Many drivers of luxury cars are in debts up to their nostrils. Many are unable to pay the instalments, insurance and road-tax in time. Worse still, if demand for all these come togather.
They tend to loose their temper fast because of the dire straits that they may be in. Stress, tension and un-couth behaviour is an indicator of being in such a straits.
Little wonder why there are so many cases of road rage in tiny Singapore.
Lucky, we don't have people carrying guns in Singapore, otherwise the matter would be more serious.
LIANBENG, If by chance the number of the MERCEDES driven by that ill-bred, un-gracious, un-couth, unbecoming of a woman and a nincompoop of the highest degree is 9090 the I am sorry to say that that number has been sold out.
Please save your money and not enrich the Singapore Pools.