I wish PAS can rule malaysia with Hadi Awang as Prime Minister. He will be able to show the world how Islam can bring light, advancement and glory .
Well said! I hope ur wish come true. Subhanallah!

I wish PAS can rule malaysia with Hadi Awang as Prime Minister. He will be able to show the world how Islam can bring light, advancement and glory .
whoami babi claims that Islam is peaceful and compassionate.
Even the Balinese who produced world famous roast pork cuisine are more cultured and peaceful than their fellow islamist countrymen.
Those temples were mostly built ages ago when Muslims were more tolerant or under British rule.
Churches and temples nowadays are forced to use shop houses even if there are land reserve for religious purposes. While Muslim aureus are everywhere.
do not serve religion and their clerics who control it. You can join them of you wish. seek guidance only from God with a clear conscience.You are not a Muslim. Not when you corrupt what the Quran says.
Here is correct 2:221
And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.
They will have a special place for you in hell for lying on God's words.
China was ruled by the Confucian ethos for centuries and they did get anywhere. Only in the last 40 years of communism did the chinese rose to prominence. So the point remains:I wish PAS can rule malaysia with Hadi Awang as Prime Minister. He will be able to show the world how Islam can bring light, advancement and glory .
The act of worship are not defined in The Quran. Nor mentioned.U can serve ur god lying down or sitting and play dumb. But we Muslims, we worship by actions. Physical and spiritually.
You are not a Muslim. Not when you corrupt what the Quran says.
Here is correct 2:221
And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.
They will have a special place for you in hell for lying on God's words.
The act of worship are not defined in The Quran. Nor mentioned.
The act of worship are not defined in The Quran. Nor mentioned.
In theory the quran is suppose to be the onky book.So the quran is an incomplete book. Need the hadith to elaborate on quran. Even the islamists admit that they need to learn about their religion from both books, not one book.
In theory the quran is suppose to be the onky book.
But even then, we must question it's authenticity.
As it was not written by Mohamed.
The hadith divert the people into religion. If you look at Quran alone, it's on the basis of believing in God alone. You .can believe in God without need ing a religion.Only book or not, changed or not, the fact remains that moslems need two books to learn about their religion. So the claim about 'perfected religion' is already debunked by moslems themselves. They need a 2nd book because their 'perfected, unchanged' book isn't good enough.
The quran was not written by mohammad. It's supposedly a compilation of his sayings and deeds. There's mention about a segment of the quran missing because it was eaten by a goat. So, even by moslem accounts, the quran is not complete.
'Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully detailed?'” Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord with truth; so do not be of those who have doubt." (Qur'an 6:114 )
The hadith divert the people into religion. If you look at Quran alone, it's on the basis of believing in God alone. You .can believe in God without need ing a religion.
“'Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully detailed?'” Those to whom We have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord with truth; so do not be of those who have doubt." (Qur'an 6:114 )
Of course,,there are people who are not satisfied and seek religion apart from God alone.
I have conveyed you the message. Tonight, you ask God for guidance. If you do not, then I have nothing more to say.Get your translations right.
[Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters."
explained in detail refers to the Sunnah.
Obviously Syed Putra is not a Muslim. See how he twists the words of the Quran and lie to be one. He is a hypocrite to his own religion.
I have conveyed you the message. Tonight, you ask God for guidance. If you do not, then I have nothing more to say.
Obviously Syed Putra is not a Muslim. See how he twists the words of the Quran and lie to be one. He is a hypocrite to his own religion.
You ritual prayer is wasted. It serves no purpose.Of course hes not a Muslim. U go thru all his post. At times he will "defend" the Malay/Muslims n the Quran by insulting the cheena. So in retaliation the majority cheena will attack the Malay/muslims n Islam tinking tat hes a "Muslim". Then he will join in n attack/insult Muslims altogether. Oh sure....hes having a great fun. See how cunning tis Syed Putra is?
You ritual prayer is wasted. It serves no purpose.