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Politics | May 29, 2018 by | 0 Comments

Let’s continue our story about how Singapore, supposedly a clean and incorruptible nation, secretly helped ex-PM Najib Razak during the peak of the 1MDB scandal. The plausible possibility that the Government of Singapore was the “hidden hand” behind the blackmailing of Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo to change his story has since gotten The Straits Times extremely worry.

As the world’s 3rd top financial centre (behind London and New York), it’s an insult to the peoples’ intelligence that Singapore didn’t know the documents supplied by 1MDB relating to its Brazen Sky Limited account were false bank statements. The Monetary Authority of Singapore knew that Arul Kanda was bullshitting when he claimed US$1.103 billion cash was kept at BSI Bank Limited, Singapore.

Besides the United States, Switzerland and Luxembourg, it’s believed that Najib and his wife Rosmah keep their ill-gotten money in Singapore as well. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong loved Najib simply because such corrupted Malaysian leader can be easily manipulated and controlled. As a financial centre, Singapore does not discriminate against dirty or laundered money.


The Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 350-km high-speed rail (HSR) link project which had been inked in 2016 under the previous PM Najib Razak was inflated to include kickbacks. As revealed by newly installed Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, the project was designed in such a way that Malaysia will be penalised close to RM500 million if they withdraw from it.

In actuality, Singapore doesn’t need the HSR project. After all, more than 90% of the railroad will be on Malaysian soil. It’s amazing that Singapore gets to pocket half a billion ringgit in the event the contract is cancelled considering the island’s involvement is less than 10%. Consider this – the 688-km East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project costs RM55 billion but the shorter 350-km HSR project will cost RM110 billion.

Obviously, something is fishy when it costs almost double for a shorter railway project. Shouldn’t China be awarded the HSR project since they could build it at half the price, or 50% discount? It appears that Singapore could have benefited massively from the high-speed rail project, possibly even kickbacks, after the “hidden hand” blackmailed Xavier Andre Justo to change his story.


Unfortunately, both Najib Razak and Lee Hsien Loong, as they happily scratching each other’s back, didn’t anticipate that the 93-year-old Mahathir Mohamad could unseat the Barisan Nasional coalition government after being in power for 61 years since independence in 1957. All hell breaks loose when Pakatan Harapan coalition made a stunning victory.

In normal circumstances, Mahathir should be the one flying to Singapore begging PM Lee Hsien Loong to cancel, or at least reconsider, the RM110 billion HSR project. Instead, it was the panicked Mr. Lee who flew to Malaysia to meet Mr. Mahathir. Even then, the Singaporean prime minister was given a short 30 minutes for the meeting, before the humiliated PM Lee left Mahathir’s office.

Lee Hsien Loong wanted to talk about HSR with Mahathir, but the Malaysian leader simply told him that HSR will be scrapped, one way or another. With tail between legs, the Singaporean leader left. Today (Monday, May 28th), Mahathir unilaterally announced to the world that Malaysia will scrap the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail project.


Mahathir said – “It is a final decision, but it will take time because we have an agreement with Singapore. It’s not beneficial. It’s going to cost us a huge sum of money. We’ll make no money at all from this arrangement. It is only a short track. It is only going to save people one hour by taking the HSR.”

To lose RM500 million in penalty for cancelling the project is better than to spend RM110 billion on a mega-project which is doomed to fail. The ticket price for the HSR trip will be too expensive for ordinary Malaysians. However, based on Mahathir’s track record, he is not going to bend over and flash half a billion of ringgit to Lee Hsien Loong without a fight.

If Mahathir had previously given Lee Kuan Yew a run for his money, chances are the old man is going to do the same to his son now. The Malaysian prime minister has already hinted that his administration will haggle – and most likely drag his feet – about the final compensation figures for Singapore.


Heck, Mahathir might even just offer Hsien Loong a small token of compensation for cancelling the project, and there’s nothing Singapore can do about it. Will Singapore drag Malaysia to the international court and in the process spill the beans about how the unfavourable terms were made between scandal-plagued Najib Razak and his Singapore buddy?

Hsien Loong is easy meat to Mahathir. When push comes to shove, Malaysia can easily threaten Singapore over its national security – by allowing China to deploy its radar surveillance and missile system in Johor, essentially spying on the little island. Last year, Beijing offered AR3 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) to be positioned in Johor, Malaysia.

Conventional wisdom says it would be wise for Singapore to forget about insisting on the RM500 million penalties, in the interest of maintaining good relationship between both countries. It’s better for Mahathir to owe Lee Hsien Loong a favour than to start a confrontation. Singapore’s reputation will be at stake if the country is openly mentioned as the “hidden hand” behind Justo blackmail in Thailand.







