10,000 volunteers recruited to help tackle dengue outbreak
By Vimita Mohandas
POSTED: 29 Jun 2013 10:33 PM
File photo: Aedes larvae (photo: NEA)
SINGAPORE: Some 10,000 volunteers have been recruited as "dengue fighters" to tackle the dengue outbreak.
The volunteers include grassroots leaders and town council cleaners and will be provided by the People's Association.
They will conduct door-to-door visits in 9,000 public housing blocks and 1,000 private estates to distribute mosquito repellent.
Trained to recognise dengue symptoms, spotting of potential breeding sites and dengue preventive skills, the dengue fighters will also share tips and information with residents.
Associate Professor Faishal Ibrahim, adviser at Nee Soon Central Grassroots Organisations, said: "What we want to do is to get all the different stakeholders within the community in Nee Soon Central to get them on board and see how they can play a role in fighting dengue. We want to internalise the whole process, to themselves, to the residents so at the end of the day it's about caring for one another."
- CNA/xq
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