His concern for the sick and poor is balanced by his belief that religious work he does is money-enriching and money-rewarding.

The problem as always, concerns the love of money.

Are his good deeds empowered by Mammon?

Thus the case here is not about Judgment - if he is evil or innocent.

It is about asking "Can This Religious Leader be trusted?"

If your answer is 'yes' or 'no' or 'maybe', that's your decision and you live with your consequences - if he is indeed a good man or he use your gifts to enrich himself. Or if he is a worshipper of Mammon in heart.

In conclusion, it is my opinion that it is very important that we question the motives of all - irrespective of the branding they give - from religious leaders to politicians to judges - and that such questionings are not only useful but neccessary in today's society where Mammon wraps his hands around the hearts of her leaders and elites.



Well said! This is wat i meant when i told forummers not to bad-mouth the monk. Your own imperfections resulted in you seeing other people as imperfect beings, and will invariably lead to your own negative karma.

Just let him be. In my opinion, he is a Bodhisivittas who has the heart and compassion to setup a hospital to care for the sick and old, can u do likewise?

emptiness is form....form is emptiness.

did he set up that so that later he could help himself freely? obviously, that's what happening now.

let me pose this question using different substituted character:

do u think chee is helping us so that later he can help himself - yes, FREELY?:confused:


If we follow this logic, then we should abandon the judical system and remove all judges. Forgive all murderers, rapists and embezzelers. Trust all insurance agents, used car salesmen. Believe politicians.

What is true is that all have done evil deeds or thoughts. Thoughts are not deeds. It does not carry the same impact as deeds. An adulterous thought will not carry the same devastating impact as an adulterous deed. To be so angry as to contemplate murder is not the same as the act itself. Thus the treatment is different.

Even though the monk can be a person who is high in ranking in the Buddhist spiritual world, it does not mean he is immune from judgment if he does wrong. His concern for the sick and poor is balanced by his belief that religious work he does is money-enriching and money-rewarding.

The problem as always, concerns the love of money.

Are his good deeds empowered by Mammon?

Thus the case here is not about Judgment - if he is evil or innocent.

It is about asking "Can This Religious Leader be trusted?"

If your answer is 'yes' or 'no' or 'maybe', that's your decision and you live with your consequences - if he is indeed a good man or he use your gifts to enrich himself. Or if he is a worshipper of Mammon in heart.

In conclusion, it is my opinion that it is very important that we question the motives of all - irrespective of the branding they give - from religious leaders to politicians to judges - and that such questionings are not only useful but neccessary in today's society where Mammon wraps his hands around the hearts of her leaders and elites.

many use the principle of CHARITY. instead of using it to help others, they exploit it along the way to help themselves to it first.

but coming from a monk who indulges in lavish lifestyle, the wolf in sheep skin is thoroughly exposed. there are actually more hideous details but these are cautiously drawn back.


This guy will walk free. At most he has breached his fiduciary duty. Probably banned from directorships. Life goes on. He possibly screwed someone related to the MIWs and that is the only reason why he is being dragged to the courts.



Well said! This is wat i meant when i told forummers not to bad-mouth the monk. Your own imperfections resulted in you seeing other people as imperfect beings, and will invariably lead to your own negative karma.

Just let him be. In my opinion, he is a Bodhisivittas who has the heart and compassion to setup a hospital to care for the sick and old, can u do likewise?

He is a Bodhisivittas all right, especially to his assistant Raymond.

The whole argument is trying to twist it in such a way to shut people up. If you really want to talk about imperfection, then should Ming Yi have much less imperfection than normal laymen?

Yet he portray himself as some guy who is so childish and ignorant to the world. Is he trying to tell the world that if you practise Buddhism to the highest level, this is what you will become? What are all these blunders and intentional causing criminal offences. Where is the so call wisdom that Buddhism promised?

You have to understand that you are living in a real world and not the ideal pure land that Buddhism has promised. Many do not follows the Buddhist doctrine and Buddhist way of life, let alone agree with what you try to twist here.

This is simply giving excuses to allow people to err more than to work towards perfection. Simply said, the longer Ming Yi trying to twist his way through the legal system, the worse is his damages to the good name of Buddha.


in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛

Oh, yes. And obviously you think that it is okay to the heads of the two major monasteries are in loggerhead with each other. The musician and the botanist are at each other's throat all the time. At the same time, both are bad term with Ming Yi. Worse still, they are all having conflict of interest with Ju Si Ling. The heads of these Buddhist societies are having in fighting with each other to grab for power.

What you have written is what the Monks asked us laymen to do, yet they are not practising what they are preaching. The whole Buddhist society only looks good on the outside but maggots on the inside. Do you even know that The Singapore Buddhist Association only there in name but no authority over the monasteries? And that each monasteries are going out to collect small temples to increase their profiles?

Ming Yi's case brings about a wake up call the the Buddhist society. If there is still no action to revamp the whole system, I am seeing a world with the end of Dharma very soon in Singapore.

