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Wizard spoke - strengthen centrality and integration efforts to manage challenges" simi lanjiao is this?


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
This guy started spewing languages we cannot understand and irrelevant to us. Spewing bullshit again.

Asean must strengthen centrality and integration efforts to manage challenges: Chan Chun Sing

SINGAPORE - Asean must maintain and strengthen its centrality, and redouble integration efforts to be a viable and attractive economic partner, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Thursday (Aug 29).

Coherence, commitment, confidence and consistency are key ingredients to achieving Asean centrality, he said in his opening remarks at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs' (SIIA) 12th Asean and Asia Forum at the Mandarin Oriental hotel.

Addressing the forum's theme of "The Sino-American Conflict and Asean: Surviving, Transforming, Succeeding", Mr Chan said that despite geopolitical volatility and global fragmentation, it was important for Asean member countries to resist populist policies and pressures.

He cited non-tariff barriers as one example of a complex issue requiring political will to tackle. These had tripled in the region over the last 15 years and could potentially erode gains from tariff elimination.

"To unlock the region's potential and allow the smallest enterprises to overcome geographical constraints, countries will need to deepen the non-tangible aspects of connectivity - data, finance, technology, talent and regulations," he said. "These are becoming as, or if not more, important than the physical aspects of connectivity."

He also spoke of the need to align standards and regulations in areas such as food, medicine and intellectual property, to enhance Asean members' value proposition and competitiveness in a knowledge-based world.

Reiterating the value of an open and rules-based multilateral trading system, Mr Chan said that Asean was leading the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
He is a great intellectual and is eminently capable of dissecting complex issues and presenting them in a tangible form for the benefit of all Singaporeans.

Definitely PM material.


Alfrescian (Inf)
in other words they refer to an orgy clusterfuck of snakes.



Asean must strengthen centrality and integration efforts to manage challenges: Chan Chun Sing

KNN at first say must strengthen centrality
SINGAPORE - Asean must maintain and strengthen its centrality, and redouble integration efforts to be a viable and attractive economic partner, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Thursday (Aug 29).
Then later say must maintain and strengthen its centrality KNN
KNN can see he just anyhow say woh KNN a chance to beat him to puppy if onsite by asking KNN you want to strengthen or you want to maintain KNN becos maintain or strengthen is a totally different approach and strategy ho KNN e.g my uncle want to strengthen his leetirement fund else he already can leetire now if he just want to maintain it KNN
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This guy started spewing languages we cannot understand and irrelevant to us. Spewing bullshit again.

Asean must strengthen centrality and integration efforts to manage challenges: Chan Chun Sing

SINGAPORE - Asean must maintain and strengthen its centrality, and redouble integration efforts to be a viable and attractive economic partner, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Thursday (Aug 29).

Coherence, commitment, confidence and consistency are key ingredients to achieving Asean centrality, he said in his opening remarks at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs' (SIIA) 12th Asean and Asia Forum at the Mandarin Oriental hotel.

Addressing the forum's theme of "The Sino-American Conflict and Asean: Surviving, Transforming, Succeeding", Mr Chan said that despite geopolitical volatility and global fragmentation, it was important for Asean member countries to resist populist policies and pressures.

He cited non-tariff barriers as one example of a complex issue requiring political will to tackle. These had tripled in the region over the last 15 years and could potentially erode gains from tariff elimination.

"To unlock the region's potential and allow the smallest enterprises to overcome geographical constraints, countries will need to deepen the non-tangible aspects of connectivity - data, finance, technology, talent and regulations," he said. "These are becoming as, or if not more, important than the physical aspects of connectivity."

He also spoke of the need to align standards and regulations in areas such as food, medicine and intellectual property, to enhance Asean members' value proposition and competitiveness in a knowledge-based world.

Reiterating the value of an open and rules-based multilateral trading system, Mr Chan said that Asean was leading the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations.
I don't know all the big words but he sounds very smart doesn't he? That's how we punch above our own weight. :geek:


CCS has no experience in business or any other industry. I wonder what other countries business leaders think of his speech. Are they scratching their head and wondering? Or they are laughing at him for spouting nonsense?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem with some ministers' speech is that they make it so bombastic and lengthy that you have to really read every word to understand what is actually meant. The best form of speech is delivered in a clear and simple language. Avoid cliches and bombastic words.


Super Moderator
Staff member
CCS has no experience in business or any other industry. I wonder what other countries business leaders think of his speech. Are they scratching their head and wondering? Or they are laughing at him for spouting nonsense?
Someone should ask him how to get Singapore football on the world map and enjoy the flower words. Lol


He epitomizes the problem faced by our country. Our esteemed leaders come up with nice macro road maps that nobody on the ground is able to implement or execute.

He spelled out clearly what we should do. But no clue as to HOW to go about doing it. How do we maintain centrality of Asean? How do we strengthen centrality? Long on rhetoric, short on substance. As is often the case with maladjusted book worms.

One word: disconnect.


He is a great intellectual and is eminently capable of dissecting complex issues and presenting them in a tangible form for the benefit of all Singaporeans.

Definitely PM material.
The problem with some ministers' speech is that they make it so bombastic and lengthy that you have to really read every word to understand what is actually meant. The best form of speech is delivered in a clear and simple language. Avoid cliches and bombastic words.
Too simple wait the oppie upstarts will think they can gib keynote address too. Only the best are fit to speak for sinkies. :cool: