You have short memory.....who is mocking your father? Answer: You yourself, his very own son Fruiti. A person with theology degree, a pastor and yet run away when he was questioned on theology....we didn't make up this...this is from your own mouth.
Did I mock at him...if you and the other readers think so, so be it. But readers here are no fools. I am just repeating what you told us. And oh, yes...what you said is truly nothing but mocking at your own father!
Finally, another load of bull to argue with. I mention my dad once, at the start of my thread. that is it. after that you keep bringing him in. Lets make sense here. I summarize my thread on the Ex-Christian's story
1) I was a christian
2) Father got sacked as a pastor (yes i know, he lousy, not worth a salt, blah blah)
3) started to think about christianity
4) started to find no sense in it - question cell group, youth pastors (plural), my father and his pastor friends included - find no sense.
5) Fought to DEFEND christianity
6) researched. gained knowledge and logic (you should get those too, to expand your mind)
7) Mocked god and mocked the bible.
From 1) to 7) in what way did i mock my father? I am mocking the whole of christianity and the bible and your god (stolen and modified from pagan religions).
God did warn us not to be angry for nothing (Proverbs 3:30). Everyone of us has the right to get angry when provoked....just go to the past threads here and under the Today's Scripture Readings. I have never, never, never provoked anyone. I only did it and as part of my right of reply when you folks keep mocking at God. Remember what the Bible says: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7).
I warned you not to use bible(which is flawed on all levels) against me. Your proverbs 3:30 is wrong. it writes Do not accuse anyone for no reason—when they have done you no harm. Accuse and angry. 2 different words. Don't even know where the verses are. Proud to be a christian ya?
I, for one was provoked by your sheer lack of bible knowledge and logical thinking and immaturity.
With rebuttal to Galatioans 6:7. i put forward 2 Chronicles 36:16 But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.
Lets see this.
1. God, can be mocked
2. People mocked god's word and god (like a childish idiot) kills them. Here i can infer god slays those who mock him and his words. i've been mocking pastor's words day in and day out. nothing happens to me. Maybe they not messengers of god. cause if they were messengers of god, alot of us will be long dead. Pastors and church leaders here all legal conman.
He was sacked from his church. But remember, if he is worth the salt, other churches will definitely welcome have not told us whether he later became a pastor of another church....looks like he has never become one again after he was sacked....(May be you want to further clarify, if you still care about your dad....)
What if he doesnt want to go back to church and deal with all the human politics? It's his choice. He still does bible fellowship and gives experience on his missionary work when in X country and even give free x language lessons to volunteers who are going there for charity work. He is more own time own target now and i can see he is happier. Although he doesnt sit behind his computer and act like a righteous idiot on sammyboy forums. Who are you to judge? Must a pastor always be in church?
He has a degree in theology...this was from your comrade.....(and may be you want to confrim this)..and yet he run away when he was being questioned on the Bible. Normally...but not always.....when someone go to theological college, the church often (but not always) sponsored him and paid for all the expenses. Hence, if after the theological degree....and usually is 3 to 4 years and can take up alot of the finances from the church, and yet the training or the degree still proves 'useless' to handle questions and need to run away, then, I think the church has the right to act and discipline him.
I want to answer this for the last time. YES he ran away from my questions, so did YOU, so did CELL GROUP LEADERS, so did other PASTORS. You should see christians stunned look when you ask them things they cant answer. That is why i want to visit your church, they seem to be knowledgeable on the bible, but you turn me down. scared they will also run away? thats what it looks like. Let me talk to your pastors. Is it too much to ask?
He rarely used Bible verses...this is the greatest anointed pastor is expected to use Bible verses as often as he should.
He is a smart man. I use bible verses to counter his arguments time and time again. and he and every sensible human on this earth knows that the bible has no historical fact. Go to’s-Obscure-Origins and look at my post. You use verses but all your verses i can easily counter. too easy.
