I'm thinking more on "poaching'' the opposition parties as a whole like RP merge with WP. Not so much about individual members.
Really, it will takes how many more donkey years for any other parties to made any inroad to parliament.
I sincerely hope not. A merger with RP is a death knell to the WP.
Each political party has its own agenda and if elected, will seek to implement its pet theories on running Singapore. One will seek the abolishment of the death penalty, another will seek to entrench gay rights, yet another seek to implement his type of love for Singapore, etc, etc. All playing to the dissatisfaction of the voters against the PAP. The erroneous conclusion is that all the oppositions are the same.
Since their goals are diverse, it is best for them to retain their individual identities. If they lose, they lost and for some, hopefully exit. That is the best for all. Some, like the PAP are graceful and gracious about their defeat. One blamed the voters. Yet another seek to implement their own understanding of the election laws.
Note that from the next election onwards, it will no longer be PAP vs the Opposition but PAP vs WP. The rest are at a distinct disadvantage.
I sincerely hope that the WP will take advantage of their first-mover rights and expand their mindshare, goodwill and demonstrate their ability to manage a GRC so that in the next election, people will not consider the other parties except the WP. There is no need and indeed inadvisable for the WP to share their knowledge with the others. Why dilute your advantage?
Done properly, WP will evolve into an alternative party with no equals and no pretenders. Given their middle-of-the-road manifesto, this is best for Singapore.