Why lockdown the whole country when only 22 new cases are from the BROADER community? PAP is so stupid.
Already using me taxpayer money to give them free hospital treatment, free food, free hotel stay and free cruise stay, is that not kind enough to these foreign workers? Why still need to make everyone else suffer lockdown?Just lockdown the foreign workers dormitories and other foreign workers will do
The govt is worry the bangla will spread to you
And already sacrificed my free medical treatment and integrated shield plan for coronavirus. What more to sacrifice?Already using me taxpayer money to give them free hospital treatment, free food, free hotel stay and free cruise stay, is that not kind enough to these foreign workers? Why still need to make everyone else suffer lockdown?
Of course not everyone is suffering in lockdown. Idle king Cantonese prostitute descendants @Valium @sweetiepie enjoy taking me taxpayer sponsored 75% salaries to holiday at home pretending to work.Already using me taxpayer money to give them free hospital treatment, free food, free hotel stay and free cruise stay, is that not kind enough to these foreign workers? Why still need to make everyone else suffer lockdown?
Why lockdown the whole country when only 22 new cases are from the BROADER community? PAP is so stupid.
Why Korea Taiwan and Japan no need to lockdown also can improve the situation?
Looks like Korea government another good performer on coronavirus
Looks like Korea government another good performer on coronavirus
he has already aged 6.9 years in 6.9 weeks. if no circuit breaker for another 6.9 weeks, he will age another 69 years. that's the main reason.
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when sex in small spaces spike sixty-nine fold.The circuit breaker only caused idle people to congregate in parks and endanger others. Now end up with wear face mask rule might as well open up. If not wait till when? Zero broader community infection? Or zero foreign worker infection?
Pui your filthy Malaysian whore mother wife daughters phua cb.