Indonesian/Filipino - recommendations by their respective embassy, NGO's $600, every Sunday off, you pay their loan expenses of 2 months ( still under negotiations with the embassies, not agreed yet), levy $265, bankers Gtee $5,000, etc.. medical, out of pocket expenses..included in the agency fees. You can still get them at $450 one Sunday off or $550 for Filipino, one Sunday off, if they ask for 4 Sundays is in the agreement set up by the two Embassies.
Myanmar maids, etc.. are still in the 'modern slavery' market, like the previous Indo & Filipnoes maids, below $450, no day agency fees...MOM are not enforcing that tightly at the moment. You read or hear news of Myanmar maids having BF's here, plastering the room with Buddhist images, come with VD, AIDS...for medical check in Myanmar not so strict, & pregnancies, they steal things, run away..home sick..can not speak good English... etc
New DH or maids, coming in here, have to take a three days or a week orientation course before she can be delpoyed to your home...your cost for this id from $90-$120, new employers have to take a course too...
The question ask is, Do you need one?, Can you manage having one? Are you prepared to stomach their nonsense? , Can you afford to pay MOM & the Maid every month. Think carefully.