WP Declared a "Parti Haram"
I had expected this to happen. It is simply a matter of time before word started spreading and this happens. Word is continuing to spread amongst the Malay community that the WP chauvinists, WP racists and WP "Guess the Race" bigots are "Parti Haram", i.e. "Haram" Party.
For those who claim to be Singaporeans but like the WP chauvinists, WP race bigots and Chinese imports, do not know their National Language beyond mouthing the word to the National Anthem, "haram" means "forbidden". That means those who subscribe to a particular grouping are forbidden to indulge in or deal with anything deemed "haram".
The chauvinistic streak of the WP was and is never going to go away under the current leadership of chauvinist Low and Princess Sylvia Megawati Sukarnoputri. Both have set an unwelcomed ethos for the party. To top the cake, the recent racist reference by a WP chauvinist to Malays as being "savages" and "barbarians" that has spilled from private chatter into the public arena with a WP MP referring to Malays publicly as "savages" and "barbarians" is never going to go away. This is no matter how much the WP chauvinists try to avoid the issue or try to keep as quiet as possible hoping for the issue to die down or go away. Or how much that token WP Malay showpiece keeps his mouth shut for the $16,041/= monthly stipend or the one million dollars he will earn in five years for keeping his mouth glued shut even as his own fellow Malays and race is publicly demeaned and ridiculed.
A courageous public apology by the WP chauvinists and WP race bigots may have mitigate matters and lessen the hurt, slander and grievous insult caused to the Malays. But WP chauvinists being WP chauvinists, now "secure" in their ability to win electoral battles without the need of the Malay and Indian votes as shown by the results in PE, continue to ignore the reality that Singapore cannot be a sinocentric and a chauvinistic Chinese state in a Malay world.
For those WP racists, WP chauvinists and WP "Guess-the-Race" bigots who have been whinging and whining about "press freedom" and the "Bradell prostitutes" in one breath but who, in another breath, try to censor me (and others) by working very hard to infract/censor me (and anyone) whose whistle-blowing, voices or views they find unwelcome or uncharitable to the Parti Haram/WP, my simple advice to you is to cut our your hypocrisy, grow up and accept reality. Your pathetic attempts at censorship is not going to work. It may work for one or two days when I get "banned" but that is all.
Deal with the problem of racism and chauvinism in your party. Otherwise, it will return to haunt you with a vengeance in the next election when the gloves come off.