Porfirio Rubirosa

What kind warped crap shit logic is this?...So just because Goh Kah Heng does such a good deed this places him above the law of the land and he is allowed to act with impunity...he cannot be criticised for moral and ethical breaches of conduct apart from his alleged criminal acts...

It is people like you who do buddhism a disservice by disingenuously trying to cover up for patently wrong acts and conduct of so called 'monks' like Goh Kah Heng

Just let him be. In my opinion, he is a Bodhisivittas who has the heart and compassion to setup a hospital to care for the sick and old, can u do likewise?

Porfirio Rubirosa

Please lah who is judging whom?...Just pointing out the hard cold facts and truth...that Goh Kah Heng is not fit to don the saffron robe notwithstanding his setting up of RenCi...
in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛

Porfirio Rubirosa

Let's cut to the chase here...if what Goh Kah Heng stands for is what Buddhism is really about...well then I spit on Buddhism...HOWEVER I have enough sense to know that this is NOT the case...and I say this as a non buddhist...the same applies to say the Father Kang case and the catholic church...and muslim terrorists and Islam...the Religions per se are not at fault...it is the flawed imperfect humans who are to blame...that is why society requires proper adequate objective instituionalised checks and balances to oversee flawed imperfect humans...religious characters are hardly the exception.
He is a Bodhisivittas all right, especially to his assistant Raymond.

The whole argument is trying to twist it in such a way to shut people up. If you really want to talk about imperfection, then should Ming Yi have much less imperfection than normal laymen?

Yet he portray himself as some guy who is so childish and ignorant to the world. Is he trying to tell the world that if you practise Buddhism to the highest level, this is what you will become? What are all these blunders and intentional causing criminal offences. Where is the so call wisdom that Buddhism promised?

You have to understand that you are living in a real world and not the ideal pure land that Buddhism has promised. Many do not follows the Buddhist doctrine and Buddhist way of life, let alone agree with what you try to twist here.

This is simply giving excuses to allow people to err more than to work towards perfection. Simply said, the longer Ming Yi trying to twist his way through the legal system, the worse is his damages to the good name of Buddha.


in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛

when one plants a peanut seed, he doesn't expect to harvest watermelon.:smile:


Let's cut to the chase here...if what Goh Kah Heng stands for is what Buddhism is really about...well then I spit on Buddhism...HOWEVER I have enough sense to know that this is NOT the case...and I say this as a non buddhist...the same applies to say the Father Kang case and the catholic church...and muslim terrorists and Islam...the Religions per se are not at fault...it is the flawed imperfect humans who are to blame...that is why society requires proper adequate objective instituionalised checks and balances to oversee flawed imperfect humans...religious characters are hardly the exception.

That I have to agree with you. I am pretty sadden by the way people using religion for their vested interest. I don't really care if it is Christianity since the Chrsitians are responsible for the well being of their own religion.

Being a Buddhist and seeing fellow "Buddhist" abusing the teaching of Buddha for their own gain, thus turning Buddhist society to no more than a hypocritical occult, I really cannot stand it. The worst thing is that the followers using Buddhism to silence others rather than self reflect of such behaviour.


Alfrescian (Inf)
明义法师被判表面罪状成立,明义闻判要答辩 (fighting monk :confused: )




That I have to agree with you. I am pretty sadden by the way people using religion for their vested interest. I don't really care if it is Christianity since the Chrsitians are responsible for the well being of their own religion.

Being a Buddhist and seeing fellow "Buddhist" abusing the teaching of Buddha for their own gain, thus turning Buddhist society to no more than a hypocritical occult, I really cannot stand it. The worst thing is that the followers using Buddhism to silence others rather than self reflect of such behaviour.

BUDDHISM is about enlightening oneself regardless of external influencing or distressing factors.

believe in the teachings but not the teachers at times.:smile:


in the first place we are no angels too, each of us through certain part of our life have done bad deeds or evil thoughts. the precepts are there for us to follow and not for us to judge others.回头是岸,立地成佛

Right again! This is what I meant. Don't be too quick to pass judgement on others. Look at yourself for once. It's only human to err.

Let go and forgive, in my opinion, he has done much more Good than most of us here, agree?


"Ming Yi was also questioned about expenses chalked up at Jozankei View Hotel in Sapporo, Japan, in April 2005. The two men had shared a room there and five of their acquaintances were in two other rooms."

It is very strange that you will pamper your employee to this extend?
also with their money, why they need to share a room?

Ming Yi a big disgrace to the monkhood, he should not be wearing
monk robe. I think if the Chief Monk of Brighthill were to meet face
to face he would gave him a tight slap on the face.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I humbly submit that Mr Goh should voluntarily defrock himself during the duration of the trial. He should dress in civilian clothes. The sight of him in monk robes in both print media and tv makes one quite uncomfortable. Buddhism is under siege because of him and his posse of personal assistants. So high profile when performing stunts, now even higher profile in court trial!:(
so paiseh and paikuah!