Politics | May 29, 2018 by | 0 Comments

During the climax of 1MDB scandal in 2015, Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo dropped a bombshell. Like any Hollywood spy-thriller films, he was approached by “someone” to change the real story. He was in jail in Thailand, allegedly trying to blackmail his former employer, PetroSaudi, which was entangled in 1MDB – a scandal involving the Malaysian government.

He was obviously a desperate man, and would do anything to get the hell out of the prison. After all, he has a wife and a nine-month-old son back in Switzerland. And he was facing up to 7 years in jail and a fine if found guilty of extortion. A former head of IT at the London office of PetroSaudi, Justo has admitted that he had stolen a staggering 90 gigabytes of company data.

In an exclusive interview with “The Straits Times” inside Bangkok Remand Prison, Mr. Justo claimed that he was promised US$2 million cash in exchange for data he stole from his former employer. But he said he was never paid what he was promised by “a group of people”. That interviewer was Nirmal Ghosh, Indochina Bureau Chief in Bangkok.



In the interview, Justo also alleged that the group of people, whom he had met in Singapore, had tampered with the data he had given them. He exposed that the people he met had talked about using the documents “to try to bring down the Malaysian government”. Conveniently, Najib Razak was the Malaysian prime minister exposed of having pocketed US$681 million siphoned from 1MDB.

That group of people included Sarawak Report founder Clare Rewcastle-Brown. Ms. Rewcastle-Brown had rubbished Justo allegations immediately. Tong Kooi Ong, the owner of “The Edge”, however, admitted The Edge had misled Mr Justo into believing he would be paid when it was nothing but a desperate trick to get the Swiss citizen to spill the beans.

The above was 3 years ago in 2015, before Najib was ousted in the May 9, 2018 general election. Needless to say, Najib’s cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers were overjoyed with Justo’s bombshell. The revelation would mean their boss was innocent, or so they thought. Hence, they told all and sundry that the 1MDB scandal was nothing but an evil plan to overthrow Najib government.


The Straits Times carried the interview on July 24, 2015, and subsequently splashed it on its print and online editions under the headline – “I was offered $2.7 million for stolen data: Ex-PetroSaudi employee Xavier Andre Justo on the 1MDB saga”. Government-controlled newspapers and TV stations in Malaysia, of course, happily reproduced The Straits Times report.

Today, the same Xavier Andre Justo drops a new bombshell – that the interview he gave to The Straits Times three years ago was manipulated and scripted. A free man now, he exposed to “The Edge Malaysia” that he had actually been blackmailed by two individuals to say according to a script in order to help secure an early release from prison.

That “someone” who had paid a visit to Justo in 2015 was none other than PetroSaudi director Patrick Mahony, together with Paul Finnegan, a UK private detective who disguised himself as a Scotland Yard detective. Justo told Ho Kay Tat, The Edge Malaysia publisher that a list of 50 questions was handed to him by the ex-PetroSaudi guys.


Justo reveals – “They handed to me a list of 50 questions and answers that I was supposed to use for my interview just before I saw him (Nirmal Ghosh from The Straits Times). Everything I told him was prepared by them (Mahony and Finnegan) and I was also told not to bring up the name Jho Low (partner-in-crime of Najib Razak).”

Two key items from the 2015 interview – “to modify the documents” and “to bring down the Malaysian (Najib) government” – were trumpeted like a broken record by Najib propaganda machines. Now, here’s the biggest question: why The Straits Times’ Nirmal Ghosh had been allowed to interview Mr. Justo in prison at a time when even the Malaysian police could not meet him?

Khalid Abu Bakar, the 10th IGP (Inspector General of Royal Malaysia Police) between May 2012 and September 2017, had repeatedly told the world that the Malaysian police were ready and had been allowed to interview Xavier Andre Justo in Thailand. Yet, such interview had been postponed numerous times. Finally on Dec 15, 2015, Malaysian police was reportedly left for Thailand to record a statement from Justo.


Strangely, the Malaysian police had to wait more than a month for the transcript and statement of the interview, which were originally recorded in the Thai language. Why they were not in English since neither Malaysian police nor Justo spoke Thai language? More importantly, how did the despicable Mahony and Finnegan arrange Justo to be interviewed with The Straits Times?

