Nope, a chapalang merger or coalition is not the way forward. The WP as we know today is so successful as it is because it has resisted the amateurish and short sighted maneuvers of the other political parties - loaning candidates, mass exodus, liberally accepting candidates from mass exoduses. Such refrain is part of WP's squeaky clean and respectable image. Do we seriously want to destroy all of that by srsly inviting the likes of Desmond Lim into the stable?
But yes, I gather all ur concerns abt the lack of progress within the rest of the opposition field. It is a concern, because these parties can literally just stick around with mediocre returns, and in return prevent other parties from expanding into their "territory", case in pt, Lim Bak Chuan who promises that he'll be back, when obviously with the kind of personalities in that party, they are going nowhere.
Even so, political evolution in opposition politics in Singapore has to come naturally, and we as an electorate have to play our part in that process. We need to send a clear signal to parties who CMI that we expect a higher standard of our politicians, and if they do not meet our expectations, they need to bite the dust and disperse into oblivion for the greater good.