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Breaking News!Science had proven it beyond doubt that an intelligent designer exists!


Re: Kindergarten Level

Science (Empirical) proven Intelligent designer(theologist) - Level 8 (Academic)

Intelligent designer(theologist) proven Science(Empirical) - Level 3 (ABC, Kindergarten)

Pleez lah. What has atheists and empirical stuff have in common ?

Tell me which one :

  • Aliens seeding the Earth ?
  • Evolution of terrestrial species ?
  • The atheistic Big Bang ?
  • Strings theory ?

Stupid atheists with more assumptions again. :rolleyes: Please don't call it science. Don't you dare to rape science ! :mad:



Your 'run road' script is exactly what I had already prepared in advance in post#1.

Talking Lizard: 好戏后头!
Talking Lizard: Coming Soon –next chapter on the snake talk series ‘Forbidden Apple tastes sweeter’
Talking Lizard: Meanwhile, uncle Toronto shall continue to have lot of FUN skinning the Snake.
Talking Lizard: to expose it.

Again, nothing. I won't shake my head at you. Because, you are no different to all the predecessors before you who had already run road. I'm glad you are STILL around to keep me entertained. :biggrin:


Theologist vs Science

Pleez lah. What has atheists and empirical stuff have in common ?

Tell me which one :

  • Aliens seeding the Earth ?
  • Evolution of terrestrial species ?
  • The atheistic Big Bang ?
  • Strings theory ?

Stupid atheists with more assumptions again. :rolleyes: Please don't call it science. Don't you dare to rape science ! :mad:

Please, don’t alter the essence of the Question so liberally. Twist and turn like a Serpent.
The original Question is:

Intelligent designer(theologist) proven Science(Empirical) - Level 3 (ABC, Kindergarten)

Not Atheist vs Science or Science vs Atheist.
Please get it right, it is: ID-gist vs Science

Only the TWO identified players in the ring, no atheist in the ring.

Stick to the ORIGIN Question. Conquer it.
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Re: Theologist vs Science

Gosh! And that was what happened to the Hebrew Book, keep being altered from ancient time till the recent century.
The alteration process happened for a period of >1000 years. St Conqueror, do you dare to deny that it had never been altered?
And have you read the original one?


Re: Theologist vs Science

Not Atheist vs Science or Science vs Atheist.
Please get it right, it is: ID-gist vs Science

Stick to the ORIGIN Question. Conquer it.

So easy. But, why should I tell you ? I have nothing to gain anyway. :rolleyes:

Please get it right ? Okay. Maybe you can start with your sentence first. It's "Non" not "Not". Do put a dash to connect the two words. :wink:


Re: Theologist vs Science

Gosh! And that was what happened to the Hebrew Book, keep being altered from ancient time till the recent century.
The alteration process happened for a period of >1000 years. St Conqueror, do you dare to deny that it had never been altered?
And have you read the original one?

Look, it isn't all in Hebrew. :rolleyes: You are boring. :wink:

Need a drifting wood for entertainment. :p


Re: Theologist vs Science

Inconsistent, Self-Contrading Again:

Need a drifting wood for entertainment. :p

St Conqueror (Post#111): "Why should I ? 少一个,不算少。多一个,也不会多。This kind of 'talent' here is plentiful lah. Don't worry. Why worry ? You can volunteer yourself to replace him if you want to. "

St Conqueror (Post#127): " Need a drifting wood for entertainment."

Without 'F', you are bored huh? You take multiple forms?

Conclusion: This Snake Talker is consistently changing and twisting his words just to win an argument. St Conqueror's credibility drops to base and cannot be trusted in what he utters!


Uncle Con is dying for Profanity exchange!
Uncle Toronto is having lot of FUN skinning the Snake HARD!


Re: Theologist vs Science

Stilling struggling hard with a Kindergarten Question...