It’s worth noting that former police chief Khalid Abu Bakar was a supporter of Najib Razak. Mr. Khalid, who is now barred from leaving Malaysia, was suspected to be the traitor in a task force formed originally to investigate the corrupt prime minister. So, what made The Straits Times so special that the media was given the privilege to interview Justo ahead of the Malaysian police?

Who were those so-called “hidden hands” that were so powerful that they could arrange for Nirmal Ghosh and The Straits Times to extract Justo “confession” to spin a fake narrative – obviously to paint Najib Razak as an innocent man? The Straits Times editor-in-chief of Singapore Press Holdings – Warren Fernandez – has denied there was any hidden hand.


Was there a plausible possibility that the Government of Singapore was the hidden hand, trying to protect the Malaysian leader Najib son of Razak? Unlike Mahathir, who was a tough nut to crack during his 22 year rule from 1981 to 2003, his predecessor Mr. Najib had a fabulous and wonderful relationship with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Singapore doesn’t like a smart and tough leader like Mahathir Mohamad. But a weak and corrupt leader such as Najib is like a God-send Christmas gift to Singapore1. Despite scoring high marks on Corruption Perceptions Index, Singapore isn’t as clean as many think. Lee Hsien Loong administration has been accused of dragging its feet in the 1MDB scandal.

It wasn’t until the F.B.I opened investigation papers and Switzerland dropped the bombshell that a criminal investigation into 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) had revealed that about US$4 billion appeared to have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies, that Singapore was forced to act aggressively in early 2016.


The Singapore police only moved in to freeze the accounts of two Singaporean bank accounts linked to 1MDB scandal on July 15, 2015 – after the Wall Street Journal exposed (on July 2, 2015) about a money trail involving US$681 million transacted through Tanore Finance, a company in the British Virgin Islands, and Falcon Private Bank in Singapore.

Malaysian ex-PM Najib Razak, who was the Chairman of 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad), has denied any involvement in the scandal although he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar – a whopping US$681 million in his private banking accounts. Instead, Mr. Najib has claimed that the money was donations from Saudi royal family, a claim that could not be substantiated.

Interesting enough, the Singapore authorities also allowed itself to be manipulated by 1MDB President – Mr. Arul Kanda – when it was exposed that the assets held by BSI were in the form of “units” instead of “cash”. It would take Sarawak Report to expose the fraud, that the documents supplied by 1MDB relating to its Brazen Sky Limited account in Singapore were false bank statements, that Singapore started taking serious actions.



Continue To Part 2: Mahathir Is Moving For The Kill – Scraps RM110 Billion HSR Project, And There’s Nothing Singapore Can Do.



US ktv with NK on June 12 can forget to annex Singapore.

Dr M is on China side make Singapore useless to US.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
LHL will definitely sue because these allegations are far worse than the ones made by Roy Ngerng which resulted in $150,000 damages being awarded to the Honorable Mr Lee.


Everyone in the world knows that Singapore is one of the least corrupt countries in the world and to even suggest that Singapore officials might be involved in some hanky panky deals should be considered as sacrilege of the highest order.

The allegations go to the very heart of what Singapore stands for ie efficiency, honesty and incorruptibility. They must be refuted in no uncertain terms. No stone must be left unturned in proving that Singapore is above board in ALL its dealings.

I would urge Mr Lee to start legal proceedings immediately. This matter is far more important than the case against his nephew for contempt of court. The AG the Honorable Mr Lucien Wong should muster all the resources of the AG chambers and come out with guns blazing.

I love my country and I take offense to even the slightest suggestion that there is even a whiff of corruption in high places. This matter has to be put to bed quickly.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't worry ,we have Sham and Torpedo Singh.

Dr.M., can SINGh better, look how many Indians & Singhs they have in law & enforcement over there...he has a band of Singhs & more Indians against these two?. We only have a pair,, he has a FULL HOUSE!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Fucking fake news! Everyone knows that PAP and PM Lee are as honest as the day is long.

The spreader of fake news is lucky that they are based in jiuhu, a country traditionally hostile to Singapore under the mad hatter.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
LHL will definitely sue because these allegations are far worse than the ones made by Roy Ngerng which resulted in $150,000 damages being awarded to the Honorable Mr Lee.


Everyone in the world knows that Singapore is one of the least corrupt countries in the world and to even suggest that Singapore officials might be involved in some hanky panky deals should be considered as sacrilege of the highest order.

The allegations go to the very heart of what Singapore stands for ie efficiency, honesty and incorruptibility. They must be refuted in no uncertain terms. No stone must be left unturned in proving that Singapore is above board in ALL its dealings.

