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Worse PRs are the Malaysians


Has that whole bunch run road balek kumpong oredi

I have Malaysian friends and colleagues.IF they earn S$2000.00 in singapore ,they can convert to RM5,000.00 in malaysia!They say over their dead body they will never convert to the Pink I/C.They come to singapore to earn as much money as possible,Singapore is just a corporation to them.When they want to retire,they will retire to their homeland in Malaysia.Some of them buy and own nice private terrace houses paid im Ringgit Malaysia .Furthermore,some of them bought HDB flats and when they leave singapore permanently,they will collect the proceeds of the sale of their HDB flats and also their CPF money and they can really enjoy their retirement in Malaysia ,don't have to slog until u drop dead !


Somehow reading this thread I get the feeling that some Singaporeans sound jealous of their Malaysian bros? Eh guys c'mon. The Malaysians didn't come here to fuck you up. they came here to earn money. You guys allowed yourselves to be fucked up by your policy makers. Don't blame the Malaysians, they work just as hard, are just as qualified, and speak more languages (thanks to Sg`s education system).


Yes u r rite I am damn jealous. I mean the reverse is not so attractive. Sinkes will not want to work in Matland and earn Ringit salary and maintain house in Sinkapore!!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Malaysians make great friends across the divide, but lousy colleagues for they STEAL your jobs...

They don't STEAL jobs. They are given the jobs because they have a better work attitude. When I was working in Singapore, I would always hire a Malaysian over a Singaporean because I knew I would be able to count on the Malaysian when the going got tough.

Singaporeans aren't interested in working hard. All they want is cushy jobs with fancy titles that pay lots of money. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
They say over their dead body they will never convert to the Pink I/C.They come to singapore to earn as much money as possible,Singapore is just a corporation to them.When they want to retire,they will retire to their homeland in Malaysia. Some of them buy and own nice private terrace houses paid im Ringgit Malaysia .Furthermore,some of them bought HDB flats and when they leave singapore permanently,they will collect the proceeds of the sale of their HDB flats and also their CPF money and they can really enjoy their retirement in Malaysia ,don't have to slog until u drop dead !

These Malaysians won't have a country to go back to if Perkasa dominates UMNO.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Somehow reading this thread I get the feeling that some Singaporeans sound jealous of their Malaysian bros? Eh guys c'mon. The Malaysians didn't come here to fuck you up. they came here to earn money. You guys allowed yourselves to be fucked up by your policy makers. Don't blame the Malaysians, they work just as hard, are just as qualified, and speak more languages (thanks to Sg`s education system).


Agree with you , that most people kpkb here are jealous . They can do the same too , stay in Malaysia and work in Singapore . By the way alot of Singaporean already done that . Loser love to complain about being unfair , when they themselves do nothing to help themselves .


I am not anti- Malaysian. But if u want to talk about FT or PR, u cannot avoid talking about Malaysians as they r the biggest group. What I am not happy about is Malaysians have a better playing field in Sinkapore than us locals. They work here but can keep their cost down by living back home. Some in JB even drive their cars over instead of paying COE. They don't do NS. Our gahment welcome them with open arms, in fact in certain calculations they r calculated as locals....so they r not considered foreigners when they r holding Malaysian passport. They will never convert to citizens...if I were them I wouldn't also. Sinkies r jealous because the reverse is not true. We cannot work in Matland and earn ringgit and maintain house and family in Sinkapore. Some Malaysians irritate the he'll out of me when they gloat over this..esp when they r your boss and earn more than u!


Agree with you , that most people kpkb here are jealous . They can do the same too , stay in Malaysia and work in Singapore . By the way alot of Singaporean already done that . Loser love to complain about being unfair , when they themselves do nothing to help themselves .

Malaysian can work here and earn the monies and then retire in Matland with big house. U try working in Matland earn ringgits and then return to retire in Sinkapore!! U probably need to beg later for retirement!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malaysians were not an issue until the flood from the other countries came. Get rid of the latter and things will be back in balance.


Lets be clear. I am not jealous of Malaysians or Malaysia. I have no desire at all to be Malaysian. But I am jealous of Malaysians working in Singapore as they have a better deal than locals. That is a fact!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
malaysians have the best deal, it is only because sinkies failed to understand that they are no better than the next better warm body that is neededon the PAP production line. in fact sinkies are like a slave workforce who cannot run away from their factory because that is the only fucking home they know and instead of makng this factory a better place to live, these PAP cheebyes have over the last 20 years made it into a living hell....tuayapehnis dulan because the PAP is doing a better job than me....its my job to make life hell for people in hell.....


Lets be clear. I am not jealous of Malaysians or Malaysia. I have no desire at all to be Malaysian. But I am jealous of Malaysians working in Singapore as they have a better deal than locals. That is a fact!
The only way to level the playing field is make law that Malaysians or other nationalities will have to convert to pink IC after a few years. U like Sinkapore so much, then be citizens and do NS....like the rest of us.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
tuayapeh thinks that this forcing people to take pink ic thing used to work in the civil service but in the end, nothing stopping former Malaysians from running back to their hmelnd after making their money here.....

its not about making life difficult for Malaysians but more about what the govt should have done to make life for sinkies better and make our country a great place to live in,.....sinkies ve nowhere else to run ...nowhere else s home.....

tuayapeh thought that when around 2000 to 2005, even though our economy was not doing so great and property prices were depressed but in a strange way, we were happier then right? the truth is, its never all always about money man.....
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kong jiao wei!