So easy. But, why should I tell you ? I have nothing to gain anyway. :rolleyes:

Please get it right ? Okay. Maybe you can start with your sentence first. It's "Non" not "Not". Do put a dash to connect the two words. :wink:

Don't change the meaning of my words lah (not yours ever evoluting Hebrew Book, please lah).
'Non' -atheist will include polytheist, semi-theist and others.

You are really dumb fool. -proven again and again.


The original Question still stand:

Intelligent Designer(theologist) proven Science(Empirical) - Level 3 (ABC, Kindergarten)


Don't act like a sissy, giving this kind of lame excuses, can only bluff little girl and sunday sheep!


Uncle Con should know his standard
Gossip Threads are more suitable for him
What are the 'escape' excuses uncle Con are coming up?
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Re: Sainthood

I'm not sure whether the Catholics started this honorary title. The Chinese use it for differentiating different nobles with different classes of power and wealth. The medieval age ang mor also used this.

Do we see St. John, St. Luke, etc in the bible ? That was NOT proper. Real Christians don't do this. :wink:

Fake ones need not apply. Rev, Dr, Emeritus, whatever ... :rolleyes:

Fake ones will confer such titles to dead people as 'saints'. Remember, these people have NO rights to indicate who is the chosen one - ONLY God has that AUTHORITY ! Simple as that. :cool:

Some fools will not accept the truth that I'm a saint. :rolleyes:

This comment is factually wrong in several areas:

1. There is no historical evidence that 'Saint' is exclusively for ID, only ID and not layman can use it.
2. The chinese rarely use it in non-secular context. It is often used in secular context to refer to ancient sages (圣人, 圣贤) like Kong Fu Zi (Confuscius), Mo Zi, Zhuang Zi, Han Fei Zi, etc. These are ancient philosophers, ideologists, not directly related to religion.
3. People like ST Luke are bible writers

I guess it would be good to let the ang moh worshipper St Conqueror to provide more details on the used of Saint in ang moh medieval age.
This shouldn't be too academic for him. Don't need to find any 'run-road' excuse...


Re: Sainthood


1. He had only one major publication.

2. It was in Hebrew.

3. It had no references.

4. It wasn’t published in a referenced journal.

5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.

6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since?

7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.

8. The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.

9. He never applied to the ethics board for permission to use human subjects.

10. When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it by drowning his subjects.

11. When subjects didn’t behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample.

12. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.

13. Some say he had his son teach the class.

14. He expelled his first two students for learning too much too fast.

15. Although there were only 10 requirements, most of his students failed his tests.

16. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountaintop.



Re: Sainthood

I'm not sure whether the Catholics started this honorary title. The Chinese use it for differentiating different nobles with different classes of power and wealth. The medieval age ang mor also used this.

Do we see St. John, St. Luke, etc in the bible ? That was NOT proper. Real Christians don't do this. :wink:

Fake ones need not apply. Rev, Dr, Emeritus, whatever ... :rolleyes:

Fake ones will confer such titles to dead people as 'saints'. Remember, these people have NO rights to indicate who is the chosen one - ONLY God has that AUTHORITY ! Simple as that. :cool:

Some fools will not accept the truth that I'm a saint. :rolleyes:

4. A piece of shit still stink whatever you call it..Prophet, Chosen, Daniel-like, Conqueror, Saint, Banner Carrier. :smile:
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Re: Theologist vs Science

Look, it isn't all in Hebrew. :rolleyes: You are boring. :wink:

Need a drifting wood for entertainment. :p

Haha, the point is not about being translated from Hebrew to other languages.

"Gosh! And that was what happened to the Hebrew Book, keep being altered from ancient time till the recent century.
The alteration process happened for a period of >1000 years. St Conqueror, do you dare to deny that it had never been altered?
And have you read the original one?"

And you are still unable to deny it?
Except beating round the bush, taking cheap shots at minute errors.
I almost forgotten you are a professional spotter for error in real life.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Still can't deny the fact?


Score A Goal !

'Non' -atheist will include polytheist, semi-theist and others.

Uncle Con should know his standard
Gossip Threads are more suitable for him
What are the 'escape' excuses uncle Con are coming up?

