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Found this wrath of netizens. I have always said he is useless.
How they chose him only GOD knows.
Call on YPAP Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad to apologize to netizens over the”Eric How” fiasco
January 24, 2010 by admin
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YPAP Chairman Teo Ser Luck and Vice Chairman Zaqy Mohammad have come under fire lately in cyberspace for their inept handling of the “Eric How” fiasco which is turning out to be a PR disaster for the YPAP.
Even before the callous comments made by “Eric How”, other YPAP members have incurred the wrath of netizens by their most insensitive, arrogant and over-bearing attitude.
YPAP member Sear Hock Rong leaked confidential information about an online critic of the PAP Alex Tan and used it to attack him. Instead of moderating his remarks, other YPAP moderators of its Facebook Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen joined in the fray.
When asked to clarify if there are any conflict of interests between his business interests and grassroots work, Sear challenged netizens to make a report against him.
It is almost impossible to maintain a decent exchange on the YPAP Facebook without Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen issuing warnings to netizens of all sorts to “watch” their words.
As leaders of the YPAP, Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad should have put a stop to such anti-social behavior by their members right from the beginning. The fact that they did not do so seem to suggest that they condone and endorse such online speech and actions and share some, if not all of their views.
When “Eric How” posted his infamous remarks slamming netizens who criticize the government because they did not get any “fruits” from their forefathers, nobody from the YPAP stepped forward to condemn him or distance themselves from it.
YPAP Facebook moderators Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen even joined in the chorus and sing to the tune of “Eric How”. Only after two weeks did YPAP bother to put up an “official statement” to protect their asses. What do they treat netizens as? A bunch of idiots to be pushed around by them like this?
The media reported that Teo Ser Luck had spoken to one of the “Eric Hows” about the remarks posted after which he lodged a police report.
Anybody familiar with the new media would have advised Eric How not to blow the matter up by going to the police and media. In fact, the matter will never be given such an extensive publicity in the press without the tacit support of the senior leadership of YPAP.
How they chose him only GOD knows.
Call on YPAP Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad to apologize to netizens over the”Eric How” fiasco
January 24, 2010 by admin
Filed under Opinion
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YPAP Chairman Teo Ser Luck and Vice Chairman Zaqy Mohammad have come under fire lately in cyberspace for their inept handling of the “Eric How” fiasco which is turning out to be a PR disaster for the YPAP.
Even before the callous comments made by “Eric How”, other YPAP members have incurred the wrath of netizens by their most insensitive, arrogant and over-bearing attitude.
YPAP member Sear Hock Rong leaked confidential information about an online critic of the PAP Alex Tan and used it to attack him. Instead of moderating his remarks, other YPAP moderators of its Facebook Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen joined in the fray.
When asked to clarify if there are any conflict of interests between his business interests and grassroots work, Sear challenged netizens to make a report against him.
It is almost impossible to maintain a decent exchange on the YPAP Facebook without Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen issuing warnings to netizens of all sorts to “watch” their words.
As leaders of the YPAP, Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad should have put a stop to such anti-social behavior by their members right from the beginning. The fact that they did not do so seem to suggest that they condone and endorse such online speech and actions and share some, if not all of their views.
When “Eric How” posted his infamous remarks slamming netizens who criticize the government because they did not get any “fruits” from their forefathers, nobody from the YPAP stepped forward to condemn him or distance themselves from it.
YPAP Facebook moderators Edgar Khieu and Genesis Shen even joined in the chorus and sing to the tune of “Eric How”. Only after two weeks did YPAP bother to put up an “official statement” to protect their asses. What do they treat netizens as? A bunch of idiots to be pushed around by them like this?
The media reported that Teo Ser Luck had spoken to one of the “Eric Hows” about the remarks posted after which he lodged a police report.
Anybody familiar with the new media would have advised Eric How not to blow the matter up by going to the police and media. In fact, the matter will never be given such an extensive publicity in the press without the tacit support of the senior leadership of YPAP.
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