PAP are infiltrated by Mat Chinese right from the start like Goh Keng Swee and so on. Bring them in hoards and no NSF for their village Ah Bengs (Form 5 standards). Start NSF for Sinkies to lag behind their village Ah Bengs by 2 years work experiences. Clever.

How can Mat Chinese do better than Singaporeans when Mat educational system lack faciilites and standards. Take 5 years to complete high school?

Many Mat Chinese leaving their village to work in Singapore is a big deal. Must go back once a year to brag their acquired wealth and promotion status and play office politics and back stabbing to the core to degrade local Singaporean workers. Uncle went back with them many times can see these braggarts showing off to their village Ah Bengs and Lians.

These Mat Chinese have no loyalty to their own motherland and you think they would be loyal to Singapore?

Where do you think Singlish come from? Start by these Mat Chinese Form 5 Chinese school Ah Bengs and Lians.

malaysians have the best deal, it is only because sinkies failed to understand that they are no better than the next better warm body that is neededon the PAP production line. in fact sinkies are like a slave workforce who cannot run away from their factory because that is the only fucking home they know and instead of makng this factory a better place to live, these PAP cheebyes have over the last 20 years made it into a living hell....tuayapehnis dulan because the PAP is doing a better job than me....its my job to make life hell for people in hell.....
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dual citizenship is not only for Malaysia.

Time has changed and country with dual citizenship status get better deal for their own citizens.

U know why gahment will never allow dual citizenship? One word.....Malaysia. If conflict arises whose side r they on??? For NS men we always train against threats from the north rite? For those advocating dual citizenship never do NS or what!!
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There are two kinds of mudland PRs

1) mudland urines are the worst, they come to chinkpore, complain how they are marginalised in their cuntry, deny knowing malay, cry mother and cry father, blow so much hot air up your arse, you start to believe they really are victims and then when all is said and done, after a couple of years, they balik kampung, build one big house and bitch to their fellow mudland urines how screwd up chinkpore is.

In a room, if there is a snake, a shit and a mudland urine, I will shoot the mudland urine first.

Not sure why, but I've encountered more than my fair share of mudland urines in the accountancy and auditing line. vile creatures they are.

2) mudland shits, so far I only come across those in low level jobs, like dispatch, admin staff, etc. they diam diam do their work, dont give trouble, but can be quite fierce and violent with their fellow kakis, but basically they just want to do their work and FO.


They kicked us out in the first place and we owe them a living? I want to smoke some of that stuff you're smoking now! :rolleyes:

With a political adversary like LKY, and a potentially large chinese population ready to vote Ahmad out, he did what was logical for his survival. What happened was all politics, and KY himself was under grave danger too. That's the life they chose. We commoners just have to do our best under the circumstances. which we did.

Aiyah, ever since I accepted to return to Sg to work, I haven't smoked that stuff. Possibly when I get a chance to go to Thailand might buy some for a relaxing evening.



lky say kick out, but others who were witness to whatever happened at that time all mati and dead man tell no tales.

history is written by the living, so lets be critical and dont swallow anyhow.

mat urines are the worst PRs, followed by tiongs and the shitters.


You don't need to love anyone in particular, but you need to cooperate and work productively with your associates, and harboring ill-sentiments isn't helpful. I like to think of everyone else as another human being with the same needs - money to maintain/sustain our lives. In this, we are all the same. If it helps or makes you feel better by drawing differences between yourself as a Singaporean and seperating yourself from all others, then you only risk isolating yourself from the rest of the world. And Singapore is too small to risk that.


I have no love for these cretins. Jealous or otherwise, that's why we need to close the policy loopholes. Surely you see the abuse is systematic and is not restricted to the Hongkies, or Indians fresh off the boat from the subcontinent. Malaysians by virtue of being the largest group of PRs who have been milking the system for eons should never be given a free pass to do so. And these could be the same folks complaining about the PRCs, the Indians, Viets, Pinoys, etc. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


If you work in M'sia, you will have to live there. The exchange rate makes that the sensible thing to do. The exchange rate also makes M'sia a great place for vacationing Singaporeans - great food, good services, great resorts, five star hotels - ALL so cheaply sold in Ringgit. Even fill up the car in JB before returning to Sg. This imbalance is not caused by the Malaysian working person you're jealous of, it is not his/her fault and s/he is perfectly innocent. These differences are cause by regional/international macroeconomic factors which no single person/entity is capable of making (or given credit for).Live with the flow of it and where you can, work it to your advantage.


Yes u r rite I am damn jealous. I mean the reverse is not so attractive. Sinkes will not want to work in Matland and earn Ringit salary and maintain house in Sinkapore!!