Sorry, you failed another one again ! Non-atheists can be agnostics or deists. So, stupid fools have so many lame excuses and assumptions. Uncle, you are gettin' senile ah ? :rolleyes::cool:

Most dictionaries and non-Atheists define "Atheist" as a person who actively denies the existence of any Gods, Goddess, Satan, angels, demons, etc.

THEIST, DEIST, NON-THEIST, ATHEIST. One of the things we sometimes try to do is to discover what label we can adopt to describe ourselves theologically, ...

When you have dumb fucks writing like dat, how can I not win ! :biggrin:


Re: Sainthood

I guess it would be good to let the ang moh worshipper St Conqueror to provide more details on the used of Saint in ang moh medieval age.

Stupid people who worship NOTHING always have comprehension problems as well as analyzing problems. Ay, dumb fuck read this :

The original Bible words that have been translated to the English word saint are found through the entire Old and New Testaments. Saints did not originate at the time of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

The Hebrew Words in The Old Testament
koe-desh meant sacred, holy, or dedicated
kaw-dosh meant sacred or holy
kaw-seed meant good or holy

The Greek Word In The New Testament
hag-ee-oes meant sacred, pure or blameless

All of the original words above (listed in their transliterated form - written according to how they sound in English) all carry the same definition of a saint - someone who is sacred, holy, pure, blameless, dedicated. They became saints by means of the Holy Spirit, which can only come from God. God therefore chooses His saints, and gives them of His Holy Spirit to make it possible (see The Elect).

The people described as saints in The Bible were however still very much human. They were called, they were holy, and they were extremely dedicated (both in terms of attitude, and in the sense of being set apart), but they were still real people, far from perfect. Saints never stopped being normal people - fishermen, farmers, tent makers, doctors, teachers, carpenters. The "little people" of the congregations were as much saints as the most famous and prominent ones such as Peter and Paul (e.g. Romans 15:26).

Are ancient Israelites 'ang mor' ? I keep winning. Fantastic unbroken record !


Re: Sainthood


1. He had only one major publication.

15. Although there were only 10 requirements, most of his students failed his tests.

Actually, there were more than ten requirements. Ten ! Now, how many ? Give me a concise report by Monday. :cool:

Why PH D ? He created the WHOLE UNIVERSE !! The Earth !! And Many Creatures !! PHD is for losers.

One publication is good enough if I know how to use it. The rest are earthly - not so important. They will not survive for long when the Kingdom comes. All the science books will also be in the trash eventually. :eek::rolleyes:


Re: Sainthood

4. A piece of shit still stink whatever you call it..Prophet, Chosen, Daniel-like, Conqueror, Saint, Banner Carrier. :smile:

So green with envy. Tsk ! I suppose to say, "Stop being a loser." But, I think that's a befitting title for you. Besides that, you are a dumb fuck too. Acceptable ? You are one. :rolleyes:
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Re: Theologist vs Science

Haha, the point is not about being translated from Hebrew to other languages.

"Gosh! And that was what happened to the Hebrew Book, keep being altered from ancient time till the recent century.
The alteration process happened for a period of >1000 years. St Conqueror, do you dare to deny that it had never been altered?
And have you read the original one?"

I almost forgotten you are a professional spotter for error in real life.:biggrin:

Being a spotter has made someone unhappy. :confused::biggrin: What a sore loser ! I'm still sticking to my guns anyway. :rolleyes:



A very long rambling on Saint, but you are still half-right and half-baked.
Yes, Saints are sacred, holy, pure, blameless, dedicated. For Saints to be Saints, a key characteristic has been missing in your long rambling -Saints are men and women who have died. Can you name a renowned living Saint? Not in your context, but the context that is accepted internationally.

You conspicuously skipped on how medieval ang moh used Saint. This was what you said and i posted you to go details.
As usual, you have failed to reply to the core Question. As sneaky as your real self.

A good attempt but still failed, little people! Most of his students failed his tests. :smile:
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