There are primarily three groups against Trump. The LGBTIQ group (their acronym is getting longer as they seek to incorporate all sorts of sexual freaks suffering from deviant sexual behaviour as a means to boost their numbers), the lazy losers and these two groups' liberal friends in Hollywood and the media.
Google the names of these liberals such as Rosie O' Donnell, etc and include the word "gay" and you will invariably notice a preponderance of faggots spearheading the fight to delegitimise Trump.
The faggots are up in arms as they can no longer advance their fight for "progressive" values such as suing mom and pop shops for "discrimination" (when these shops refuse to sell them wedding cakes) when Trump finally names a conservative supreme court justice (the faggots' greatest fear) next week. They see this as delegitimising their psychological disorders that they are trying to normalised. That "legitimate right" and their sick desire to fuck each other in the arse or to suck cocks, and to sue anyone for "discrimination" if their right to buttfuck, donate AIDS tainted blood, buy wedding cakes, etc are refused and not recognised in all their glory.
The lazy losers realise they will now have to start working and not leech off those who work. They are happy to piggyback on the back of these faggots as they are not very bright and lack the organisational skills of these faggots to mobilise and organise themselves.
Good old winni, in all likelihood, belongs to the faggot group. Hence, the outrage. Be prepared to see anti-Trump signs in Singapore annual "pink dot" faggot love fest in Hong Lim this year, and every year he remains President.