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[YouTube] - Awesome cinematic fight scene from Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
wow how did she survive then?

To answer your question, I did abit of looking up. Turns out that cinematic was the cliff-hanger end of the game, so if you played to the end, you'll end up wondering about that same question too (I was a bit off when I said Jill was the protagonist, she's only one of many protagonists it seems, and killing off protagonists are in-fashion these days, so yeah I take back what I said about assuming she lives just because she's a protagonist... but in this case, turns out she does lives on).

Resident Evil 5 takes place in 2009 in the fictional African town of Kijuju,[68] where terrorists are turning local residents into zombies. One of these terrorists is revealed to be Valentine,[69] who was missing in action for the previous two and a half years.[6] Set in 2006, the Lost in Nightmares prequel DLC showed Valentine and Redfield searching inside a mansion for Umbrella's founder; to save Redfield from Wesker, Valentine tackled the latter through a window.[70] Neither of their bodies were recovered, and Valentine is declared dead.[53] In fact, she was injured by the fall and taken hostage by Wesker, who then used her as a test subject in his biological experiments. The antibodies produced by Valentine's system as a result of her Nemesis-era T-virus infection were used as the basis for the Uroboros Virus,[69] the catalyst for the events of Resident Evil 5.[6]

During Resident Evil 5, Redfield discovers that Valentine is alive; Wesker attached a mind-control device on Valentine which forced her to commit the terrorist acts and fight Redfield and his new partner, local BSAA agent Sheva Alomar.[29][53] Valentine finds enough self-control to open her outfit so the device can be seen and removed. After its removal, she explains that she knew what she was doing but was unable to control her actions[27] and urges Redfield and Alomar to continue their mission.[53] Another DLC episode, Desperate Escape, describes Valentine's escape to safety with the help of local BSAA agent Josh Stone.[71]



Super Moderator
Staff member
To answer your question, I did abit of looking up. Turns out that cinematic was the cliff-hanger end of the game, so if you played to the end, you'll end up wondering about that same question too (I was a bit off when I said Jill was the protagonist, she's only one of many protagonists it seems, and killing off protagonists are in-fashion these days, so yeah I take back what I said about assuming she lives just because she's a protagonist... but in this case, turns out she does lives on).

Resident Evil 5 takes place in 2009 in the fictional African town of Kijuju,[68] where terrorists are turning local residents into zombies. One of these terrorists is revealed to be Valentine,[69] who was missing in action for the previous two and a half years.[6] Set in 2006, the Lost in Nightmares prequel DLC showed Valentine and Redfield searching inside a mansion for Umbrella's founder; to save Redfield from Wesker, Valentine tackled the latter through a window.[70] Neither of their bodies were recovered, and Valentine is declared dead.[53] In fact, she was injured by the fall and taken hostage by Wesker, who then used her as a test subject in his biological experiments. The antibodies produced by Valentine's system as a result of her Nemesis-era T-virus infection were used as the basis for the Uroboros Virus,[69] the catalyst for the events of Resident Evil 5.[6]

During Resident Evil 5, Redfield discovers that Valentine is alive; Wesker attached a mind-control device on Valentine which forced her to commit the terrorist acts and fight Redfield and his new partner, local BSAA agent Sheva Alomar.[29][53] Valentine finds enough self-control to open her outfit so the device can be seen and removed. After its removal, she explains that she knew what she was doing but was unable to control her actions[27] and urges Redfield and Alomar to continue their mission.[53] Another DLC episode, Desperate Escape, describes Valentine's escape to safety with the help of local BSAA agent Josh Stone.[71]

thank you very much! :smile: