The Rebellion of Lucifer
Almighty God explains,Almighty God/Allah bless all of you.
Lucifer The Master announced, "We need to go to the Library. As we walk I will explain why Lucifer became jealous and why he hated the Plan of God."
Chester scratched his head as he followed the Master. "I thought God told Lucifer his plan from the beginning. You said Lucifer was commanded to help the souls achieve their full potential."
The Master walked and collected his thoughts. "Lucifer finally perceived the full meaning of what a souls ultimate pontential to be. God's plan is to create millions and billions of God Beings through soul evolution!"
Chester shook his head as if confused. "Why did this upset Lucifer so much?"
The Master paused as if making sure he had Chester's attention, "Lucifer felt betrayed by God. Lucifer thought he would always be the Third Highest in the Infinite Realities. Instead he discovers God is creating God by the Billions and it was Lucifer's Pride to be of the Highest. Lucifer felt he had to maintain his most high status at all cost.
"What cost?" Chester blurted, very interested.
War of Angels
"The cost was a War of Angels of such violence that it ultimately ended the Jewel of Earth's ability to sustain life. Lucifer made war against the throne of God. God commanded Michael to resist Lucifer. Michael and his Angels fought with Lucifer and his Angels. Lucifer tried to overthrow Heaven but was defeated and was forced to return back to earth. Lucifer fell like a bolt of lightening. The Angels that rebelled with Lucifer were hurled back to earth. God had commanded Lucifer to watch over this earth and Lucifer had not yet been relieved of his duty.
Lucifer became enraged at his banishment to the very Earth he had once desired and now had come to hate. To add insult to injury, Lucifer was still under the command of God to help mankind achieve their destiny. This further enraged Lucifer. It was loathsome to him to be commanded to help beings achieve a station higher than he. The Mother Earth contained the very seed of billions of Gods. God seeds that someday would all exist higher and more glorius than he. Gods more powerful than he. Lucifer devised a plan to destroy the Earth's life giving properties. This is how the Earth ultimatly became chaotic and empty of life.
Lucifer destroyed Earth's Ecosystem
Lucifer destroyed this world's ability to support life because he wanted to stop the soul evolution. Lucifer knew that Reincarnations was how God was making it possible for the souls of mankind to have enough opportunities to finally discover their God Consciousness. The Rebellion of Lucifer is also the missing information that ties Evolution and Creation together, as well as the paradox of Reincarnation and the Resurrection. Afterwards, Lucifer's name was changed to Satan which means the enemy that destroys."
Once at the library Chester sat with a Bible and a Concordance in front of him and waited for the rest of the story.
God repairs the Earth
Scriptural Proof of Lucifer's Rebellion
Scientific Evidence of Lucifer's Rebellion
FAQ about Lucifer's Rebellion
Gap Theory and/or The Ruin and Reconstruction Theory of Genesis 1
Lucifer and the Seven Angels