Sun Wukong
The Eric How Saga : So who do you believe now?
Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story
Jan 23, 2010
Who is the real 'Eric How'?
Two innocent people dragged into fray after 'Eric How' posts diatribe on YP's Facebook page
<!-- by line --> By Rachel Chang
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Salesman Eric How, who is a YP member, has made a police report.
<!-- story content : start --> IT IS a tale of three Eric Hows - and a Facebook post. The first 'Eric How', real identity unknown, first made waves on the social networking website on Jan 1 with an inflammatory diatribe posted on the Facebook page of the Young PAP (YP), the People's Action Party's youth wing. Claiming to be a member of the YP, he said critics of the ruling party should blame their woes not on the party, but on their own misfortune not to be born into a rich family, like him. In the ensuing cyber uproar which continues until today, two real-life Eric Hows were dragged into the fray. Both have lodged separate police reports on the incident.The YP issued a statement on Friday condemning the posts by 'Eric How', saying they lacked empathy and did not represent 'what YP stands for'.The first inflammatory post by 'Eric How', made on New Year's Day, said: 'My folks did the right thing... and we will never need to nag the Government about giving jobs to foreigners instead of locals. In fact, we create jobs for others.'
Read the full story in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.
[email protected]
Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story
Jan 23, 2010
Who is the real 'Eric How'?
Two innocent people dragged into fray after 'Eric How' posts diatribe on YP's Facebook page
<!-- by line --> By Rachel Chang
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Salesman Eric How, who is a YP member, has made a police report.
<!-- story content : start --> IT IS a tale of three Eric Hows - and a Facebook post. The first 'Eric How', real identity unknown, first made waves on the social networking website on Jan 1 with an inflammatory diatribe posted on the Facebook page of the Young PAP (YP), the People's Action Party's youth wing. Claiming to be a member of the YP, he said critics of the ruling party should blame their woes not on the party, but on their own misfortune not to be born into a rich family, like him. In the ensuing cyber uproar which continues until today, two real-life Eric Hows were dragged into the fray. Both have lodged separate police reports on the incident.The YP issued a statement on Friday condemning the posts by 'Eric How', saying they lacked empathy and did not represent 'what YP stands for'.The first inflammatory post by 'Eric How', made on New Year's Day, said: 'My folks did the right thing... and we will never need to nag the Government about giving jobs to foreigners instead of locals. In fact, we create jobs for others.'
Read the full story in Saturday's edition of The Straits Times.
[email protected]