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Low and Lim hated the NCMP idea as specified in their Manifesto. Nwo they want to take it. Breaking promises so fast?
Low and Lim hated the NCMP idea as specified in their Manifesto. Nwo they want to take it. Breaking promises so fast?
B. 4.
Group Representation Constituencies should be abolished as they dilute the individual voter's voice. Instead the elections should be run on single seats. The Non-Constituency MP (NCMP) scheme would then be unnecessary.
I have their 63-page manifesto right in front of me and I'm not sure what you are referring to. On page 10, it says this:
In fact the above appears to be an implicit recognition of the NCMP scheme as long as GRCs exist.
It implies that the NCMP scheme is already stupid. Low himself said it is "rootless" and "doesn' t represent any constituency" and yet he is taking it up.
You said their manifesto claimed something. I have showed you that it claimed very much the reverse. I will leave it there.
There was an argument between me and my ex-colleague regarding Nicole Seah. I stated that Nicole Seah must change her strategy to woo in more crowd and not just for the lower class minority or constantly focusing on bread and butter issues. I stated that she is a great PR but not a politician. To be a good politician, you have to be like the strong woman Mrs Clinton but not that iron lady Margaret Thatcher. Watch chain wanted her to advertise their products. She has that X-factor like Liu Bei but she lacks people like ZhuGe Liang and good warriors to execute her plans into actions. Organisation ! And not just an image. Be like Hewlete Packard ! Thrust WP out and become the number 1.
Do take note that, SDP is still a good brand.
Ultimately he wants the NCMP post to go.. Yet he santched it.
He should. Else he'll have the strange noises coming from General of the Army (minus 9 ranks) Goh Meng Seng's Nicole Seah party. By taking the two seats, and when Lina learns to shut up (or to read Benjamin Pwee's speeches) he'll have the opposition bench speaking in virtually one voice.
When you don't believe in the system pre GE and suddenly like it post GE tells you how terrible a promise-maker you are
Even if they didn't want the seat, they should take it and then resign. Otherwise Generalissimo (minus 10 ranks) Goh can push his strange agenda through Nicole.
He seems to be another self serving politician like Lim Hwee Hua and Tin Pei Ling. Cannot set aside differences for the greater good of the party and people. There is bound to be fighting of the limited NCMP posts that are within the GRC team though. Mr Low and Ms Lim have the right to choose who they deem fit for their needs.
If Eric cannot put his party before himself, then he should go. He quit because he is embarassed after what he said to media. I remember he said that if WP decide to take the NCMP post for his team, he would most likely be the one choosen. Now suddenly Giam was given, he lose face mah. Not betrayed.
It implies that the NCMP scheme is already stupid. Low himself said it is "rootless" and "doesn' t represent any constituency" and yet he is taking it up.
For exposure I guess
It's all about that in Sinkie Politics
After his services are exhausted, he is of no use to the party now - so WP simply chucks him away. That's WP party for you! He will not be the last to be treated this way.
They can get exposure in other forms. Help Low and Lim with research.
They can get exposure in other forms. Help Low and Lim with research.