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Why Iswaran corruption case so slow like no outcome? I waited until flower died...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Covering up crimes require a much longer period of time than actually investigating them.

Refer to USA's FBI and the Bidens. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
His godmother is Whore Jinx mah. U think can suka suka just whack him like that? u better slow and easy and make sure all the "i"s are dotted and the t is crossed.


This is supposedly a first CPIB-initiated investigation since 1986, hence need to be more thorough mah.

Problem is, what if they trace the involvement up to the upper echelons of the Gov esp. 皇亲国戚 , will they take action? Or selectively choose which case to prosecute?

I know their slogan is 'Swift and Sure'.

Swift I agree, but how sure are they able to prosecute those untouchables with 惊天动地 shocking crimes for fear of PAP losing next GE?
Will the PM even allow them to do so in the first place? I'm sure the PM will do everything which appears legal and follow the law. :wink:



Alfrescian (Inf)
y bother cpib 2 investigate? ...

ah loon shud use his favorite tool ... tried n tested sins lky times ...

juz form a coi n let dem face pariahmen ...

judge n jury all urs ...



Analysts call for more transparency over Iswaran corruption probe in order to maintain trust and confidence​

CPIB's first statement on the case said Mr Iswaran was "assisting" with an investigation. Two days later, it revealed the Transport Minister had in fact been arrested.
Analysts call for more transparency over Iswaran corruption probe in order to maintain trust and confidence
Minister for Transport and Minister-in-charge for Trade Relations S Iswaran pictured on May 17, 2022. (File photo: AFP/Roslan Rahman)
Davina Tham

SINGAPORE: It is important for the government to be as transparent as possible about the corruption probe involving Transport Minister S Iswaran if it wants to maintain public trust and confidence in the investigation, analysts said.
But they also acknowledged difficulties in providing further information while the probe by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) is ongoing.


Questions have been raised about the timing and transparency of government communications on the graft probe since it was revealed that Mr Iswaran was arrested – a fact omitted from CPIB’s first media statement on the case.
“Given the keen public interest, it’s only apt for the government to provide accurate and updated information to the public in a timely manner,” said political analyst Eugene Tan, an associate professor of law at the Singapore Management University.
There is a perception that information is being “selectively released”, he said.

Timeline: Transport Minister S Iswaran, property tycoon Ong Beng Seng arrested as part of CPIB probe

CPIB’s first media statement on the case on Jul 12 said Mr Iswaran was "assisting" with a probe into a case uncovered by the anti-corruption agency. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a separate statement on the same day that he had agreed to CPIB opening a formal investigation.
Two days later on the night of Jul 14, CPIB revealed that Mr Iswaran had in fact been arrested on Jul 11. The bureau was responding to CNA’s queries on the arrest of property tycoon Ong Beng Seng.


Mr Ong’s arrest, which also took place on Jul 11, was made known in a Jul 14 announcement by the billionaire's publicly listed company, Hotel Properties Limited.
The government later said that both Mr Lee and Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who spoke about the issue on Jul 12, did not reveal Mr Iswaran’s arrest because they did not want to deviate from what the CPIB had announced in its initial statement on the investigation as it was "related to operational matters".
This information was made known on Thursday (Jul 20), in a correction direction issued to the Political Sophistry blog on the instruction of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Indranee Rajah.
“It is CPIB’s call to make, on the operational information it was comfortable to provide in the CPIB’s press releases,” the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said.

PM Lee and DPM Wong did not reveal Iswaran arrest as it was related to CPIB's 'operational matters', says PMO


Analysts acknowledged the need to ensure that the information made public does not compromise CPIB’s investigations, but also said more could be done to release information in a timely manner.


There are efforts not to “blow this matter out of proportion” as the investigations are ongoing, said Dr Felix Tan, a political analyst at Nanyang Technological University.
“It would be better if there had been more transparency about the processes early on in order to erase all future suspicions and allegations,” he said.
Dr Tan added: “I would want to believe that there will be an internal debrief over what has happened and discussions about how the party will be moving forward.
“Nevertheless, it is most unfortunate that, once again, Singaporeans will know little of what transpires within the party until a much later date, if at all.”

Commentary: Addressing gaps in representation and expectations of Singapore political leadership

SMU’s Assoc Prof Tan said that “drawing fine distinctions between the CPIB and PMO (does) not help in this matter of public importance”.


While the government must not interfere in CPIB’s operational matters, the disclosure of information on the case to the public can be better coordinated, timely and accurate, he said.
Assoc Prof Tan also pointed to the Deputy Prime Minister’s assurances of transparency, which make it “imperative for the government to put out relevant information promptly”.
But Dr Woo Jun Jie, senior research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, pointed out that it is up to CPIB to provide further updates on its investigations, and the government will not be able to provide further details until that happens.
“As DPM Wong has noted, the CPIB’s operational needs determine the extent to which the agency can provide details on ongoing investigations,” he said.
“Nevertheless, the government has released substantial amounts of information to the public, including the restrictions on minister Iswaran's movements and access to official resources and government buildings.”
In response to CNA’s queries, the Prime Minister’s Office had said Mr Iswaran will remain in Singapore and have no access to official resources nor government buildings during his leave of absence.


Covering up crimes require a much longer period of time than actually investigating them.

Refer to USA's FBI and the Bidens. :cool:
They are just making sure no other dogs were involved. If Harry yamashita was mafia boss, all three black snake already behind bars


Halo,pap style throttle own gang problem they drag others n commers n opposition they whack,u never see indranee n lbh ( fucker that get outcaststill por lan par n bitch like a dogjust to get recognisd) ,tong all kept quiet ,cos many whistle blower will uncovered more if they yaya


When CPIB reports the matter to new President George, he will honor his promise and give the people "chain".


What are u doing? We peasants only want to discuss what a lucky rascal that ex general was and some pictures of the slut lady's ample bosoms. Change back the channel now! :mad:


when you know half of your boss' skeletons in the closet, you have his balls in his hand. better leave a back door open. people seem to have forgotten about peanut dorai


This is supposedly a first CPIB-initiated investigation since 1986, hence need to be more thorough mah.

Problem is, what if they trace the involvement up to the upper echelons of the Gov esp. 皇亲国戚 , will they take action? Or selectively choose which case to prosecute?

I know their slogan is 'Swift and Sure'.

Swift I agree, but how sure are they able to prosecute those untouchables with 惊天动地 shocking crimes for fear of PAP losing next GE?
Will the PM even allow them to do so in the first place? I'm sure the PM will do everything which appears legal and follow the law. :wink:

Loong didn't learn how his father execute a crisis.... Father was always not in Singapore when something miraculously happen at home, only say something when he was there .... come back become hero to the rescue....

Go watch LKY videos and learn from him... he uses 借刀杀人计...