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Young Sinkie Doctor dead due to the Jab.( or suicide) He tells others to jab too.


my question is whether he is dead or alive?
if he's dead, why no obituary?
if he's alive, why he doesn't make a public statement about all these social.media speculations?


every single vaxtard who persecuted the unvaxed has since died, or is on the way to hell. The most famous being the king of Sg. Keep going


Old Fart
For the record, I only took the vaccine after watching this video.




In light of Dr Julian's Tan's death, some people have sent me more information.

There is a post of someone who felt gaslighted by him saying his symptoms are "not due to the vaccine".

And guess who his other best buddy is. Unvaxxed Hater Calvin Cheng.

It seems that Dr Julian Tan passed away suddenly on 11th Sept and some remarked that it's strange that there is only a memorial service for him 11 days later. Not sure if there was a funeral. Some wondered where his body is etc. The cause of his death remains unknown.

Anyway, we are not here to speculate. We are here to mourn. How doctors like Dr Julian Tan could conclude conclusively that someone's injuries or deaths are not due to the vaccines and how they could ignore the findings of other doctors and scientists around the world and push untested injections to so many people is beyond our understanding of what good medical practices are.

We are here to mourn for science and the medical fraternity in Singapore.

What happened to logic? What happened to First Do No Harm? What happened to them all?

Sadly, his death won't be the first and I'm sure won't be the last. More than 186 vaccinated Canadian doctors already died since the roll out of the quackzines.

I say complacency and blind belief in authority and the Pharma industry killed them.

May his death be a warning to those who still believe in that vaccines saved lives or the propaganda that they are "safe" and "effective".

Many of us, unvaxxed here are still alive, with no ill-effecfs from not taking the experimental injection.

We are the control group they hate because we are proof that their quack science was flawed and it was a propaganda war designed to break us down psychologically, make us comply and doubt ourselves.

Luckily we didn't.

Iris Koh

it is very important that you surround yourself with the right kind of friends and associates. if you mixed with the wrong type, you get urself killed.


is it that he kill himself?

View attachment 188926
kill himself or not that one is that blue bird man problem KNN little kids also meh meh pak really is KNN.... seems more to me like a useful idiot who has outlived his usefulness and uplorry because of that blue bird zham and now kena brushed off by some blue bird reason..... any reason also can as long as his death is unrelated to the zham can already..... lol....


let's have a short interlude

ish this pu bor low intelligence fucker still alive and kicking? See his fucking kum gong face and discriminating against the unvax makes my blood boils and wanna give him a punch in his fucking retarded face..... well on a second thought, 4 or 5 shots or meh meh has done the heavy lifting for me so why bother... lol....

By the way, another useful idiot Kim Huat (Mr Brown) calling unvax chao turtle and discriminating against the unvax on YouTube..... I shall see.... I shall see.....


Of course he would be friends with Calvin Cheng. What a surprise! :roflmao:
Death is better than going out with Calvin.
Calvin probably missed all the hints that he did not want to go out with him.
So being the gentleman, he exited himself.
Calvin is the root cause.


Only dumbasses take yearly flu jabs. You're just cheating your immune system of a chance to become more resilient.

I bet that son of a bitch is heavily invested in pharma stocks. :cool:
Fucker sucks old Schwab’s shriveled dick at the drop of a hat. He’s on the WEF profile page.


Only dumbasses take yearly flu jabs. You're just cheating your immune system of a chance to become more resilient.

I bet that son of a bitch is heavily invested in pharma stocks. :cool:

Calvin Cheng is a Singaporean businessman and former appointed member of Singapore’s Parliament. He is also the first Honorary Consul, and Chief of Diplomatic Mission, of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Singapore.

Calvin graduated with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Hertford College, University of Oxford. He then went on to do a Masters of Science in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management at Oxford’s Said Business School.

Calvin was Independent Co-Chairman of ASX-listed Retech Technology Co (ASX:RTE) and led the company to IPO, after merging a training company he founded in China with Retech’s original China business.

He is a serial entrepreneur who has invested in and exited from several businesses, in fashion, event management, fintech and media.

Calvin Cheng is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.
so he is also a WEF shrill, same as our president.