my mom’s a prostitute. I first found out about this when i was around 6 or 7, she used to go out a lot i was always confused as to what she used to do.
i was always worried about her even after i found out about it so just to lessen her worry i used to keep the house in check, like cleaning, cooking etc while my brother roamed around god knows where, just so she would feel at ease.
Her phone was the reason i got to know about the stuff she used to do, the videos, photos, messages and stuff. Never told anyone about it and hust kept pretending as if i didn’t knew anything ( i was too young to know about that stuff anyway) also my dad knew about this all along. My mom wasn’t forced or anything she was fine w doing so but didn’t enjoyed it either the main reason why she was doing it was because of our financial condition.
And i guess when i was around 12 my brother found out about it ( he was 18 at that time) he cried a lot and asked her why she was doing something like that they had a really bad fight (my mom, dad and brother) she eventually stopped we also became quite stable financially, she was still in touch with her colleagues and clients but that was it whenever someone asked her to come back there she used to refuse and i was really happy about it
And now that I’m 16, and my dad’s both kidneys has been damaged, he’s a dialysis patient and we are in poverty you can say, my mom is considering going back to working as a prostitute again, (they all think i have no idea about it and that they’ve been “protecting” me from knowing the truth lmao) as always my dad is still supportive and all, whenever i ask her she just says she works somewhere that pays well and that she’ll be with her “friends” so she’ll be okay, and asks me to look after my dad and the house.
I really really want to tell her to stop but she probably won’t listen and if i confront her she wouldn’t take me seriously and yell at me for talking about something so vulgar, anyways i cant tell my brother about it even tho i want to (he’s 21 now) because of his angered issues if he finds out idk what he might end up doing, i really hope she stops after my dad gets better and we become financially stable again but i guess until then she will continue to do so.