He often used worldly experiences in his preaching....remember: Many wordly stories are only good for gossiping and has very little value to do with spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are really a theological-trained person, you will never run of stories to preach the Gospel. Just the Bible aline will do and you don't need to supplement the Bible with worldly gossips. Bible has the stories of people from all walk of have the uncaring and also the good Smaritans, you have the cowards and also the heroes, you have the theives and also the honest, you have the corrupt kings and also the righteious, you have the poor and also the very rich. You name it, the Bible has it. No worldly gossips are needed.
You mean that bible that is full of bullshit, talking snake, man grow beard get stronger, kings who never existed, book of job, mass killing and plagues not recorded in history? that bible? yes you are right. no worldly gossip needed for this full of crap book. i lose here. sorry. no arguments.
Good and effective pastors should produce the right kind of fruits for His Kingdom. They are the protectors of God's lambs. Only rotten pastors and rotten religious leaders would lead their flock stray. If a pastor could not even help to produce the right fruit even within his own family members, and all we see now are mocking messages by members of his family....hmmm....I don't need to say anything more.....let the readers decide!
Correct. Well written. So can your Protector of his sheep pastor preach to me and lead me to the right path? i got lots of unanswered questions? please, i can be another fruit they produce for the kingdom. Readers can you all decide? Should his know-it-all-pastor talk to me?
On another note...and you may want to confirm with your theological-trained dad on this:
Bringing in my dad on this again? Quite unnecessary.
There are only very few stories appeared in all the four gospels although many stories appeared at least twice or thrice in the gospels. And if a story appeared in all the four gospels, it is a very significant message from God. The cleansing of the temple is one of those very few stories that appeared in all the four gospels. And remember, the gospels were written by different people and witnessed by dfferent eye-wtnesses. So, there may be so-called 'errors' or 'differences' but from the theological aspect, they are the same. So, the theological lesson to learn from the cleansing of the temple is very simple: No commercial businesses must be allowed to be carried out in His temple (and churches). They must be used exclusively for worshipping God, and nothing else.
1) Mind you, this is the book you all follow and there are mistakes. WORD OF GOD has MISTAKES. You admit yourself. Enough said. Can't even get a few facts correct and you trust the whole book. And you are right again! Shooting yourself in the feet once more. Bible was edited and compiled by men to suit their needs and to tighten control over fools last time. cant believe we still have them now.
2)But pastor, what about the christian bookshops you see everywhere, selling bibles, jesus keychains? i have drinks vending machines in my church too. how can my church defile the place of worship! oh and sometimes they have sales on christian dvds and re-runs of pastor's sermons. How can they do it? you are right, EXCLUSIVELY for worshipping god. amen.
And to add to your point....the temple was very big in those time...34 football fields..."according to historians" you think because of this they had reason to do commercial transactions....this is exactly what is happening now in churches right here! We are going to see church-cum-shopping-entertainment complex here. Another theological lesson from the cleansing of the temple is this: Never, never, never use excuses to justify what God hates or disallows. And this is what the world views...."So long it's for the glory of God, it should be ok....just do it....I don't think God mind." Oh,,,no...God really mind.....nothing must come between us and God!
You are missing my point. The bible say he did it alone. he brought whips and to overturn so many tables and not to get overruned by angry merchants, seems impossible. can you imagine the magnitude of it? use logic. please.
The history of World War Two....just go a read up....depend who wrote the Germans, the Japanese, the British, the Americans, the Chinese....they all tell very different stories...they are hundreds and if not thousands of versions of the World War II history....But only one fact is the truth: There was a World War II and it ended in 1945. Period!
Bravo! You have some sense here. But did the World War 2 actually happen? Yes it did! How do we know? HISTORICAL FACTS! Does the bible have any? Adam and Eve to exodus to christ YAY! did it happen? NO!! We dont have historical accounts on those! Haha. You make it too easy la. please try again later.