Dear Goh Meng Seng,
You have been trying extremely hard to defend Uncle Yap, even whitewashing all the inaccuracies, doubts, and gaps in his statements to bolster your points. I serious wonder what is your intention -- whether you genuine believe Uncle Yap is doing all the right thing, or you are merely using Uncle Yap to hit back at Chia Ti Lik and I.
I am truly surprised by your words, really. I have hardly used your name or Tilik in this instance but you keep wanting to make reference to yourself and Tilik! LOL!

I hope that you are not going to think that the whole activism movement only consists of both of you! Boy, that would be a bit too big a hat for you to wear, really!
But I have obliged you in other post and made direct comments on your FALSE FRONT and WAYANG BRAVERY. I think I have said enough about that.
You feel that I am talking about you? Maybe its due to your self-guilt conscience. For this one, I cannot help you with it, really.
I said this many times to you already and I will say it again, you got to be truthful to yourself in whatever you do, else you will always be over sensitive about what other people say. Most of the time, its your mind playing tricks on you because in your very own subconsciousness, you also know your own weaknesses and problems but you just refuse to face it outright in real life.
Uncle Yap, with all honesty, has nothing of these sorts, really. This is because he could be viewed as a sincere activist as he is truthful to himself and his course of actions. He may have made mistakes here and there, but I do not doubt his sincerity in carrying out his actions. If you really want to hear it, I will say it right in your face, you and your ilks do not give people the very basic impression of such sincerity. period.
LOL! What a Wayang false front you are putting up again! Uncle Yap has so far, not complaining anything about what I have written here but you are actually here to "fight for his right" not to be used as a tool to hit at you and your ilks? You really know how to tickle my toe! You are the first to hit at Uncle Yap here! And now, you are pretending to fight for his right? LOL! You really make my day man! Here again, nobody in his right mind would have taken your words seriously because there is no sincerity in it. And anyone with a bright mind would have understood that you are not even truthful to yourself here! This is basically your problem. But it has nothing to do with me, really.
And to tell you the truth, although I am not in your movement, I understand most of you very well, better than you understand yourself, sometimes. And it is no surprise that Uncle Yap would comment that I actually understand him far better than many of the activists he fought with... and that including you and your ilks. And it is no surprise to me that you and your ilks may find it as a "personal attack" because this is purely your hidden guilt within you in response.
It is always a good way to do a reflection with a big contrast right in front of you. Stop deluding yourself about doing the right thing good thing whatever. As long as you could not even face your own self as truthful as it can in private, you are not doing anything right at all.
Goh Meng Seng