lidat ...5 girls, 1 at sunrise, 1 at breakfast, 1 at lunch, 1 at tea break, 1 at dinner.......... would be so shiok ...
official poster ...
Whats the girl name? the one in green dress?
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<span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312,楷体;">3D肉蒲團日本AV女優到港 ...</span>
周防雪子 ... 周防ゆきこ ... yukiko suo ...Whats the girl name? the one in green dress?![]()
<span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312,楷体;">明代才子未央生,自恃才高俊秀,認為人生苦短,應該追求人世間的性愛極樂…他邂逅了道學宿儒鐵扉道人的女兒鐵玉香,二人一見鍾情,郎才女貌,未央生隨即拜堂成親,入贅為婿。然而,玉香自幼受乃父道學濡染,端莊持重,不諳床弟之事、魚水之歡;令一心追求性愛極樂的未央生感到味同嚼蠟。縱然彼此相愛,未央生亦始終為此大感遺憾 ...
一次,未央生被引見造訪藩王(寧王)的「絕世樓」,寧王為人好大喜功,喜收集絕世珍藏,從字畫、古董珍品,到絕世奇才,均無一遺漏。未央生以其鑑賞奇才,被寧王招為上賓,被引領進入「極樂閣」。「極樂閣」可謂浮世中的酒池肉林-眾人沉溺色慾當中,做盡極盡荒唐之事;未央生置身其中,頓感血脈沸騰,眼界大開!寧王麾下有兩大絕色美女,包括:床上功夫絕世的瑞珠、冷艷但有強烈暴虐傾向的冬梅。未央生得寧王賞賜,遂跟兩大淫娃夜夜痴纏,可是,卻在過程中發覺自己的塵柄過於短小,自慚形穢 ...
及後,未央生得遇極樂老人-一個容貌為美女,但實為年達花甲、採陽補陰天下第一的方士。在其安排和指導下,未央生不單換上雄驢的性器,還練成了房中秘術!超人的床技令他成為天下第一的性技高手,終日肆意追求愛慾帶來的快感 ...
快活不知時日過,玉香獨守空幃,斯人獨憔悴,最後在父親及鄉眾的壓力下,選擇跟未央生仳離。玉香的離開令未央生更肆意縱情於色慾裡。然而,一切皆非偶然,所有奇遇其實都是預先安排給他倆的殺身陷阱 ...
生死一髮間,正好考驗著二人的真愛,最後,未央生和玉香能否避過劫數?真愛最終又能否戰勝肉慾帶來的歡愉呢? ...</span>
As a conceited scholar of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Yangshang believes that since life is short, one should pursue the ultimate sexual pleasure as time allows. Wei Yangsheng encounters Tie Fei the Taoist priest's daughter, Tie Yuxiang, on an occasion. With the former's talent and the latter's beauty, they fall in love at first sight, and Wei Yangsheng is later married into the Tie's family. Yuxiang is elegant and courteous under the influence of her father's faith, though her lack of passion cannot fully satisfy Wei Yangsheng's sexual needs. His disappointment is no less than his affection for her.
One day, Wei Yangsheng follows his friend Lin to the The Tower of Rarities, where The Prince of Ning keeps his grandiose treasures. Ning's collections are exclusive – from calligraphy, painting and antiques to peerless prodigy. With his appreciation skill for antiques, Wei Yangsheng becomes a guest of honour and is escorted to the Pavilion of Ultimate Bliss, where men and women live a life of wild orgies. The Prince of Ning has two stunners, coitus expert Reizhu and withdrawn sadist Dongmei. With Ning's permission, Wei Yangsheng enjoys promiscuous sex with them day and night. However, his micro-penis soon makes him feel inferior.
He later encounters The Elder of Ultimate Bliss, a greybeard with the appearance of a beautiful woman who keeps his youth-look by accumulating the Zen of yin yang. Under the guide of The Elder of Ultimate Bliss, Wei Yangsheng not only undergoes a dick-swap operation for a donkey's penis, but also acquires the ultimate sexual skills. Since then he arbitrarily pursues physical pleasure, where he finds unprecedented satisfaction and superiority, physically and psychologically.
Time passes by, his loving wife Yuxiang waits tranquilly at home for his return. Under the pressure of her father and the neighbours, heartbroken Yuxiang adamantly divorces Wei Yangsheng. Having been abandoned by Yuxiang, Wei Yangsheng aggravates his licentious lifestyle.
What seems to be adventitious is actually a deadly snare ...
<span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312,楷体;">蓝燕 饰 铁玉香 ...
正值盛年,身為血肉之軀,夜夜孤枕,玉香也難掩寂寞。遇上賣身下人權老實於一回當玉香沐浴之時,權老實撞入閨房。乾柴烈火,二人一拍即合,權老實不單天生異稟,原來技巧和體力都異於常人,加上玉香久旱逢春,終達至前所未有的高潮 ...
鐵扉道人撞破二人,一氣之下死掉。玉香被村民私刑之際,卻被上官申救了…上官申不務正業,追求聲色犬馬、行淫作樂。肆意縱情肉慾的玉香遂練得一身超凡性技…雖終日沉淪慾海,肉體以外,上官申也實在待玉香不薄,玉香亦暗對倚雲生好感徒增 ...
