Just because WP has more likes on facebook than PAP so you claim they hire click farmers.National Day coming so brain on holiday mode?
PAP rallies official turnout is 500, even after roping in PA and RC to bring people, and they give free meals, usually chicken rice, or chee kuey. Flags are free too,
WP rallies 'official' turnout is 5,000 or so, people have to pay $2 for the flags.
Even using the 'official' figures which tend to downplay the number of people at WP rallies, or in the case of PAP rallies, lack of people. We can surmise that if WP has 68,000 likes, PAP should have in the region of 7,000. So where do the extra 32,000 likes come from?
It is clear that the PAP has embraced foreign talents as we can clearly see in this picture, so it might not be too far fetched for them to embrace Bangladeshi 'click farmers'.
Bangladeshi workers at PAP rallies.