I would urge Mr Lee to start legal proceedings immediately. This matter is far more important than the case against his nephew for contempt of court. The AG the Honorable Mr Lucien Wong should muster all the resources of the AG chambers and come out with guns blazing.

I love my country and I take offense to even the slightest suggestion that there is even a whiff of corruption in high places. This matter has to be put to bed quickly.

Well lets wait and see


Alfrescian (Inf)
How Malaysia afford a 55b RM HSR?that is a shit load of money even for white elephant projects.....

Installment plan over 20 years?

It won't make much economic sense...rather 55b be put into a 2MBD fund and the interest be used for welfar policies instead.



Politics | May 30, 2018 by | 0 Comments

With a new government in power, the truth about the Najib administration’s reckless spending and gross mismanagement of the nation’s finances is finally coming out – one trillion, maybe more, in debt, huge losses in one government project after another, appalling mismanagement and lack of oversight. I fear we haven’t heard the half of it.

Worse still are the megaprojects with foreign partners that can only be described as a rank betrayal of the nation’s interest.


In time, we might well come to discover that what all these projects had in common was massive corruption, that many of these initiatives were nothing more than a gigantic national feedlot scheme for corrupt politicians and their cronies to feed on public funds to their heart’s content.

If all that money had been put to productive use, we might be a fully developed country by now.

Criminal negligence

One thing is clear: if Najib had not been removed from power, he would have driven the nation to the ground. As it is, it’s going to take us a long time to dig ourselves out of the hole that he put us in. And the citizens of Malaysia are going to have to pay for it.

Of course, Najib is not the only one to blame; every last one of his cabinet ministers contributed to this disaster as did senior officials like the Chief Secretary, the Secretary-General of the Finance Ministry, the Governor of Bank Negara and the Attorney-General, among others. If they had any honour, they would have resigned by now.

Dr Mahathir and his economic team now have their work cut out for them. If anyone can turn the situation around it is Mahathir. At least we can be thankful for that.

Megaprojects galore


One of the more pressing challenges that the country now faces is the megaprojects with China and Singapore.

The RM55 billion East Coast Railway Link (ECRL) is perhaps emblematic of the way Najib worked with China. Not only did we borrow money from China to pay China to build a railway link that was both unnecessary and unviable, the terms of the contract itself were “very damaging to our economy,” as Mahathir noted after being briefed on the matter. Even the way the loan agreement was negotiated was “not normal” according to him. The final price tag for this colossal white elephant might even exceed RM92 billion we are told.

In effect, China took for itself all the benefits and left us with all the liabilities. Was this the Belt and Road Initiative or a plan to bankrupt and railroad us?

A disaster of this magnitude, of course, does not occur because of incompetence or even stupidity; such adverse and one-sided terms indicate that other factors were at play.

Mahathir has now expressed the hope that the project could be renegotiated if not canceled entirely. The PRC ambassador to Malaysia, on the other hand, keeps insisting that “there are no changes in the ECRL project” and that everything is “running smoothly.”

The RM 110 billion Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail (HSR) project represents another huge headache for Malaysia. Despite all the hype its just not cost-beneficial; all that money just to shorten the travelling time by one hour. Mahathir has now confirmed that it will be cancelled though the terms of the agreement are such that it might cost us about RM500 million to do so.

Thus far, Singapore, like China, has not given any indication that it is willing to rethink the project. Thanks to Najib, Singapore too has us by the cojones. No wonder Singapore, like China, was rooting for Najib in the last election; both prefer a weak and easily manipulatable candidate in Putrajaya to Mahathir.

Moral responsibility


In the end, we might have little choice but to pay heavy penalties for Najib’s follies. However, an argument can also be made that China in particular, took advantage of a corrupt regime to sign projects that did not meet international standards of good governance and transparency. China must have known that the ECRL project was suspect right from the beginning; yet, it went ahead with it. Indeed, China exploited our weaknesses to impose “unequal treaties” (as Mahathir called them) upon us.

I submit, therefore, that both China and Singapore have a moral responsibility to do the right thing now and cancel if not renegotiate these agreements with minimum penalty.

Hard lessons in independence

Whatever it is, we will now discover who our friends really are.

Both China and Singapore can insist on their pound of flesh and use their economic muscle to bully us into maintaining these “unequal treaties” or they can do the right thing and work with our government to find mutually acceptable solutions. They can have their pound of flesh or they can prove themselves the good neighbors they claim to be, but they can’t have both.

For Malaysia, it is a lesson, a very expensive lesson, that when we have weak and corrupt leaders, we are vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. We must never allow ourselves to be put in this position ever again.