當有情有義的玉香得知未央生被寧王所害,決捨身救未央生…性愛的歡愉遠比不上真愛。為了能跟未央生破鏡重圓,玉香甘願放棄性愛的歡愉,戴上由寒鐵精鑄的貞操帶。未央生亦浪子回頭,跟皇爺對掉了本屬雄馬的巨器,決以真愛跟對方一起共渡餘生 ...</span>
Leni Nam as Tie YuXiang ...
Born in an educated family, Tie Yuxiang is not only handsome and elegant, but also amiable and courteous under the influence of her father, Tie Fei the Taoist priest. _
Tie Fei arranges a blind date for Yuxiang and a rich young man Lin, during which Yuxiang coincidentally falls in love with his friend, Wei Yangsheng, with whom she later married.
Married life is pleasing, apart from Yuxiang's lack of passion due to her inexperience in bed and _Wei Yangsheng's premature ejaculations, which lead to their less than satisfied sex life.
On one occasion, Wei Yangsheng follows Lin to The Prince of Ning's residence, where he witnesses life of wild orgies. Under The Prince of Ning's permission, Wei Yangsheng stays behind and enjoys promiscuous sex with uncountable women. However, his tiny genital and premature climax can no longer satisfy his ego and his partners, which eventually drive him to seek for an ultimate solution – dick-swap operation.
In the mean time, lonesome Yuxiang waits tranquilly at home for Wei Yangsheng's return. However, when Yuxiang heard of his love affairs, heartbroken Yuxiang adamantly divorces Wei Yangsheng.
Yuxiang's sexual desire is mounting every night ever since, until the day she meets Quan Laoshi, a footman who is muscular ...
<span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312,楷体;">雷凱欣 饰 极乐老人 ...
外表為艷美的女人,實則是靠採陽補陰保持年青的古稀老翁。極樂床上秘技令他有著女人的外貌,男人性器的陰陽人!古代方士、性學家。原為出家之人,後因六根未淨,破了色戒,還俗塵世,追求愛慾大半生,性經驗及修練方士之術,並煉丹製藥,但求促進情趣,故改稱極樂老人。是鼓勵未央生慾海沉淪之啟蒙導師 ...</span>
Vonnie Lui as The Elder of Bliss ...
Having the appearance of a beautiful woman, the Elder of Bliss is a greybeard who keeps his youth-look by accumulating the Zen of yin yang. He was a monk, but he broke the sexual precept and therefore resumed secular life. He pursues lust most of his life, he not only creates and practices sexual techniques through continuous experience, but also develop medications as an auxiliary . Thus he calls himself the Elder of Bliss, and has enlightened Wei Yangsheng in pursuing _a licentious life ...
<span style="font-family: 楷体_GB2312,楷体;">葉山豪 饰 未央生 ...
未央生恃才傲物,一心追求人生極樂。未央生的人生極樂,卻是肉慾上的性快感。未央生後邂逅玉香,二人一見鍾情,決定打破傳統,不理世俗,自由戀愛,並入贅為婿 ...
婚後,二人深愛對方,相敬如賓,唯在房事方面始感有所欠缺。為了追求更完美的性愛,未央生甚至慾求不滿,唯一直沒有喧之於口。及至一次偶然機會,隨友林公子訪寧王的絕世樓,才改變了其一生 ...
大膽妄為但內裡又充滿正義感的未央生,表面進入絕世樓是搜奇,實則仍暗地裡秘密上書京城,跟眾同窗聯署,告發寧王 ...
在寧王允許下,未央生分別跟天下第一床技的瑞珠和冷艷暴虐狂的冬梅日夜淫樂,快活不知時日過,把髮妻冷落…安守婦道的玉香終聞得未央生在外拈花惹草之事,傷心欲絕。立書休了未央生,二人一刀兩斷 ...
直至遇上極樂老人,自卑又自大的未央生遂把自己的陽具切掉,換上驢的陽具;並學得一身絕世床技,自此御女無數 ...
然而,一切都是寧王播弄的陷阱 ...</span>
Hiro Hayama as Wei YangSheng ...
Wei Yangsheng is a conceited scholar who constantly pursues the ultimate pleasure, which to him is pure sexual pleasure. Wei Yangsheng encounters Tie Yuxiang, the two falls in love at first sight, and against the contemporary tradition, the former married into the Tie's family. The couple are loving and courteous to each other after mirriage, but both are less-than- satisfied in bed. Although Wei Yangsheng has not displayed his frustration, but deep down he longs for the ultimate lust. On one occasion, Wei Yangsheng follows his friend Lin to the The Tower of Rarities, which belongs to The Prince of Ning, and the experience inside has changed his life ...
Daring but just, Wei Yangsheng seems to be interested in rarities, but is secretly collecting evidence to draft a count to the King ... Under The Prince of Ning's permission, Wei Yangsheng endlessly enjoys promiscuous sex with stunners, coitus expert Reizhu and withdrawn sadist Dongmei. Time passes by, he continues to desert his loving wife Yuxiang, who finally learns of his affairs and adamantly divorces him ...
Until he meets The Elder of Bliss,Wei Yangsheng, inferior but arrogant, undergoes a dick-swap operation for a donkey's penis, and acquires the ultimate sexual skills, and makes countless women climax ...
However, it is a snare set by The Prince of Ning ...