Dear Scroobal,
You may think WP is the best bet now but for me, better be safe than sorry. We will just have to allow another party grow and become the third force. There are enough room for multi-party system with multi-party balance in parliament. To be over-reliance on WP is a dangerous move. WP members have repeatedly talked about "Two-Party system" implicitly demonstrating their conscious effort in wanting to monopolize the opposition platform. Is this good for Singapore? I really doubt so.
Unfortunately, the example of MK saga has to be cited to demonstrate the irrational and irresponsible (to opposition movement and democratic progress) move made by WP.
The success of GE2011 belongs to every opposition parties taken part in the contest, not just WP. The truth is, without the orchestra of attacks made by NSP, SDP and even RP on the various ministers and their policies, WP would not be able to ride on the waves of general discontent. Of course, we are pleased to take down a few ministers even though we didn't make them lose their seats.
But think carefully, if WP is to become the only dominant opposition party in future, would this WOW effect happen? Let's say all other opposition parties just close shops since you think only WP is worth supporting. Do you really think WP alone can re-create that magical WOW effect which brought PAP down to its knees with its PM pleading for forgiveness?
I have to reiterate here, I have been through WP and know exactly how it functions, strength and weaknesses. Imagine if I had not left WP, I won't be able to do all those things which WP is so reluctant to do all these years and there will not be all the things you have mentioned. There is no bad blood nor bad breath, though I know some of the WP insects are doing all those funny things to me at my back.
The mere thought of what you have suggested would make me shake head for Singapore democratic development. It needs to take a combined effort of all opposition parties to make change possible but WP, due to its own selfish considerations are going to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Goh Meng Seng
If i remember correctly, statistics as well. So you should know that this is a numbers games. The target is PAP and not WP not matter how badly you feel about the latter. You do not cut off your nose to spite your face. NSP does not have the track record to cross the hurdle. Under you there was a chance and now its in the hands of the same people and I am sure Hazel is under no illusions who is running the joint.