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WP's Indian Candidate's Resignation


Aiyah where got disarray lah? Just becoz one sorry Indian din get cadreship dont mean it is in disarray lah. Like that, PAP oso what. Mah Bow Tan, Wong KS, goh chok tong and li kwang yew also stepped down what, is that oso disarray? Then they cannot govern lah?

Thank goodness we have the reliable and trustworthy PAP to run the country. I shudder at the thought of a party like WP which is in such disarray actually gaining power.

Singapore would be doomed for sure.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thank goodness we have the reliable and trustworthy PAP to run the country. I shudder at the thought of a party like WP which is in such disarray actually gaining power.

Singapore would be doomed for sure.

There are always sour grapes inside or outside any party. Unfortunately WP don't have the money resources to buy greedy hearts nor the kangaroo arms to send disobedient people to prison. PAP can keep their house in order because they exploit tax monies and passed their own PAP law to silent its own men and the people. You expect trustworthy and reliablity from PAP is simply hifaluttin and out of your mind, didn't your idol LKY used the word before?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Moles and Paid Agents

Thank you.

SL is very hard to evaluate regarding whether or not she is a mole or paid agent.
With respect, i would say she is unlike to be one, but no one can be 100 per cent sure.
Being a former Inspector (not ASP?), she will have all the necessary special skills, but to me, she has the integrity and character not to sell her soul.

0%. PLace all your bets on this.


This letter is now the most discussed topic in town but the state controlled media are very cautious. I was told that this has been the first time that an allegation of racism has been made against a standing MP. The closest was coincidently Desmond's uncle when he was an MP. In his case, he made light of his observation along racial lines which was politically incorrect.

One particular speculation is that this comment was directed at new citizens of Indian descent who is not familiar with Sylvia and WP. New citizens tend to have their ears prick up for such things as they are new. Locals of the Indian descent would know of WP legacy and the work done JBJ and Marshall.

Apparently this guy does not even have O levels. The notion that a hidden hand is getting stronger.


hahaha....the cockeral crows again..
insinuations and character assasination works in over-drive.....
adulation my foot.....i rather be a kukubird.


Apparently this guy does not even have O levels..

If this chappy is of such a low caliber,why would Sylvia begs him on her bended knees to be a WP candidate for the GE?

Is that what Sylvia wants from the minority candidates; mindless nobodies who will stand to an attention at the sight of her?.......if so is that not short changing the electorate who voted for WP?About 42% voted for WP team.Why is Sylvia cheating them with such a low caliber candidate....or is she following according to PAP's direction not to win with a higher caliber WP Indian candidate.

One should notice that PAP positioned one of it's best Indian candidate,K .Shanmugam of a cabinet ministerial position to lead Nee Soon GRC.Not to mention that this constituency has a higher number of minorities traditionally.Against such a PAP team ,it makes common sense that WP who is opposing should come out with an Indian candidate of some substance at least.
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This is the latest new;-

Aljunied GRC MP Pritam Singh also weighed in to the debate and posted on his Facebook page: "Racism is not an issue in the Workers' Party. We stand tall as one."

But the grapevine among Indian community seems to differ.So say my drinking kakis.They say a Sikhs such as Pritam Singh never identify themselves with local Indians.They usually opt for Malay as their mother tongue and never Tamil in schools.And that PAP had always cherished Sikhs to come in between their Indian political opponents such as JBJ,it's always a Sikh policeman,a Sikh judge,a Sikh officer in the bankruptcy office that gave JBJ sleep less days and nights--I was told.

Hence,though Pritam is classified as an Indian but I reckon the differences between them is wide as between local Chinese and PRC.
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Just be careful of racial problems, I don't know what is what now, but I do know that there's a lot of angry people who are really sick of foreigners.

If the gov don't know how to handle this, and people starts talking with their fists, then this place might unravel faster than anyone can imagine.

Beside mild mannered locals, there are also huge amount of foreigners from different countries, they might not be so docile.

I sure people have read of report of a PRC using only his right foot to hit 3 policemen.

Foreigners who work in construction sites are very fit, one swing of their heavy hammer is all it takes to kill.

Lots of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon around.

What is the ratio of policemen to people residing here?

Enough or not if all hell broke loose?

Things are different now.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
GMS can't even explain why he changed position. He can't handle the truth, he can't handle lies. He can't everything. I'm attempted to say a joke about him being a cunt but decided not as that would be bad taste.

