what happened slanty? had your pig trotter and bat soup? didn't go for your slanty eyes straightening operation?
can't see your whore of a slanty mother or daughter wife or sister aunt or sibling apart?
I don't need to see your mothers' pussy or daughters' vagina or your aunt's tits or your sisters' labia
they show for freee
sluts whores prostitutes that they are
open your eyes wide and see your chink family clearly
those are
your mother
your sisters
your wife
your aunts
your daughters
what now? can't tell your own mother your daughter your slut of a wife apart?
slanty subhuman rat
smellier than a ceca 78 IQ moron
how many times your mom got her pussy licked and cleaned by your tongues must be more than your age in days
subhuman donkey
subhuman slanty idiot
you are a chink
therefore that's
your mother's pussy
incestuous chink
I can keep going on and on and on and on and on until you surrender
there was another slanty who started hurling personal insults first
then got owned
and started pretending to be polite
your mother
your sister
your aunt
your daughter
your wife
all of their pussies tits in all their glory
subhuman slanty dont tell me you can't tell your own kind apart now