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wp doing the right thing to siam sdp


I bet Chee SJ want to negotiate a few location to fight in 2016 if they give up the fight this round.

SDP know they will not stand a chance this round, why not use it's avoidance of 3 corners fight to get some benefit in 2016.

Great move by SDP given what WP had done during the last GE.
WP can only blame themselves for their greed earlier. Its payback time.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
okay this is getting messy with CSJ leading the pack...

1.Three Cornered Fight or More...PAP Wins
2.WP discredited and lost.........PAP Wins
3.WP and SDP decided to boycott...PAP Wins
4.Six or Seven Cornered Fight.......PAP Wins

In whatever scenario, PAP WINS...

many thanks to our singapore's maverick hero..CSJ and all the jokers in SDP
and of course to the political uncles and aunties in the WP which is fast losing its credibiity....semua mati sekarang!!!

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
they started 3 corner fight.
You can blame other parties who are wary of them now can you?

Come again. Who started 3CF? The one who polled 41% or the one who lost his deposit? You mean the 41% candidate should step aside for the candidate who lost his deposit so that he could improve that with a 12.5% votes polled? In fact the one party that can help avoid 3CF is the PAP. All they need to do is to withdraw from the election.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Quite clear to me LTK knows exactly what CSJ is thinking, that is why WP is not talking to SDP yet.

SDP's only bargaining chip is if you give me this seat in GE2016, I will pull out from PE. Does SDP have a bargaining chip to give to WP if it wants to stay in the contest? I cannot find any. So the negotiation is for the first result. How serious can they view this no win election? If they are smart as what they think they are and know how to count, they will realise that there is a lot to lose.
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okay this is getting messy with CSJ leading the pack...

[FONT=&amp]Lina Loh to Lianhe Zaobao on Chee-Chiam rift: Chiam was being forced out of SDP

[/FONT] In her first ever interview with the mainstream media, the wife of veteran opposition leader Mr Chiam See Tong, Ms Lina Loh revealed that Mr Chiam was forced out of the Singapore Democratic Party he founded in 1980.

Ms Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself after reading the Zaobao interview with Dr Chee Soon Juan which was published on 28 February 2010.

Dr Chee was quoted as saying in the interview that he tried to stop Mr Chiam from leaving SDP to no avail, but was disputed by Ms Loh who said it is only “half the story.”

Ms Loh was interviewed together with former SDP CEC member and current Singapore People Party’s Chairman Mr Sin Kek Tong by Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian.

She sneered at Dr Chee’s claims that he had wanted Mr Chiam to stay.

“If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so,” she was quoted as saying in Lianhe Zaobao.

During that critical disciplinary proceedings taken against Mr Chiam, only one out of 13 CEC members objected to Mr Chiam’s expulsion. Another one abstain.

Mr Chiam had been hauled up for disciplinary action by SDP CEC for criticizing Dr Chee Soon Juan’s hungry strike in the media. The latter had done so to protest against his “unfair” sacking from NUS for “misusing” research funds.

Ms Loh revealed that Mr Chiam had threatened to resign from his position as Secretary-General in a fit of anger and was amenable to mediation between the two camps spearheaded by Mr Sin.

As Mr Chiam was heading towards the political oblivion as being sacked from SDP would mean he lose his parliamentary seat as well, Mr Sin founded the Singapore People’s Party in 1994 which Mr Chiam eventually joined later in the year.

Ms Loh stressed that her decision to be interviewed is not to bad-mouth Dr Chee or to argue with him.

“I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts,” she said.

Mr Chiam’s acrimonious departure from SDP marked the beginning of its decline. After reaching dazzling heights during the 1991 general election when it won an unprecedented 3 seats, it would go on to lose all its seats in the 1997 election.

Though Dr Chee has perservered against all odds to keep the party together in the face of crippling defamation lawsuits launched against it by PAP leaders, it is unlikely that SDP will regain its former glory again.


okay this is getting messy with CSJ leading the pack...

1.Three Cornered Fight or More...PAP Wins
2.WP discredited and lost.........PAP Wins
3.WP and SDP decided to boycott...PAP Wins
4.Six or Seven Cornered Fight.......PAP Wins

In whatever scenario, PAP WINS...

many thanks to our singapore's maverick hero..CSJ and all the jokers in SDP
and of course to the political uncles and aunties in the WP which is fast losing its credibiity....semua mati sekarang!!!

All thanks to LTK who started this multi corner fight business.


why did chee insist on meeting up with wp and got pissed when he was rejected by wp?

Chee on SDP contesting: "This is not just for fun"
Published on Jan 11, 2013
12:59 PM 21 12 0 Purchase this article for republicationBuy SPH photos
Dr Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), emerging from his party headquarters on Jan 10, 2013 after meeting party volunteers. Dr Chee strenuously denied that the Singapore Democratic Party is not serious about contesting in Punggol East and that it is simply posturing for concessions from the Workers' Party in the next General Election. -- PHOTO: DESMOND WEE

By Robin Chan And Tessa Wong
Dr Chee Soon Juan strenuously denied that the Singapore Democratic Party is not serious about contesting in Punggol East and that it is simply posturing for concessions from the Workers' Party in the next General Election.

The SDP chief told The Straits Times that the party is still keen to meet with the WP which has thus far not accepted three requests to meet and that "everything is on the table".

