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WTF, tiongkok man says thousands of CCP agents in deep cover in SG, China wants to annex SG wholesale!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Many of them are already here

Not really. Some of them had foresight and went overseas so their children can grow up in a better environment. They won't want to go back to the motherland, other than perhaps visiting relatives.


King Rama IX would have never allowed this to happen. His useless son lost the support of the west and is turning Siam back into a vassal of China. he should abdicate and fuck off to germany and enjoy his kinky sex.
Had a little birdie tell me that he's in Germany not to enjoy his kinky sex but because he enjoyed his kinky sex. He's there for life-prolonging treatment.

Duterte another sell out after his disasterous war on drugs.

Malaysia is in a mess and I won't be surprised if china's meddling is causing a big part of it.

Now myanmar is on the brink of civil war. the generals wouldn't have dated acted without the backing of the CCP.

This is what happens when we let the dogs out.
*sigh* all funded by our consumer dollars and greedy corporations and gahmens.


李显龙 still 傻乎乎, don't know what the fuck is going on


Vid at https://tinyurI.com/m9j8t39b (scroll down to view, from 2.58)
Why am i not surprised...


already our yeo ah yeo becum ccp mouth piece.

he openly support communist china.wont be surprise if he will reveal our secret stuff to ccp if one day need to.somemore he is ex army bg general...n a ex ministeer.

scary to knoe how ccp can penetrate soooo deep into Asean n our gov people.
Only high pay for life can prevent corruption. :unsure:


If the is no shooting war with China, CCP will eventually turn SG into a vassal state. That is why you must make plans for exit and keep a 2nd passport.


Poon pe pe :whistling: :poop: :whistling: :poop::whistling::poop:

King Rama IX would have never allowed this to happen. His useless son lost the support of the west and is turning Siam back into a vassal of China. he should abdicate and fuck off to germany and enjoy his kinky sex.

Duterte another sell out after his disasterous war on drugs.

Malaysia is in a mess and I won't be surprised if china's meddling is causing a big part of it.

Now myanmar is on the brink of civil war. the generals wouldn't have dated acted without the backing of the CCP.

This is what happens when we let the dogs out.


Poon pe pe :whistling: :poop: :whistling: :poop: talk cock sing song

if my guess dun fail me....china ccp agents around the world might use forum ...online forum...fb...to spread western racism against chinese.to spread anti western campaign.

a history repeat of boxer rebellion....

to incite anti western to united all the chinese to fight n hate the west.

if base on wat i observe these days suddenly alot of anti west posts in edmw forum and even fb.