Thanks bro for restraining yourself. You would have insulted cunts had you compared GMS to them.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dear Scroo,

A Geoffry Howe style letter and resignation if any. His resignation puts in the light squarely fundamental issues of management, direction and leadership within the party.

f. At the end the of the day, PAP renewal is about recruiting and parachuting in the brightest and best they can find into the party. WP renewal is about recruiting the most loyal , hardworking, who will live on bread water love of the opposition cause individual for the party who thanks the party for the chance to serve and to be exploited to the full


So do you know first-hand, close-up and personal the experience of being pumped and dumped by WP? Or are you just commenting in a merry-go-round British highfalutin way?
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Just be careful of racial problems, I don't know what is what now, but I do know that there's a lot of angry people who are really sick of foreigners.

It's too late I figure.

Was talking to a Malay chap who was on reservist and had a break because of the SAF accident .

Told me riots gonna break out soon between Ah Tiong sergeants and above rank and minority races.Said they simply could not communicate with PRC who could not pronounce a single English word rightly and suffering for it.When asked did these PRC served the 2 years first...he was saying something like they are all from China about 10,000 of them.Doesn't make sense but I could see these Malay and Indian chaps at lower ranks seething of anger.


This is the latest new;-

But the grapevine among Indian community seems to differ.So say my drinking kakis.They say a Sikhs such as Pritam Singh never identify themselves with local Indians.They usually opt for Malay as their mother tongue and never Tamil in schools.And that PAP had always cherished Sikhs to come in between their Indian political opponents such as JBJ,it's always a Sikh policeman,a Sikh judge,a Sikh officer in the bankruptcy office that gave JBJ sleep less days and nights--I was told.

Hence,though Pritam is classified as an Indian but I reckon the differences between them is wide as between local Chinese and PRC.

The Sikh community in Singapore has always been split from the Tamils - the "unity" has usually been on the basis of Tamils domination - traditionally there has always been a notion of Tamils representing the "Indian" minority in Singapore, whether they are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist.

Predominantly, Punjabis in Singapore have been culturally, religiously and linguistically apart from the Tamils. So although conveniently categorized as "Indian", the new influx of Indians from the subcontinent has blown that premise off once and for all. T

he Tamils feels squeezed out of their monopoly over the preponderance of "Indian" culture when in actually fact it was Madrasi Indian culture with sprinklings of Malayees.

The Punjabis (mostly Sikh, some Christian and fewer Muslim) had always been as a preference opted for Malay as the family spoke the language and it was much easier to cultivate than Tamil an altogether different language from Punjabi. The latinised Malay script made it easier to accommodate as they usually spoke English at home and it was easier to digest Malay vocabulary. The issue of religious affiliation becomes more acute for the Punjabi Sikhs in Singapore because they naturally associated in school with Malay students because of the access to language classes - this would lead to the typical cross-over in bf/gf territory where the 50-year old wounds carried from one generation to this did not seem to have been overcome because dating a Malay girl would be synonymous with eventually converting into Islam, the traditional "enemy" of the Sikhs because of what happened during Partition and 500 years earlier.

Hence the dilemma more so for the boys than the girls - you would probably be aware that there is a higher likelihood over the past 20 years to find a Punjabi Sikh girl in Singapore married to a Tamil Hindu boy than a Punjabi Sikh boy married to a Tamil Hindu girl - I've always found it curious that due to ignorance amongst the local Punjabis, the Punjabi Sikh community inevitably found itself eclipsed by the representation of "Indian" culture as represented by the Tamil majority.

It was probably easier for the Punjabi family to accept a Sikh girl marrying into a Hindu or Christian Tamil family. And in a twisted way, Tamil boys traditionally prized the fairer Punjabi Sikh girl as a gf or bride - on a ludicrously shallow level, it can be attributed the the white/black perception of status enhancement. Curiously though, a number of Sikhs were beaten up in Tekka market by Tamils (who have no idea about what India actually is) after Indra-Gandhi was assassinated,

The last 10 years have led to a much more interesting development - Punjabi Sikhs in Singapore now realize that there is more to "India" than the Tamils - that there is a huge diversity of Indians and that they don't necessarily have to settle for the Tamil alternative because there are North Indians who have a much closer affinity with them than the Tamils ever did from a cultural perspective. It is very likely that the Punjabi-Tamil marriage model is a relic of our society - and maybe the fact that the Punjabi Sikhs had always been seen as a minority amongst the "Indian" minority now takes a turn as there are more "similar looking" Indians in Singapore.

P.S. I know of a few Bayis who insisted that the Race portion of their IC said "Punjabi" rather than "Indian" and I know one Malay guy whose IC states "Sikh" because his father was a Muslim convert but his original papers did not change.
A bizarre event from as a few years ago was about this Bayi who was a closet Muslim - he passed away and the family were stunned when the local musilms called on the house to claim the body for immediate burial instead of cremation (as is the norm) - the family had no idea that he was a convert (he was non-turbaned) - I think my Malay friend still has not changed his IC and it could very well work in reverse for him.
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