WHy i say that she is a smart lady because i believe she is certify to be a genius from some IQ organisation. And what she did now by marrying a foreigner is a totally smart move. EVen having a blog and ABLE to earn money from it is a smart move.
Yes plenty of
SHAm marriage fraud going on
Hundreds of sham marriages exposed09:55 AEST Mon Jul 27 2009147 days 3 hours 11 minutes agoVIEWS: 0| FLOCKS: 0| 0 comments so far
Hundreds of overseas-born spouses are being deported from Australia after failing intimacy tests.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 21, 2009
Hundreds of overseas-born spouses are being deported from Australia each year after failing intimacy tests.
Authorities have intensified efforts to expose sham marriages amid a surge in spouse visa applications, News Limited reports.
The Immigration Department said a special unit would assess whether relationships were genuine, the Herald-Sun reported on Monday.
About 40,000 visas were issued to married and de facto spouses in 2007-08, up from 26,000 a decade ago.
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship's Bona Fides Unit investigated more than 1150 couples in 2007-08 over "irregularities".
About 220 partner visas were cancelled after inconsistencies emerged in couples' stories. Another 3146 visa applications were rejected outright.
Immigration department spokesman Sandi Logan said a two-stage visa process was used to deter rorters.
Partner visas are first issued for two years.
Couples must prove their relationship is genuine and ongoing for permanent residency to be granted after a temporary visa expires.
The report says Indian and Pakistani newspapers have many advertisements seeking brides for expat men.