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.Even in social, economical, emotional, legal, financial, religious, political reasons, women in the family are respected more than men.and recognition of women leadership in governments is saddening.
A clear case of sexism, state-sanctioned to boot.
In what ways are men are limited by the patriarchy in Singapore?
Having cultural expectations to be a provider for the family.
More likely to have non-physical, very subjectively-threatening advances branded as harassment at schools and other public groups and expelled based on the flimsiest "what she said"
Expected to take sexually derogatory jokes directed at his gender coolly like a man.
Having to contribute to mandatory NS corvee for 2 years, unlike women, for citizenship. Now cisgendered men are on the rise. They are not gonna marry but to remain single after NS. They may lead LGBTQ+ lifestyle
Forced to go for yearly NS reservist, fitness test and remedial training are risk being fined and jailed
Expected to keep short and neat hairstyles for professional work or to get employed, or else no employment in the corporate world, army and most other workplaces and school unlike women
boys can be caned in school, unlike girls. Girls committed crimes are treated differently than men.
Women leadership in corporate world gives more freedom to hire female only. (It is trade secret)
Men are caned for the same offences women commit, which is more traumatizing and leave permanent scars
During divorce, men still have to pay alimony (at least a token amount) to their wives, even when their wives earn more, unless he is handicapped
Have their gender's lust branded as shameful and evil, as if lust is terrible and doesn't contribute to reproduction of new people (looking at porn is frowned upon and ostracized; MDA bans porn sites from public pressure
Male homosexual sex is no longer criminal in the penal code, similar to female on female sex. More
married women is prone to lesbian in SG but nobody cares. Even husband cannot take any action but to keep it to himself
Getting graded on a separate, tougher physical standard in the army, which is used for army career advancement. It is due to fact that men’s strength is weaker due to physical stature. More NS boys are softer than the ir counterpart girl’. Government did not take any initiative to change it it is a social problem.
Such boys prefer to wear women clothing in public without any shy or shame. It is a normal scene as boys or men wearing makeup and womens' clothing such as skirts.
Expected to do the heavy lifting in the workplace for women; men are bound by public expectation to assist the weaker gender or be shamed. Men carrying women handbags and going behind women is a normal scene in streets
Sexist ads that seek to employ only women for cushy office jobs is prevalent (claiming that men are more scary, less sociable, bubbly, or communitive)
Some people still expect men to be gentlemenly towards ladies (ladies first etc)
Some women expect men to do most of the wooing in dating. Meaning women are more respected and girls think they are superior to the males counterparts. Women decide remain single as they don’t give equal honor
Foreign manual labourers are often rape Singaporeans but not reported due to the fact that it was mutual. Workers in SG like to work here as they are sexual predators with glee by some women
Not allowed to adopt baby girls
Stigma around men becoming preschool teachers (sexual predators). More men in SG are incestrous with sons or daughters
Having to face daily fears of touching women in the wrong areas (multiple areas: chest, buttocks etc) during morning commute, and seeing angry stares even when accidental, when public transports are packed.
Some men have less inhibition about using violence against you in an altercation.
Some women will hit you, expectating you not to hit back.
Some people would disrespect men when they express their emotions the way women do. Men are expected to be soft spoken even if the women are violent.
The entrances to womens' toilets are usually nearer as compared to mens' (at most malls, trust me or go keep score yourself
Having parents less worried about your safety as compared to girls.
Having a legitimate and reasoned concerns mocked by misandristic groups of all genders online.
branded names like, "virgin", "dork", "creepy", "faggoty" when posting selfies online
Told to be accomplished in society (banker, doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, degree holder) before women will consider dating him. Now Z-generation do not care about 5Cs any more as polygamy, ONS are on the raise. Women willing to pay for their sex with men especially from foreigners or expats in SG.
Having no NGOs addressing and combating gender discrimination men face in Singapore. If a men is not taking a inferior role, men will be suppressed or oppressed spiritually. Such men experience hearing voices and to get mental help. IMH violates men rights due to mistreatment with wrong medical treatment to weaker the men permanently. After such treatments, women be the head of the family
Many women on online dating sites do not practice basic respect by treating men as they are for their toys or entertainment only, rating them according to how much of a date material they are. Dating apps are devised for married women to lead the LGBTQ+
SG”s sexist culture that blames men for being undateble, branding them as unattractive and having most people agree.
Not long ago, SMRT potrayed a man as a personal butler to a woman shopping for shoes, a recurring theme- men as beast of burden to their female companions
The dismal potrayal of men on local TV, especially channel 8 dramas.
The potrayal of men as disposable props in tv shows- mindless soldiers, minions etc- normalize male disposability
The disproportionate potrayal of men as villians as compared to women in the media. Women are hero despite their gender.
A majority of male leads potrayed in movies and books targeted at women are way more attractive and deviating from the cultural training of the average man in the street. This normalize unrealistic expectations of women in love and dating.
Retailers and shops tend to have carry more clothes and other wares aimed specifically at women as compared to men. SG women spend more lavishly than men counterparts.
Some women claim that men expressing themselves too freely is committing verbal diarrhea. This is to oppress men counterparts not to express themselves emotionally even though society protects women. Even if a woman reports a matter to police, police gives more protection to female even if the husband not violated any law.
Men leadership in family is a past history in SG.
Being put in the uncomfortable position for glancing at someone you find attractive and getting nasty looks in return even when the glance is super brief. (assumed that the look is misogynistic)
The blatant advertising of beer that normalize alcohol drinking to men
More people react negatively towards a guy with his genitalia exposed in public as compared to woman.
Some in society view unmarried men as less mature and hard-driving vs a submissive married men (with children). That is because married men are always submissive to his wife and doing more chores for the children and wife.
The lonely old men (even if widowed, divorced or single) dating young women are often portrayed negatively as pervy old cow eating young grass.
The society insists on covering up mens' testes when nature designed them to stay cool (hence the thin scrotum outside the abdomen). Women generally wear more revealing thighs than men.
Soft men are looked down upon as wimps by both men and women
All violence against men is normalized, they are treated like cannon fodder whereas women, by the virtue of being not forced to be combatants, get to receive the pity of the world if they are injured in war, as victims of war atrocities.
More expectations to carry on the women’s family lineage than men if the woman is dominant. Even some married younger women sleep with mother in laws in the closet than her husband. It is a taboo. Such an immoral thing is never been reported. So married women are lesbian in many ways. Younger men and women prone to love older men or women in Lgbtq or polygamy
FML Relief is given to encourage married women to stay in the workforce. Married women and divorcees/widows with school going children may claim relief for foreign domestic worker levy paid in the previous year. Singles and married men are not eligible for this relief.
Men have to serve ns or get barred from ever entering Singapore if violated
Most research claimed Singapore is the most gender equal nation in Asia, only from a women pov (men pov are ignored/overlooked in such papers published in the media). Most offices, workplaces, men have to give the contact number of his spouse, HR may contact the wife and if husband is not on her good books his job is on jeopardy. Men are not contacted even if her wife is in trouble as it shows women are treated differently than men.
With the repeal of 377A, male victims of rape are not acknowledged in Singapore law. A male rape victim is not considered a rape victim under S375(1) of Penal Code, which defines rape as the act of a man penetrating a woman's vagina with his penis without her consent. Penetration of other body orifices (ass or anal or mouth) is not rape but an unlawful sexual penetration (S376(1), Penal Code). Both are liable to the same penalty i.e. imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years plus fine or caning. (S375(2) and S376(4), Penal Code). But it is not enforced or unreported. Only more girls come forward to report than boys reporting penetration in the anus
Women are still potrayed as being more vulnerable, and men are often left with lesser avenues of support and taught to normalize by sucking it up
Female police officers can technically search a man, but the opposite is not allowed. SPF send women officers to subdue men even if the suspect is a male. If the suspect is not submissive to the female officer and he os prone to get more charges
young men who have older lovers are branded as xiao bai lian (little white face) and "eating soft rice"
And such boys feel great as they are treated well by the older man or woman. Such boys always regarded as the sugar boys. Sugar boys are treated well than their biological children. More and more boys and girls are seeking sugar daddies or sugar mummies than husband or wife in general. It is all due to mobile dating apps. CECA has introduced an error in the dating apps to fix matches. Younger generation regard such matches are spiritual (even though it is an error in the code) but that gives upper hand for sexual predators who makes the youth as their sex-slaves
Some people tend to prefer to socialize with women over men, using stereotypes of men to justify their reasons for doing so. Hen parties or women partying is more welcomed. Women night or Ladies night tend to give women a free entry. Men to pay more in the clubs.
The current educational system gives girls an early advantage over boys; it is also most suitable for the learning style of women. Women are more rebellions because they are not controlled even if they commit crime. Eg. Orchard Towers murder case involving a girl in 20s. A online citizen commenting such a Chio may not be tried for capital punishment but more likely stern warning
Having AWARE wanting to teach adult men not to rape (commit gangrape to be precise- see Corina Lam statement to Straits Times) as if men are preschoolers who cannot understand social norms even at age 18. (borrowing from: "teaching women how not to get rape is offensive" trope)
In dating, most women (and media) prefer taller and older guys, thus shorter and younger men are discriminated against. That us because all dating apps serving ONS or polygamy only. Not for marriage or LTR. LTR is possible only if the guy is handsome with a strong stamina or organ (package) and again such men are giglos only. Such men demand more money from the girls. Girls willing to pay. More the price more the class according to Singapore girls (taboo). Hence, oppression of short and young guys! (borrowing from: shapely lingerie models in ads are degrading to non-hourglass shaped women)
Some women are blind to these issues, claiming that it is not they who contribute to them (the patriarchy did it- to such people, cultural patriarchy is dealt out almost exclusively by men, and so are the institutions that follow) and hence none of their business
Having answers like this from a so called feminist upvoted: "men financially privileged in society hence women issues are more important; men issues are occasional (really? see point 5, 8 and 30)" Men as a group are generalized are more privileged; men issues are dimissed by lots of women-first feminists.
Everyone pandering to the feminist narrative (even when some of them are heavily skewed based on genitalia) while Men's rights advocates would be mocked for existing and wanting to address inequalities not addressed by female-first feminists.
Madam Halimah OR Mdm. Ho Ching are more celebrated by such feminists than their husbands or PM.
Having almost no feminists, who would readily upvote examples sexism against women, upvoting your answer to acknowledge systemic sexism faced by men in Singapore, unless put in a spot by being a Public Relations manager for an institution. Otherwise they simply melt away when sexism against men is shown. Isn't this normalization of sexism against men XD
Having lot's of women claiming that the system oppress women more in Singapore as of 2016; is that necessary (don't want to start weighing who is more oppressed because A) because I believe in equal treatment B) Avoid being branded as a myopic (really?!) person by some women- who claim women are more oppressed)
In public transport, if they see an old woman standing, several folks come forward to give up their seats but if a older uncle travels, no body cares in most of the time. This is a social issue and you cant change the society over the night.
President Biden chose more women and transgenders in the USA high ranking offices including VP, a black Indian. Though majority Society of the do not approve, the loser plans for rigging and the election fraud. In 2020 election frauds were due to African Americans, women, transgenders and Indian minorities and new immigrants who are seeking more liberal attitude.
SG politics employ similar tactics to employ more foreigners. In 2019, 2020, the population together with migrants exceeded the 10M mark but government did not give a chance to answer to an elected MP from another party. Josephine Teo and
Indraniee Rajah exercised more powers even expressed their anger and emotions to turn off the microphone like slamming the door to control the other male opposition.
Women leadership is unnatural. It is shameful for a man to be submissive to their woman counterparts. IF the couple accept being equal is OK. But the women always the leadership over men is unacceptable. That is the error in the spiritual realm. Some men or women given authority over satan and all his agents in the world. Satan has to obey them and honor their authority here on earth. But satan is completely fallen from this moral stand, he had given up his leadership role to his subordinate, the dragon. The dragon took the leadership role in the spiritual realm and changed the natural leaderships given to women to he a boss and gays to be presidents, PMs and CEOs and chief justices, ministers and other leadership riles such as deans, professors. Straight acting men on recent days fired or jobless.
The Dragon who deceived the first man Adam in the garden of Eden used the same tactics to boost the woman leadership over Adam. Eve was first fallen and she gave the fruit to Adam to fall together. If you are a lawyer, God never told Eve any command. God only gave the command to Adam not to eat 2 kind of fruits.
1. Fruit of life
2. Fruit of good and evil
Both the fruits were forbidden to Adam. God expected Adam to take his leadership over Eve to obey God. Eve who was unaware of the law, disobeyed and made her husband to fall with her.
Dragon to keep him the head of all children of disobedience (not satan), he commanded satan who is the usurper of men’s dominion changed the leadership in every families and every nation. That is why the women or LGBTQ + leadership is NORM here. It is a wrong spirituality or evil spirituality .
68. Vagina sex is diminishing. Ass sex is getting popular. That is because under LGBTQ+,every one has an ass to get poked. The one with penis (pre-dominant makes) poking all bottoms in their asses even if they have a funciontal vagina.
Ass sex is against nature. Even dogs may not fcuk his male counterpart. But fallen men prefer ass sex as their asses are more hypersensitive and bring the sensations. The bottoms expresses somewhat momentarily sexual satisfaction which cones from evil powers who controls the minds of gays.
The straight acting predominant males who understands the vagina will not prefer the ass. Vagina gives full satisfaction which are generally longer than gay sex. That is why gays seek more hornier than straight counterparts.
Failed marriages is on the rise
Lust is what matter that devil controls the mind of a man. All men and women those who hate straight sex are called dogs. God calls them dogs and Bible regards such men who sleeps with other men doing 69 as dogs. Evil spirits all working against nature. All giant IT companies employed by CECA are all gays. Though they may be married with kids, they prefer men than women in reality. Such bisexuals are gays. The type “Gay” takes precedence if you are bi or bicurious.
To put it in simpler terms
LHL is gay even though he has got kids and married mdm. Ho.
Similarly LW is gay even though he was divorced and no children. LW prefers to get poked and he failed to satisfy his ex-wife sexually. Their marriage could have been continued if his wife, used the dildo (vibrator) along her waist to fcuk LW on his ass. But she did not like that way as both were bottoms. LW used a dildo (vibrator) along his waist to fcuk her wife on her vagina. But LW is impotent and experiencing a erectile dysfunction. Lw admitted that his married failed due to incompatible. I have briefed why incompatible in the bed.
In such families, women still would take the leadership role. In PMs family, Ho Ching is a leader to LHL. LHL is submissive to her. So LHL asks for a mandate in every election, people generally voted a PAP government because LKY was a strong man even though he was bisexual (top acting) male.
The above list is by no mean exhaustive, but as one can see, the male gender faces prevalent discrimination that is rarely discussed in Singapore. Very often drowned out by women (and even men) claiming women have more oppression, trying to belittle male oppression in doing so
To be continued
.Even in social, economical, emotional, legal, financial, religious, political reasons, women in the family are respected more than men.and recognition of women leadership in governments is saddening.
A clear case of sexism, state-sanctioned to boot.
In what ways are men are limited by the patriarchy in Singapore?
Having cultural expectations to be a provider for the family.
More likely to have non-physical, very subjectively-threatening advances branded as harassment at schools and other public groups and expelled based on the flimsiest "what she said"
Expected to take sexually derogatory jokes directed at his gender coolly like a man.
Having to contribute to mandatory NS corvee for 2 years, unlike women, for citizenship. Now cisgendered men are on the rise. They are not gonna marry but to remain single after NS. They may lead LGBTQ+ lifestyle
Forced to go for yearly NS reservist, fitness test and remedial training are risk being fined and jailed
Expected to keep short and neat hairstyles for professional work or to get employed, or else no employment in the corporate world, army and most other workplaces and school unlike women
boys can be caned in school, unlike girls. Girls committed crimes are treated differently than men.
Women leadership in corporate world gives more freedom to hire female only. (It is trade secret)
Men are caned for the same offences women commit, which is more traumatizing and leave permanent scars
During divorce, men still have to pay alimony (at least a token amount) to their wives, even when their wives earn more, unless he is handicapped
Have their gender's lust branded as shameful and evil, as if lust is terrible and doesn't contribute to reproduction of new people (looking at porn is frowned upon and ostracized; MDA bans porn sites from public pressure
Male homosexual sex is no longer criminal in the penal code, similar to female on female sex. More
married women is prone to lesbian in SG but nobody cares. Even husband cannot take any action but to keep it to himself
Getting graded on a separate, tougher physical standard in the army, which is used for army career advancement. It is due to fact that men’s strength is weaker due to physical stature. More NS boys are softer than the ir counterpart girl’. Government did not take any initiative to change it it is a social problem.
Such boys prefer to wear women clothing in public without any shy or shame. It is a normal scene as boys or men wearing makeup and womens' clothing such as skirts.
Expected to do the heavy lifting in the workplace for women; men are bound by public expectation to assist the weaker gender or be shamed. Men carrying women handbags and going behind women is a normal scene in streets
Sexist ads that seek to employ only women for cushy office jobs is prevalent (claiming that men are more scary, less sociable, bubbly, or communitive)
Some people still expect men to be gentlemenly towards ladies (ladies first etc)
Some women expect men to do most of the wooing in dating. Meaning women are more respected and girls think they are superior to the males counterparts. Women decide remain single as they don’t give equal honor
Foreign manual labourers are often rape Singaporeans but not reported due to the fact that it was mutual. Workers in SG like to work here as they are sexual predators with glee by some women
Not allowed to adopt baby girls
Stigma around men becoming preschool teachers (sexual predators). More men in SG are incestrous with sons or daughters
Having to face daily fears of touching women in the wrong areas (multiple areas: chest, buttocks etc) during morning commute, and seeing angry stares even when accidental, when public transports are packed.
Some men have less inhibition about using violence against you in an altercation.
Some women will hit you, expectating you not to hit back.
Some people would disrespect men when they express their emotions the way women do. Men are expected to be soft spoken even if the women are violent.
The entrances to womens' toilets are usually nearer as compared to mens' (at most malls, trust me or go keep score yourself

Having parents less worried about your safety as compared to girls.
Having a legitimate and reasoned concerns mocked by misandristic groups of all genders online.
branded names like, "virgin", "dork", "creepy", "faggoty" when posting selfies online
Told to be accomplished in society (banker, doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, degree holder) before women will consider dating him. Now Z-generation do not care about 5Cs any more as polygamy, ONS are on the raise. Women willing to pay for their sex with men especially from foreigners or expats in SG.
Having no NGOs addressing and combating gender discrimination men face in Singapore. If a men is not taking a inferior role, men will be suppressed or oppressed spiritually. Such men experience hearing voices and to get mental help. IMH violates men rights due to mistreatment with wrong medical treatment to weaker the men permanently. After such treatments, women be the head of the family
Many women on online dating sites do not practice basic respect by treating men as they are for their toys or entertainment only, rating them according to how much of a date material they are. Dating apps are devised for married women to lead the LGBTQ+
SG”s sexist culture that blames men for being undateble, branding them as unattractive and having most people agree.
Not long ago, SMRT potrayed a man as a personal butler to a woman shopping for shoes, a recurring theme- men as beast of burden to their female companions
The dismal potrayal of men on local TV, especially channel 8 dramas.
The potrayal of men as disposable props in tv shows- mindless soldiers, minions etc- normalize male disposability
The disproportionate potrayal of men as villians as compared to women in the media. Women are hero despite their gender.
A majority of male leads potrayed in movies and books targeted at women are way more attractive and deviating from the cultural training of the average man in the street. This normalize unrealistic expectations of women in love and dating.
Retailers and shops tend to have carry more clothes and other wares aimed specifically at women as compared to men. SG women spend more lavishly than men counterparts.
Some women claim that men expressing themselves too freely is committing verbal diarrhea. This is to oppress men counterparts not to express themselves emotionally even though society protects women. Even if a woman reports a matter to police, police gives more protection to female even if the husband not violated any law.
Men leadership in family is a past history in SG.
Being put in the uncomfortable position for glancing at someone you find attractive and getting nasty looks in return even when the glance is super brief. (assumed that the look is misogynistic)
The blatant advertising of beer that normalize alcohol drinking to men
More people react negatively towards a guy with his genitalia exposed in public as compared to woman.
Some in society view unmarried men as less mature and hard-driving vs a submissive married men (with children). That is because married men are always submissive to his wife and doing more chores for the children and wife.
The lonely old men (even if widowed, divorced or single) dating young women are often portrayed negatively as pervy old cow eating young grass.
The society insists on covering up mens' testes when nature designed them to stay cool (hence the thin scrotum outside the abdomen). Women generally wear more revealing thighs than men.
Soft men are looked down upon as wimps by both men and women
All violence against men is normalized, they are treated like cannon fodder whereas women, by the virtue of being not forced to be combatants, get to receive the pity of the world if they are injured in war, as victims of war atrocities.
More expectations to carry on the women’s family lineage than men if the woman is dominant. Even some married younger women sleep with mother in laws in the closet than her husband. It is a taboo. Such an immoral thing is never been reported. So married women are lesbian in many ways. Younger men and women prone to love older men or women in Lgbtq or polygamy
FML Relief is given to encourage married women to stay in the workforce. Married women and divorcees/widows with school going children may claim relief for foreign domestic worker levy paid in the previous year. Singles and married men are not eligible for this relief.
Men have to serve ns or get barred from ever entering Singapore if violated
Most research claimed Singapore is the most gender equal nation in Asia, only from a women pov (men pov are ignored/overlooked in such papers published in the media). Most offices, workplaces, men have to give the contact number of his spouse, HR may contact the wife and if husband is not on her good books his job is on jeopardy. Men are not contacted even if her wife is in trouble as it shows women are treated differently than men.
With the repeal of 377A, male victims of rape are not acknowledged in Singapore law. A male rape victim is not considered a rape victim under S375(1) of Penal Code, which defines rape as the act of a man penetrating a woman's vagina with his penis without her consent. Penetration of other body orifices (ass or anal or mouth) is not rape but an unlawful sexual penetration (S376(1), Penal Code). Both are liable to the same penalty i.e. imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years plus fine or caning. (S375(2) and S376(4), Penal Code). But it is not enforced or unreported. Only more girls come forward to report than boys reporting penetration in the anus
Women are still potrayed as being more vulnerable, and men are often left with lesser avenues of support and taught to normalize by sucking it up
Female police officers can technically search a man, but the opposite is not allowed. SPF send women officers to subdue men even if the suspect is a male. If the suspect is not submissive to the female officer and he os prone to get more charges
young men who have older lovers are branded as xiao bai lian (little white face) and "eating soft rice"
And such boys feel great as they are treated well by the older man or woman. Such boys always regarded as the sugar boys. Sugar boys are treated well than their biological children. More and more boys and girls are seeking sugar daddies or sugar mummies than husband or wife in general. It is all due to mobile dating apps. CECA has introduced an error in the dating apps to fix matches. Younger generation regard such matches are spiritual (even though it is an error in the code) but that gives upper hand for sexual predators who makes the youth as their sex-slaves
Some people tend to prefer to socialize with women over men, using stereotypes of men to justify their reasons for doing so. Hen parties or women partying is more welcomed. Women night or Ladies night tend to give women a free entry. Men to pay more in the clubs.
The current educational system gives girls an early advantage over boys; it is also most suitable for the learning style of women. Women are more rebellions because they are not controlled even if they commit crime. Eg. Orchard Towers murder case involving a girl in 20s. A online citizen commenting such a Chio may not be tried for capital punishment but more likely stern warning
Having AWARE wanting to teach adult men not to rape (commit gangrape to be precise- see Corina Lam statement to Straits Times) as if men are preschoolers who cannot understand social norms even at age 18. (borrowing from: "teaching women how not to get rape is offensive" trope)
In dating, most women (and media) prefer taller and older guys, thus shorter and younger men are discriminated against. That us because all dating apps serving ONS or polygamy only. Not for marriage or LTR. LTR is possible only if the guy is handsome with a strong stamina or organ (package) and again such men are giglos only. Such men demand more money from the girls. Girls willing to pay. More the price more the class according to Singapore girls (taboo). Hence, oppression of short and young guys! (borrowing from: shapely lingerie models in ads are degrading to non-hourglass shaped women)
Some women are blind to these issues, claiming that it is not they who contribute to them (the patriarchy did it- to such people, cultural patriarchy is dealt out almost exclusively by men, and so are the institutions that follow) and hence none of their business
Having answers like this from a so called feminist upvoted: "men financially privileged in society hence women issues are more important; men issues are occasional (really? see point 5, 8 and 30)" Men as a group are generalized are more privileged; men issues are dimissed by lots of women-first feminists.
Everyone pandering to the feminist narrative (even when some of them are heavily skewed based on genitalia) while Men's rights advocates would be mocked for existing and wanting to address inequalities not addressed by female-first feminists.
Madam Halimah OR Mdm. Ho Ching are more celebrated by such feminists than their husbands or PM.
Having almost no feminists, who would readily upvote examples sexism against women, upvoting your answer to acknowledge systemic sexism faced by men in Singapore, unless put in a spot by being a Public Relations manager for an institution. Otherwise they simply melt away when sexism against men is shown. Isn't this normalization of sexism against men XD
Having lot's of women claiming that the system oppress women more in Singapore as of 2016; is that necessary (don't want to start weighing who is more oppressed because A) because I believe in equal treatment B) Avoid being branded as a myopic (really?!) person by some women- who claim women are more oppressed)
In public transport, if they see an old woman standing, several folks come forward to give up their seats but if a older uncle travels, no body cares in most of the time. This is a social issue and you cant change the society over the night.
President Biden chose more women and transgenders in the USA high ranking offices including VP, a black Indian. Though majority Society of the do not approve, the loser plans for rigging and the election fraud. In 2020 election frauds were due to African Americans, women, transgenders and Indian minorities and new immigrants who are seeking more liberal attitude.
SG politics employ similar tactics to employ more foreigners. In 2019, 2020, the population together with migrants exceeded the 10M mark but government did not give a chance to answer to an elected MP from another party. Josephine Teo and
Indraniee Rajah exercised more powers even expressed their anger and emotions to turn off the microphone like slamming the door to control the other male opposition.
Women leadership is unnatural. It is shameful for a man to be submissive to their woman counterparts. IF the couple accept being equal is OK. But the women always the leadership over men is unacceptable. That is the error in the spiritual realm. Some men or women given authority over satan and all his agents in the world. Satan has to obey them and honor their authority here on earth. But satan is completely fallen from this moral stand, he had given up his leadership role to his subordinate, the dragon. The dragon took the leadership role in the spiritual realm and changed the natural leaderships given to women to he a boss and gays to be presidents, PMs and CEOs and chief justices, ministers and other leadership riles such as deans, professors. Straight acting men on recent days fired or jobless.
The Dragon who deceived the first man Adam in the garden of Eden used the same tactics to boost the woman leadership over Adam. Eve was first fallen and she gave the fruit to Adam to fall together. If you are a lawyer, God never told Eve any command. God only gave the command to Adam not to eat 2 kind of fruits.
1. Fruit of life
2. Fruit of good and evil
Both the fruits were forbidden to Adam. God expected Adam to take his leadership over Eve to obey God. Eve who was unaware of the law, disobeyed and made her husband to fall with her.
Dragon to keep him the head of all children of disobedience (not satan), he commanded satan who is the usurper of men’s dominion changed the leadership in every families and every nation. That is why the women or LGBTQ + leadership is NORM here. It is a wrong spirituality or evil spirituality .
68. Vagina sex is diminishing. Ass sex is getting popular. That is because under LGBTQ+,every one has an ass to get poked. The one with penis (pre-dominant makes) poking all bottoms in their asses even if they have a funciontal vagina.
Ass sex is against nature. Even dogs may not fcuk his male counterpart. But fallen men prefer ass sex as their asses are more hypersensitive and bring the sensations. The bottoms expresses somewhat momentarily sexual satisfaction which cones from evil powers who controls the minds of gays.
The straight acting predominant males who understands the vagina will not prefer the ass. Vagina gives full satisfaction which are generally longer than gay sex. That is why gays seek more hornier than straight counterparts.
Failed marriages is on the rise
Lust is what matter that devil controls the mind of a man. All men and women those who hate straight sex are called dogs. God calls them dogs and Bible regards such men who sleeps with other men doing 69 as dogs. Evil spirits all working against nature. All giant IT companies employed by CECA are all gays. Though they may be married with kids, they prefer men than women in reality. Such bisexuals are gays. The type “Gay” takes precedence if you are bi or bicurious.
To put it in simpler terms
LHL is gay even though he has got kids and married mdm. Ho.
Similarly LW is gay even though he was divorced and no children. LW prefers to get poked and he failed to satisfy his ex-wife sexually. Their marriage could have been continued if his wife, used the dildo (vibrator) along her waist to fcuk LW on his ass. But she did not like that way as both were bottoms. LW used a dildo (vibrator) along his waist to fcuk her wife on her vagina. But LW is impotent and experiencing a erectile dysfunction. Lw admitted that his married failed due to incompatible. I have briefed why incompatible in the bed.
In such families, women still would take the leadership role. In PMs family, Ho Ching is a leader to LHL. LHL is submissive to her. So LHL asks for a mandate in every election, people generally voted a PAP government because LKY was a strong man even though he was bisexual (top acting) male.
The above list is by no mean exhaustive, but as one can see, the male gender faces prevalent discrimination that is rarely discussed in Singapore. Very often drowned out by women (and even men) claiming women have more oppression, trying to belittle male oppression in doing so
To be continued