"We're not doing all this just for fun you know. We have set our hearts. But as I said there is a difference between being determined and being unreasonable. We want to be reasonable," he said.

"Everything is on the table. We don't go in with conditions but we are going to try and persuade WP that we have the best candidate to defeat the PAP."


WP should step aside for teh sake of the best interest of the people.
They already have 6 in the parliament and all not doing well. What for greedy for another one? Why not focus their efforts of doing better with what they already have? Lets be reasonable like Dr.Chee.


get your facts right. csj and sdp are the troublemakers who started this multi corner fight.:mad:

There was no multi corner fight until WP started it the last GE remember? Who will not be worried they will not try to push other parties out and form coalition with PAP?



There was no multi corner fight until WP started it the last GE remember? Who will not be worried they will not try to push other parties out and form coalition with PAP?
that was started by that fatty from a mini-party which nobody care. it's hardly a 3-corner fight.

more like a 2+0.001 corner fight.:biggrin:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
WP should step aside for teh sake of the best interest of the people.

PAP should step aside in this BE rather than face the anger of their supporters if they lose this election. They can hold their heads high and say that they have given the opposition the chance for them to test themselves against one another.


imo, chee doesn't really want a victory. he knows sdp cannot achieve it as long as he's in charge. he only wants the attention. he wants to prove to his foreign backers that he is doing some kind of "works". many can see through his motive and yet many also choose to give it a reason of doubt.

Bryan Ti

Since SDP knows WP is unlikely to back down (as it would be very sia-suay for WP to do so anyway), SDP intends to score as many political points against WP as possible.

That's why CSJ published it's three letters to WP requesting for talks. But in doing so, CSJ's lame excuse is: "We just want to be completely transparent."

Good try, CSJ.


SDP should fuck off for good, they are doing a lot of damage to Opposition
I said long ago, that the Cheebye is most probably a spy send by the PAP to screw over the opposition. I still stand by that statement, how else do you think this guy is still hanging on?


So will Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) grow some backbone and stand up to Big Brother to be counted, or will it fade away from the history book like National Solidarity Party, Singapore People's Party and the rest.

By Political Writing - http://politicalwritings.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/the-importance-of-punggol-east/

"If SDP polls higher than WP, they will brag that Singaporeans want their brand of ‘opposition’ rather than WP’s meek and mild opposition. Even if SDP polls lower than WP, they’ll still say it’s a credible showing, while secretly celebrating that WP does not get yet another seat in Parliament. They would also have raised their profile, especially now that Dr Chee is no longer a bankrupt and can speak at election rallies. It will be his golden chance to address Singaporeans at large after almost 15 years.

In the unlikely event that SDP lose their election deposit, they’ll claim that PM Lee denied them the opportunity to build a fan base in Punggol East before he pressed his ‘panic’ button."


The Importance of Punggol-East To SDP
Posted on 11/01/2013 by politicalwritings Despite a pretext of opposition ‘collaboration‘, there is a real and valid reason why SDP must contest Punggol East, even though it will likely lose.

Because SDP needs to stop WP before it becomes impossible.

If SDP lets WP contest Punggol East unmolested, it will acknowledge that WP is the #1 Opposition party in Singapore.

There can only be two outcomes then: if WP wins in a straight contest, SDP is doomed. WP will have 7 seats in Parliament and still keep its two NCMP seats, while SDP not only gets nothing, but becomes further submerged in voters’ consciousness.

Even if WP doesn’t win, SDP gains nothing from giving way to WP.

On the other hand, by contesting SDP makes almost certain that WP will not win the election. In strategy we call this a blocking move. You sacrifice one of your own just to make sure that your opponent cannot make further gains. It is basically a strategy not only to deny WP another seat in Parliament, but to deny WP another chance to look good in front of voters at large.

If SDP polls higher than WP, they will brag that Singaporeans want their brand of ‘opposition’ rather than WP’s meek and mild opposition. Even if SDP polls lower than WP, they’ll still say it’s a credible showing, while secretly celebrating that WP does not get yet another seat in Parliament. They would also have raised their profile, especially now that Dr Chee is no longer a bankrupt and can speak at election rallies. It will be his golden chance to address Singaporeans at large after almost 15 years.

In the unlikely event that SDP lose their election deposit, they’ll claim that PM Lee denied them the opportunity to build a fan base in Punggol East before he pressed his ‘panic’ button.

So you see how important Punggol East is to SDP.

Test of party branding, my foot! This is politics, this is strategy. WP’s growth comes at the expense of SDP and all other parties in Singapore, even the PAP. SDP is doing the right thing, for its own interest.

Other pretenders like Desmond Lim and Botak Pwee are out to either redeem themselves or prove a point. Only SDP is playing strategy.

The result appears inevitable: PAP will win. The only question is, who will be Ms Punggol-East runner up in this beauty contest. Sadly, the runner up does not get to become Ms Punggol-East in the event the winner is unable to fulfill her obligations. But that’s politics for you.

PS> NSP must be regretting its decision now to rule itself out of the contest at an early stage. In politics you never ever rule out anything, unless you are forced. Ha!



many would now realise that even sdp can't win, they would also try to stop wp from winning lest sdp would lose more credibility and wp would end up stronger in the event they win the BE. it's like if i cannot have it, i would help or let u have it too.

do thiink chee is so generous to help another opp party win more wards? they could be just envious but they are definitely more concern for themselves than for more opp in parleement.