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WTF, tiongkok man says thousands of CCP agents in deep cover in SG, China wants to annex SG wholesale!


李显龙 still 傻乎乎, don't know what the fuck is going on


Vid at https://tinyurI.com/m9j8t39b (scroll down to view, from 2.58)


Logical conclusion no? The country has no strong leadership structure and a lot of geographic advantages and the benefits of a well-trained populace. One the Lee dynasty ends, it's only a matter of time before some country with ambitions in this region puts in their puppet.

All sinkies should really pay attention to who they vote for.


i totally agree.

china deeply want to take control of sg so as to kick usa carrier group out of sg naval base.to prevent british warship from parking in sg naval base.

once this is done..ccp can launch a full attack on roc last controlled outpost taiwan...

meaning once taiwan is under ccp china control...sg also....

ccp china will not be afraid of us navy.

if wat i guess is correct.... ccp china first step is to propoganda to sgreans...we are chinese = china = ccp.

the sg born ah tiongs..from uni.... china ktv girls... married ah tiong bu....

workers from china...

these r the ccp oversea propoganda mouthpiece.


if my guess dun fail me....china ccp agents around the world might use forum ...online forum...fb...to spread western racism against chinese.to spread anti western campaign.

a history repeat of boxer rebellion....

to incite anti western to united all the chinese to fight n hate the west.

if base on wat i observe these days suddenly alot of anti west posts in edmw forum and even fb.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if my guess dun fail me....china ccp agents around the world might use forum ...online forum...fb...to spread western racism against chinese.to spread anti western campaign.

a history repeat of boxer rebellion....

to incite anti western to united all the chinese to fight n hate the west.

if base on wat i observe these days suddenly alot of anti west posts in edmw forum and even fb.

I'm quite sure quite a lot of them infest this very forum, and a few other well-known Sinkie forums. :wink:

A word of advice to them all: CCP China is like Nazi Germany in WW2. Choose your side wisely while you still can. Otherwise... at best you'll look very stupid, and at worst there will be legal repercussions worldwide. :cool:


I'm quite sure quite a lot of them infest this very forum, and a few other well-known Sinkie forums. :wink:

A word of advice to them all: CCP China is like Nazi Germany in WW2. Choose your side wisely while you still can. Otherwise... at best you'll look very stupid, and at worst there will be legal repercussions worldwide. :cool:

agree..... the more they trying to degrade the west make china themselves like angel...

the more they try to push china chinese nationalist as the century race ...as if the rise of china the rise of chinese n any country who bad mouth wat ccp do mean is against all the chinese...

is playing a very dangerous race game.

if our gov still so blur as to dunno wats going on behind ccp china REAL motive...

we chinese might become over nationalist n really becum like nazist nationist...

n willl create racist war around the world.


fb ...forum already can see wat the pro ccp spies ..agents wumao ..sg traitors posting... all the anti whites ...white against chinese posts.

very very dangerous....


Singapore is 70% Chinese migrants from China.

They Walk like a Chinese, Eat like a Chinese.... they are Chinese...

Still want to join fake human rights and democracy BE angmoh.....

Remember this... when BE left Malaysia they withdraw BE citizenships, known a British Subjects, to all Malaysian born during BE government.

Our brith certificates say mother and father were British Subjects. So why are our human rights and democracy taken off the BE citizenship list. They pay taxes to BE governor.

Human rights???? They are bastards to abuse human rights long time ago back to 1800s...

fuck the BE...

i totally agree.

china deeply want to take control of sg so as to kick usa carrier group out of sg naval base.to prevent british warship from parking in sg naval base.

once this is done..ccp can launch a full attack on roc last controlled outpost taiwan...

meaning once taiwan is under ccp china control...sg also....

ccp china will not be afraid of us navy.

if wat i guess is correct.... ccp china first step is to propoganda to sgreans...we are chinese = china = ccp.

the sg born ah tiongs..from uni.... china ktv girls... married ah tiong bu....

workers from china...

these r the ccp oversea propoganda mouthpiece.


Alfrescian (Inf)
李显龙 still 傻乎乎, don't know what the fuck is going on


Vid at https://tinyurI.com/m9j8t39b (scroll down to view, from 2.58)
Several of his predictions came true, including the death of Wang Jian and the ousting of Jack Ma.
With Biden at the helm, I expect CCPee will be at his doorstep soon.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't forget that many 2nd-gen tiongs in Sinkieland now. When they and their offsprings serve NS, it's just a matter of time AssAF becomes another PLA.


Don't forget that many 2nd-gen tiongs in Sinkieland now. When they and their offsprings serve NS, it's just a matter of time AssAF becomes another PLA.

already our yeo ah yeo becum ccp mouth piece.

he openly support communist china.wont be surprise if he will reveal our secret stuff to ccp if one day need to.somemore he is ex army bg general...n a ex ministeer.

scary to knoe how ccp can penetrate soooo deep into Asean n our gov people.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Several of his predictions came true, including the death of Wang Jian and the ousting of Jack Ma.
With Biden at the helm, I expect CCPee will be at his doorstep soon.

No worries, Biden can't touch him. Guo is protected by powerful people.

In fact, Biden might be even more helpful when it comes to upending the CCP regime. Trump was too soft-hearted: he has always been kind by nature. :cool: