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Why this BMW driver driving at 140 km/h did not end up in flames


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lifetime ban from driving. Drove without insurance. Drove at 140 km/h. Drove through a police roadblock. Beat red lights.
Also drove BMW. Would be a better candidate to end up in flames.

Driver of Maserati that dragged cop faces new charges, including driving while banned and speeding at 140kmh
Lee Cheng Yan allegedly drove through a police road block and beat two red lights.

Lee Cheng Yan allegedly drove through a police road block and beat two red lights.PHOTO: ST FILE

Selina Lum
Law Correspondent

MAR 19, 2021

SINGAPORE - The driver of a Maserati, who was handed a lifetime driving ban last year for dragging a police officer for more than 100m, is facing 10 new charges for traffic offences committed this year.

These offences relate to four separate incidents between Feb 13 and March 12.

In the last incident, Lee Cheng Yan allegedly drove through a police road block and drove dangerously by speeding at 140kmh and beating two red lights.

Lee, 37, who was allegedly driving a BMW in these incidents, was charged with the new offences on Tuesday (March 16). He is currently remanded in custody.

Although banned from driving, he allegedly drove on four occasions this year: at about 2.30pm on Feb 13 at the service road of Block 18 Upper Boon Keng Road; at about 5.25pm on March 1 at the service road of Block 2C Upper Boon Keng Road; at about 12.40am on March 4 along Ang Mo Kio Street 32; and at about 4am on March 12 along MacPherson Road towards the direction of Airport Road.

Lee faces one count of driving while under disqualification and one count of driving without insurance for each of the four occasions.

For the March 12 incident, he also faces one charge of failing to comply with a police road block and one charge of dangerous driving.

He was allegedly speeding at 140kmh along MacPherson Road, where the speed limit is 50kmh, and ran a red light at the junction of Aljunied Road and MacPherson Road.

The charge also alleges that he continued speeding at 140kmh along Airport Road towards the direction of Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway, where the speed limit is 60kmh.

He then allegedly beat a second red light at the junction of Paya Lebar Road by MacPherson Road.

Lee appeared in the High Court on Friday for his appeal against his conviction and sentence for offences including causing hurt to a police officer on Nov 17, 2017.

He had received four years and seven months' jail and was disqualified with immediate effect from driving for life on July 28 last year. The appeal hearing was adjourned after he said he wanted to discharge his lawyer.

In the November 2017 incident, Staff Sergeant Khairulanwar Abd Kahar had stopped Lee's white Maserati in Bedok Reservoir Road at about 9.20pm, as he was not using his seat belt.

At the time, Lee was disqualified from driving owing to earlier traffic offences.

While Staff Sgt Khairulanwar was standing next to the driver-side door, Lee drove off, dragging the officer for more than 100m.

Lee had contested the charges, contending during his trial that he was not driving the Maserati when the accident took place.

He said that about two hours before the incident, he had given the car keys to a man known only as "Kelvin", whom he had known for about five months.

Lee is also facing 59 other charges related to matters such as online gambling and illegal moneylending, and a trial has been scheduled to start next week.
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syed putra

Lee is also facing 59 other charges related to matters such as online gambling and illegal moneylending, and a trial has been scheduled to start next week.
chinese businessman doing typical chinese business.only thing missing is a massage joint and peddling methamphetamine.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He was convicted in Jul 2020. Why does his appeal take so long to be heard?
In the meantime he is still on the roads, a potential killer of pedestrians.
The court should add another 55 months jail term to his present conviction.

55 months' jail and lifetime driving ban for driver of Maserati that dragged cop along road for over 100m
Lee Cheng Yan was found guilty of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to the policeman.

Lee Cheng Yan was found guilty of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to the policeman.ST PHOTO: TIMOTHY DAVID

Shaffiq Alkhatib
Court Correspondent

JUL 28, 2020

SINGAPORE - A Maserati driver whose car dragged a police officer for more than 100m along Bedok Reservoir Road in 2017 was sentenced on Tuesday (July 28) to four years and seven months' jail with a lifetime driving ban.

District Judge Ng Peng Hong, who said that Lee Cheng Yan's offences "warranted a retributive and deterrent sentence", also ordered him to pay a fine of $3,700.
In December last year after a five-day trial, the judge found Lee, now 36, guilty of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to the policeman, Staff Sergeant Khairulanwar Abd Kahar, 26.

The policeman had stopped Lee on Nov 17, 2017 for driving without a seat belt. He approached the car to speak to the driver. Lee, who was under a driving ban at the time, instead fled the scene in his white Maserati.

Staff Sgt Khairulanwar was dragged along the road when his uniform got caught in the driver-side door of the car. When he fell onto the road, Lee sped off without rendering help.

Staff Sgt Khairulanwar was treated for pain over his right knee, neck and lower back in hospital. He was later given more than 20 days of medical leave.

Last December, Judge Ng had also found Lee guilty of nine other charges, including failing to stop after the accident and obstruction of justice.

The Singaporean has 59 other pending charges related to matters including unlawful gambling activities. These will be dealt with at a later date.

Before the sentencing, Deputy Public Prosecutor Senthilkumaran Sabapathy had urged Judge Ng to sentence Lee to four years and nine months' jail with a lifetime driving ban.

The DPP added that Staff Sgt Khairulanwar had suffered injuries that had a lasting impact and had lower back pain when carrying heavy items.

DPP Senthilkumaran also said that Lee, who committed a "brazen offence", had dragged the policeman along the road for a "considerable distance."

The prosecutor said: "(It was) fortuitous that the victim did not suffer more serious injuries."

Defence lawyer S. Balamurugan, however, pleaded for a sentence of not more than two years' jail, with a "high fine" and an "appropriate but not excessive" period of driving disqualification.

The lawyer also told Judge Ng that Lee has "adjustment disorder with anxious and depressed mood".

Mr Balamurugan said: "The accused also suffers from insomnia, and as a result, relies heavily on alcohol and sleeping pills to sleep even though (they) may be harmful to his health."

During the trial, the court had earlier heard that Lee, who owned the Maserati, drove the car on Nov 17, 2017, despite being disqualified owing to earlier traffic offences.

He also did not have the mandatory third-party risk insurance for the vehicle at the time of the incident.

Staff Sgt Khairulanwar had stopped Lee's white Maserati in Bedok Reservoir Road at about 9.20pm as Lee was not using his seat belt.

The policeman parked his motorcycle in front of the Maserati before dismounting. He then approached the car to speak to Lee, who wound down his window.

DPP Timotheus Koh had earlier said Lee "fled the scene by suddenly reversing the Maserati, before accelerating quickly forward while the victim was standing next to the driver-seat door".

Lee drove at between 79kmh and 84kmh, dragging Staff Sgt Khairulanwar for more than 100m before he fell onto the road. The Maserati then sped off, the court heard.
DPP Koh had said that after the accident, Lee abandoned the Maserati in Willow Avenue near Aljunied Road.

Lee later phoned a friend, marketing executive Jeff Chan, telling him that he had been involved in an "incident" with the Traffic Police.

Mr Chan testified in court last October that he tried to persuade Lee to surrender to the authorities.

He also said that at around 11pm, Lee asked if he could drive him home to Potong Pasir. But when they arrived there, they spotted patrol cars in the area.
Mr Chan said: "He didn't dare go home and asked to go back to my home again."

At Mr Chan's Kallang Bahru flat, Lee asked to borrow a T-shirt and he threw his own white top down a rubbish chute, the court heard.

Police turned up at Mr Chan's home at around 2am on Nov 18, 2017. Officers arrested Lee, who was charged in court later.

Lee, however, testified during the trial that he was not the driver of the Maserati when the accident took place.

He said that about two hours before the accident, he had given the car keys to a man known only as "Kelvin", whom he had known for about five months.

He added that he had lent the Maserati "reluctantly" to Kelvin, whom he did not know "that well".

The court heard that neither Kelvin's surname nor address was given by Lee to the investigation officer handling the case.

DPP Senthilkumaran then questioned the existence of Kelvin and told Lee: "You are obviously lying."

Lee insisted he was telling the truth.

On Tuesday, Mr Balamurugan told the court that Lee intends to appeal against his conviction and sentence.

For causing grievous hurt to a policeman, an offender be jailed for up to 15 years and fined or caned.

syed putra

He was convicted in Jul 2020. Why does his appeal take so long to be heard?
In the meantime he is still on the roads, a potential killer of pedestrians.
The court should add another 55 months jail term to his present conviction
Easily rectified by denying bail.


why traffic cops never carry gun?
their work may be dangerous with assholes like this,

if they carry guns then won't have so many Yaya drivers around methinks
govt afraid some traffic cop will shoot some Ferrari driver?


There is nothing wrong here. This man is a enthusiast. He assists us in saving children and intent on bringing down the libtards. Q has given him to permission to speed in Singapore and will ask our Messiah Trump to intervene on his behalf. Except a call to the Istana any time now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This fucker with a Sia Lan face is an unrepentant scumbag. If only there's caning for incorrigible scumbags like him. He will not learn his lesson. This fucker will continue to pose danger to other road users once he's out again.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This fucker with a Sia Lan face is an unrepentant scumbag. If only there's caning for incorrigible scumbags like him. He will not learn his lesson. This fucker will continue to pose danger to other road users once he's out again.
Caning is good for such moron. Better still hudud law chop off his hands or dig out his eyeballs.


Super Moderator
Life time ban still drive? Lock up for 50 years without parole. Drastic actions need to be taken to lay precedence, an example must be made.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lee had contested the charges, contending during his trial that he was not driving the Maserati when the accident took place.

He said that about two hours before the incident, he had given the car keys to a man known only as "Kelvin", whom he had known for about five months.

Perhaps add 'Perverting the course of justice (or whatever the Sg equivalent offence is) to his rap sheet.
Did the police ever track down "Kelvin"?
Just for perjury alone, he deserves to have his ass whacked.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If he was riding a PMD instead of driving a car he'd pose far less of a danger to other road users. He wouldn't be able to drag cops around either. A flying kick would be all that was needed to bring him to a grinding halt.
